Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) and social gathering of AMAND, Pune
Pune, October 6, 2014:
Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) and social gathering of AMAND, Pune on 5th Oct 2014 :: Pix - RK Jhaljit
Ref. No.-/AMAND/PR/AGM/2014-16/001/
The Association of Manipuri Diaspora (AMAND), Pune is a non-profit, nongovernment community organization founded by working as well as retired Manipuri
professionals residing in and around Pune. The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) cum social gathering was organized on 5th Oct 2014 at the Community Hall, R&DE (E),
Vishrantwadi, Pune.
During the AGM, the upgraded website ( of AMAND Pune was officially launched at the hands of H/Capt. N K Singh (Retd) and followed by the release of
“Memoir” of AMAND, Pune. This memoir contains the constitution of the association and details of all the existing members of AMAND, Pune. Maj Gen L. N. Singh VSM**,
Commandant, Military Intelligence Training School & Depot, Pune was also conferred the Honorary Life Membership of the association.
nnual General Body Meeting (AGM) and social gathering of AMAND, Pune on 5th Oct 2014 :: Pix - RK Jhaljit
The AGM was followed by a cultural program organized by the Ladies Club. About 30 performances by the kids, ladies and members of AMAND were showcased their talents with an astounding applause from the audience.
In the AGM, the new executive body was formed and assumed the charge for holding the office of AMAND, Pune for the period 2014-2016. The new office bearers were also
undertaken the oath to take the mission of AMAND Pune to a new height in the days to come.
The new office bearers are
President : Maj K Y Singh (Retd)
Vice President : H/Ft Lt W. J. Singh (Retd)
WO T. P. Singh (Retd)
Gen Secretary : Er. Ch. Jayanta Singh
Joint Secretary : Er. N. Giridhar Singh
Dr. M. Niraj Luwang
Treasurer : Mr. S. Sonamani Singh
Info & Welfare Secy : Mr. Ksh. Maniram Singh
Mr. K. Somorjit Mangang
Cultural Secretary : Mr. I. Jiten Singh
Mr. L. Thouba
Mr. K. Pritam Singh
Sports Secretary :Mr. K. Kaminikumar Singh
Dr. A. Bijeshkumar
With best Regards,
(Ch. Jayanta Singh)
Gen. Secy,
Regd. 643/2012/Pune,
Email: [email protected]
See a full photo gallery here
* This PR was sent to by AMAND Pune who can be contacted at amand(dot)pune(at)gmail(dot)com
This Press Release was posted on October 07 2014
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