A brief history of Manipur Police
- Part 4 -
Waikhom Damodar Singh *
And also for conveniently carrying out the "guerilla warfare training" for all the ranks of the Manipur Police Department in addition to the carrying out of the annual field firing practices and battle exercises.
In this respect the Manipur Police Training School, Pangei outclasses all the other training institutions of the country including even those of the age-old Indian Military Academy at Mhow and of the SSF located at Indore and Tekanppore.
In the same campus of the MPTS, a Forensic Laboratory of the Manipur Police Department had also come up in the years 1987/88 under the keen initiatives taken by Shri Ved Prakash Kapur, IPS of UP cadre of 1960 seniority and on deputation and the first Director General of Police of Manipur after its post of Inspector General of Police was up-graded to the level of DGP as have been done in allover the States of the country.
It was also under the keen initiatives and continuous efforts of the officer that a combined Mechanical Transport Workshop for the Manipur Police Department, and a Dog Squad were also raised under the direct charge of the then DIG (Training and CID), W Damodar Singh which were inaugurated by the Honourable Chief Minister of Manipur, late Rajkumar Joychandra Singh.
The working of the office of the Police HQ also got much improved and streamlined under Shri Kapur very ably assisted by Shri Yumnam Joykumar Singh, IPS of the MT cadre of 1976 seniority as the Assistant Inspector General of Police administration at the Police HQ and who is now heading the department as the DGP.
Till then only three DIGs of Police—DIG (Training and CID)—held by Shri W Damodar Singh. DIG (Range) held by Shri L Jugeshwore Singh and DIG (Operation) held by Shri S.Bimolchandra Singh were in the Manipur Police Department as the next senior officers of the DGP Kapur who was succeeded by Shri Nathu Lal. IPS of UP cadre of 1960 seniority on deputation as the DGP and it was during his time in the year 11990 that 2 posts of IGP—one named as IGP (Range) and another as IGP (Intelligence)—were created against which Sarvashri W Damodar Singh and Bbusan Lal Vohra, IPS of MT cadre of 1967 seniority were posted on promotion. Shri BL Vohra later on became the DGP of Tripura whereas Sarvashri DS Grewal, L Jugeshwore Singh.
S Bimolchandra Singh became the DGP of Manipur one after and Shri GS Pandher, the Director General of NEPA (North Eastern Police Academy) at Barapani, Meghalaya on deputation to the Central Government after which all the officers also retired on superannuation of attending the extended 60 years of age.
The working of the other auxiliary units of the Manipur Police Department, namely, the Manipur Police Radio Wing under the charge of Shri Nair and later on the present incumbent, Shri Moirangthem Rachandra Singh as its Director and the Manipur Police City Control Room also got much improved and renovated during the time of the above mentioned dynamic DGP.
Thus it has been really a gigantic leap in the growth of the Manipur Police Department, both the Civil and Armed Wings in all respects from what they were minimally before a century ago in terms of man-power strength, weaponry and other accoutrement and in the number of fleet of both the light and heavy vehicles for movements and wireless communications.
The Manipur Police Wireless unit is regarded as one of the best organisations and well equipped wireless unit in the Northeast region. What the department is still lacking, most unfortunately, to have is having its own "suitably contained" working hand-books, the appropriate Manuals for both the District Police and the Manipur Rifles Bns—perhaps Manipur Police is the only State Police in the country carrying on still without its own very essentially required Police Manual.
Besides, the rich growth has also taken place in all respect, more importantly and most encouragingly improved is in respect of the monthly salaries and other pecuniary entitlements of all the ranks which have been very handsomely enhanced from what they were minimally some years back and which will be enhanced further with the adoption of the recommendations of the sixth Pay Commission.
At present the strength of the Manipur Police Department as a whole has reached more than 20,000 (twenty thousand) headed by a number of top and senior officers: 1 DGP, 1 Additional CGP, several numbers of IGS, DIGs, SSP and Commandants.
It is, therefore, in the context of the great "lift" that had taken place in the Manipur Police Department during the last few years that the people of Manipur do really 'expect' its officers and men to give their "commensurately worth performance" in the discharge of their paramount duties of maintenance of "peace and order" in the State, particularly in safeguarding the properties and most importantly, "the most precious lives of the innocent people".
Otherwise, one cannot but wonder as to the "real justification" of having such a well grown Police set-up in the State with quite rich amenities provided draining so heavily on its very limited and poor exchequer.
* Waikhom Damodar Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Expres . This article was webcasted on January 08th, 2009.
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