93rd Martyrdom of Haipou Jadonang observed at Delhi
- 29th August, 2024 : Zeliangrong Welfare Association, Delhi (ZWAD) -
The 93rd Martyrdom of Haipou Jadonang was observed jointly by the Zeliangrong Welfare Association, Delhi (ZWAD) and Zeliangrong Students’ Union Delhi (ZSUD) through Zoom. The programme was hosted by Ms. Gaijangsinlu Thaimei, Women Coordinator, ZSUD.
The programme started with a welcome address from Mr. I. Smilingbo Pamai, Vice-President, ZWAD followed by lighting of candles and floral tribute by the organisers, and a minute of silence in honour of Haipou Jadonang.
A short devotional song “Jug Neimei Luh” composed by Haipou Jadonang during his spiritual preaching and works was presented by Mr. Sinchuilung Gangmei, Secretary, ZWAD.
The programme soon followed with the most awaited session, a thought provoking speech from the speaker, Adv. Gainilung Panmei, ALS Additional Legislative Counsel, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India.
He has deliberated on the unconventional history and legal perspectives of Haipou Jadonang related to his arrest and execution, which is very different from the principle of natural justice referring to the British raj during those days.
In his speech, he mentioned the chronology and history of how the title Haipou has been given to him. He strongly urged and vouched for the Zeliangrong unity.
Lastly, he also advocated for filing a petition on posthumous exoneration regarding the unjust execution of Haipou Jadonang. The session was more fruitful with the insightful discussion between the participants
and the resource person.
The session concluded with the words of gratitude from Mr. Liangkiudinbou Marenmai, Ex-President, ZSUD. The executive members of the ZWAD and ZSUD were very delighted and proud to acknowledge the Zeliangrong bodies and respected cognate tribes in North-East India for observing the Martyrdom day at various levels.
We, the ZSUD and ZWAD express our anguish and disagreement for what had happened at Tamenglong HQ and appeal to the concerned authority to take appropriate and necessary action against the culprit as per the law of the country or customary law.
I Smilingbo Pamai
Vice-President, ZWAD
Sinchuilung Gangmei
Secretary, ZWAD
* This info was provided to e-pao.net by Sinchuilung Gangs who can be contacted at chingangs(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted on 30 August 2024 .
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