Manipur's 1950 Revolution Revisited
- Part 1 -
By Professor Naorem Sanajaoba *
In the significant revisit, the author holistically examines the local application in Manipur ,of the Asian communist revolutionary movement
in 1950-1951, the inauguration of post-independence Manipuri armed struggle of the Manipur Communist Party, that transformed qualitatively,
along with the Manipur- specific national question which had been subverted by the communist party of the annexing power and, that had
been taken all the more seriously by the post- MCP Manipur national liberation movements.
In the conventional Manipuri revolutionary historiography, some of the historians are used to marginalise the role of the revolutionary party like
the Manipur Communist Party (MCP hereafter) of which Mr. Hari or Jogeshwar i.e. Mr Hijam Irabot had been the uncontested supremo on the
one hand, and the Red Guard Council (RGC hereafter) that had been the military apparatus with five red guard commanders that struck militarily at
the post- annexation Manipur state and the Indian administrative apparatus from 1950 to 1951.
The 1950 MCP revolution was undoubtedly aborted for many a reason- the inevitable and the erroneous. Communist parties of administering Indian state (which some authors
endorse as colonial power) make festive celebration in the state by projecting the revolutionary party supremo Irabot alias Hari (his clandestine code name)
as the electoral mascot by totally and systematically blacking out his revolutionary militancy and his revolutionary path, with a view to once again aborting the ongoing, deep- rooted political militancy in Manipur and misleading the people by way of the subverting the political objective of the RGC. MCP profiling has been defiled and distorted by the political opportunists.
Once, ex MP of Congress- Laishram Jogeshwar wrote that Irabot remaining the party supremo, N.Binoy, Ng.Mohendra, Th.Boro and M.Ibohal were 'riding on the crest of the revolution.' In Manipur, honesty and truth had been the first casualty at the hands of the incorrigibly crooked politicians. One can fool the people for some time, not for all time.
Many a scholar has disingeniously projected the MCP supremo as a multitudinous or a mulitfaceted person lacking a defined and single- minded
direction of a committed political philosophy. It could have been possible that despite their studying two three books of Mao Tse Tung purchased from
Silchar, the RGC leadership was not ideologically mature barring the supremo's personal interface with Bengali speaking Marxians in Sylhet jail.
The author would not revisit the hackneyed domain, and would love to address to two core issues- firstly, the centrality of the MCP armed struggle and
secondly, the national question that the MCP had not literally addressed to.
Naturally, the MCP with its party supremo and the striking force the RGC deserve the full credit for launching the post- independence armed
struggle- the first ever in post-1947 Manipur in 1950.The front organizations had been outlawed before the revolution had been launched in no time. The
Manipur State Council of sovereign Manipur by its resolution no.3 dated 21.9.1948 made the order: " _, the Manipur State Council declared the above
associations( read Krishak Sabha and Praja Sangha) to be unlawful under
Section16 of the Manipur State Criminal Law Amendment Act,1948."
In order to remove any confusion about the post-accession Manipur in 1947, the official letter of the dominion agent is cited. Dominion agent
Debeswar Sarma replied to dictator E.Tompok Singh on 25 November, 1947 after three months of Manipur's accession to foreign state- India in
August,1947, "Admittedly, Manipur is a Sovereign State."
Notwithstanding baseless and utterly whimsical opinions of diehard, biased individuals about the status of Manipur in 1947, the official position of the dominion agent as
cited above is categorical, and the author had been following the official position of the dominion agent, in total disregard of the private exclamations
of untrustworthy, and, half-baked scholars.
Pro-revolutionaries and radicals show admiration for the methodology, revolutionary tactics he had taken care of, whereas revisionists
and bankrupt opportunists capitalize on his name by undermining, ridiculing and omitting his revolutionism. Worshipping a wrong god or, barking at the
wrong tree? A leader or a revolutionary could be fully assessed, not in parts or piecemeal in order to suit the electoral market. At the same time,
autobiography writers could do complete justice by covering the entire life span, not a chosen piece.
The author would be doing complete injustice to Manipuri revolutionary historiography, if he does not acknowledge the commitment of
Manipur people in 1953 towards undoing the disputed Manipur annexation and the subsequent post- MCP national liberation struggles that address fully
to Manipur national question, which did not happen to be the cup of tea for the MCP in any sense of the term. The two major events are not inextricable,
as we perceive of after considering the shifting political equations and agenda.
Definitely, certain confusions arose among the scholars due possibly to sentimental obsessions and lack of objectivity. The MCP had no business
at all with the post- MCP armed national struggles in Manipur except that it has inaugurated the first primer of armed struggle for the liberation of the
peasants and exploited Manipur people in 1950-1951, in conformity with the international communist movement led by the CPSU (Communist Party of
the Soviet Union) in a half –hearted way in Asia, while it had complete concern for Europe.
The author in his own humble way studied exhaustively strategic materials on CPSU, CPI of that era, published materials nearly all of them
from Manipur, talked in 1992 to Ughor Debabarma (a contemporary of Irabot who led the armed struggle in Tripura ), late leader Soyam Shatradhari who
told me fifteen years back that he would publish all the epistles and communications of late Irabot at his disposal, talked to a Meetei state
committee septuagenarian leader of 1960s at Nongmeibung, RGC commander N. Binoy (alias Sunil in northern Manipur, alias Bipin in Southern Manipur)
who single handedly collected 100 guns out of nearly two hundred guns for the RGC, L. Tiken of the RGC and also late Longjam Manimohon, who along with late Laishram Kanhai happened to be in the ranks of intermediate leadership of the MCP (not within the top decision- making 5 red guard commanders; reportedly the two did not take up arms) and studied strong refutations in 1996-97, made by late MP- Ngangom Muhindra, one of the top five red guard commanders in the millennium CPI souvenir.
The ideological format of the 1950 armed struggles had been based on 1) Defeat of Hitler and Japanese fascism in world war II (hence, Japan
khurai thude-u song of Ms. Chandrakala; no chiding of the British colonialism, mark it please); 2) a new 'constellation of class forces'; 3) post-war colonies
launching "Armed Struggle against imperialists"; 4) Nehru's government denied freedom to Indian people; 4) National government id.est. Delhi
government collaborates with Anglo-American imperialism; and hence, the launching the democratic revolution by the CPI in 1950. The afoji did operate
within these parameters.
Some of the MCP analysts, who along with another couple of scholars, who the late CPI MP had referred to in his refutations, did little source- verifications while jumping to Nongda hypothesis (cited by V.V.Rao and Gangmumei Kabui). Irabot epistles are yet to be published, made public by the custodian concerned, and we have to re-assess the MCP vis-a'-vis the CPI of the India-occupied Manipur after their publication. The author has no opportunity to read the unpublished Irabot documents, so far held up for
unknown reasons for a long time, like many other scholars.
The writer does not think that the CPI leaders of occupied Manipur in the mid 1950s would have been appreciated in the unpublished Irabot
epistles, as many of them surrendered after SP Palit's racist crackdown on PDA detenues (that matriculate coloured barbarian- looking gentleman was
awarded IPS along with a reward -hunting Meetei officer for subjugation of Manipur people and the RGC), and disowned their MCP role and themselves
too, for setting new agenda of political opportunism.
Cloak and dagger policy prevailed in the post- MCP CPI premises even by concealing for seven years, the news about the death on September
26, 1951, of Hari or Jogeshwar, who the BCP called as AFOJI ( elder comrade in Burmese or, comrade Ahal to the armed Manipuri red guards ) .The foreign
comrades called him peoples' hero or , Jana-neta (Meeyam luchingba in Manipuri free translation; the author has to look up a dictionary in order to
decipher what a Jana actually meant).
Comrade Longjam Jyanendro of Kongba (whose elder brother possibly maintains his jottings in a small notebook of about 30 pages approx
, about MCP and Irabot very privately) had to supply medicines and a few Akbar cigarette boxes, but comrade ahal missed in his most difficult times,
the complete attention of the party to his deteriorating health. Afoji wrote to L. Jyanendro- "Eigee chaananaba hidak amatta leitre / Bismark Stomach
powder nattaraga Maclean's Stomach powder Liklee Aneekhakata Leiraga peeraku."
The supremo was in dire need of medicine for his last survival (the author may not be completely wrong to guess so) and the party with a huge network of
activists missed the opportunity to give a chance to him to live a little bit longer, inspite of the inevitable personal differences. A few good men could and might have existed by that time, inspite of capitalizing to-day his name for other purposes that Irabot would have not been comfortable with. Anyway,that was the past that
nobody could alter. The full and comprehensive inside story has no space here and the author may be forgiven for the short shrift.
A would- have-been congressman that afoji was at his first political stint, might not have been the harbinger of Manipur national question as much as the gen-next of post –MCP period, but had definitely been the political supremo of the RGC that inaugurated armed struggle for the liberation of the exploited in Manipur. International politics of the pre-and post-war period witnessed the communist polycentrism in the CPSU monolith to which the CPI belonged on the one hand, and Yugoslav or, Communist China specific
communist configurations, which the CPSU looked with mistrust and communist realities, not necessarily Bernstein or, Rosa Luxemberg or, Trotskyte brands.
The CPI monolith had suspected afoji to have taken recourse to Titoist line in deviation of the CPSU monolythism and hence, the dubious selfcriticism
episode. Khrushev had successfully mended the Soviet-Yugoslav ideological hiatus and in that context, Yugoslav –baiting lost its Stalinist
ideological validity. The CPSU within had been a bundle of competing political theses including Zhadnov thesis that prevailed upon others in CPSU's
expansion of communist ideology towards the east- particularly Asia.
But for M.N. Roy in the 1920s and subsequently thereafter, India and the East might have missed a revolutionary experience; however, his over enthusiasm
had overtaken Leninist objectivity of that age. The CPSU did not recommend its favourite, time-tested Bolshevik methodology, but recommended the then
rising Maoist peasantry-led city encirclement armed struggle for Asia.
Strategically, in the overall cold war situation, the communist targeted the end of what N. Lenin called imperialism and tactically, Mao Tse Tung's tested
peasant rebellion, particularly after its crowning success in 1949, had been more suitable for non-European eastern question.
Zhadnov thesis that had been approved by CPSU leadership for resolving the eastern, Asian question had been clandestinely endorsed by
Asian conference and the second CPI congress in Calcutta, 28 February to March, 1948 which bore an innocent façade exclusively for British
consumption. The Asian revolutionary agenda had been set in Calcutta.(For details of Zhadnov thesis and CPI of 1947-1950, see N.Sanajaoba ed., Manipur
Past & Present volume I, 1988,pp.246-252). The CPI had, therefore, endorsed Calcutta conference resolutions (read CPSU Zhadnov line, or 2nd party
congress) for triggering off armed struggle in India, which included, in CPI perception, India-administered Manipur, Tripura and British-annexed Assam
as well.
The cliché like Indian annexation would supposedly perturb the conscience of pandits and diplomats. The author, therefore, is put to task to
clarify annexation issues. In contemporary world, everyone is in the know of what annexation means to the polity after the world community rejected firmly any justification
whatsoever- might be that of Kuwait in 1991,three Baltic states in 1939, East Timor in 1975, Montenegro, Kosovo, South Ossetia(2008 issues) and, many
more- ad infinitum. Naturally, imperialists and colonizers — might be in capitalist or communist camps whatever – or, puerile local scholarship in
Manipur or the region, ought not relinquish their hard-earned gobbling up mind-set.
Without the pitch- black darkness around, even a candle, let alone the sun, loses it shine and significance; they have to be there to make and
impute a sense to history, although they make no history. The dialectics goes on.
Notwithstanding Manipur annexation issue that is too simplistic, homely and familiar to us all, Sikkim annexation had been denounced by top
echelons of India, who raise the human reason above native, embedded, inextricable prejudices of the broken psyche. What the MCP had not addressed
to has been completely addressed by the new elites of Manipur with proven national and international performances. India has to be proud of them.
Indian annexation of Sikkim in 1975 had been denounced by prime minister Morarji Desai, chief justice of India – M.Hidatullah, Nani Palkhiwala, Nari Rustomji,
A.G. Noorani, Minu Masani so and so forth- all the legendary personalities in the hall of fame, and also in the UN Human Rights Committee.(see
Illustrated Weekly of India, May 13, 1984;April 21,1985;July 1,1984; and July 22, 1984, among others).
Chief Justice M. Hidayatullah's article – 'The Law' demolishes Indian annexation of Sikkim by Hidayatullah's own country India.(The Weekly, 22nd
July, 1984, pp.42-45 and 62).Independent-minded scholars of history, diplomacy and law would appreciate the legal arguments , espoused against
Sikkim annexation by chief justice(retd.) of India. With the setting up of universities in Manipur and the region, we are yet to evolve independentminded,
genuine scholarship, not the damp squip ,and horrible, irrational logicians of the below- the bottom order. Manipur is in search of persons
capable of exercising independent judgement on puzzling issues of the day.
The author is yet to search for mighty scholars in Manipur and the NE region, many of whom would hang on the unjustifiable annexations, for their personal
opportunism and gains.
Note: This article was written as part of a Souvenir released on Irabot Day Observation, Delhi on September 30 2010.
You can read the entire Sourvenir here (PDF - 132 KB).
Source: Sent by the Authour via internet from his e-mail on Saturday, September 20, 2008, at 7:56 AM.
This article was widely published in several online journals and print journals.
To be continued ....
* * The Irabot Day Observation Committee Delhi sent this article/souvenir to . The sender can be contacted at mningthouja(at)yahoo(dot)com
This article was webcasted on December 14, 2010.
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