Jubraj Surchandra, the eldest son
and successor of maharaja Chandra Kriti Singh was dethroned by his half-brothers on the
night of 21st September in 1890, Surchandra took shelter in the residency of the British
Political Agent and requested the latter for help. Political Agent did not help the
Maharaja. So the Maharaja abdicated the throne in favour of Jubaraj Kullachandra Singh and
left Imphal on 23rd September (7:30 pm) for Brindavan. Kullachandra ascended the throne of
On reaching Calcutta (then known as Kolkotta), Surchandra applied to the British
Government to restore him to the throne of Manipur. Under the order of the Governor
General Lord Landsdown, the chief Commissioner of Assam was sent to Manipur with 400
Gurkha Armies.
The order of the Government of India (letter no.360-E dated 21st February1891) states as
(A) That the Senapati (Tekendrajit) should be removed from Manipur.
(B) That the Jubraj (Kullachandra) should be recognized and that the Ex-raja should not be
To inplement the decision of the Government of India, Mr Quinton arrived at Imphal on 22nd
of March 1891. Mr Quinton told Kullachandra that on that very day (22nd March) at 12 am,
there would be a Darbar at the residency and the regent Kullachandra with all his brothers should attend it .
Chief Commissioner postponed the Darbar as he came to know the absence of Tikendarjit and
sheduled it again for the next day (the 23rd of March) at 9 am.
Next Day no one turned up at the Darbar. A message came from Kullachandra that Tikendarjit
was too ill to leave his house. At about half past four on that very day, Mr Quinton sent
Mr. Grimwood and Lt. Simpson to the palace and to disclose the decision of the Government
of India to the Maharaja but Maharaja declined all demands of the Political Agent.
Mr.Quinton determined to used force where possession had failed. On the 24th of March
1891,the British armies entered the palace, and obtained possession of Tikendrajit's
house, but could not find Tikendrajit .The British armies committed atrocities on men
,women and children. The Regent, also declared war against the British. Several fighting
continued for the whole day. Many British armies were killed. So the British armies raised
the "WHITE FLAG" and the "CEASE FIRE" siren was given.
According to the advice of the Chief Commissioner, the Political Agent sent a letter to
Kullachandra asking on what condition the firing would stop. Kullachandra sent a reply
that he would stop firing if the British surrendered the armes. So the Chief Commissioner along with four officers, Col.Skene, Mr. Cossins,
Lt.Simpton, Mr.Grimwood and a bugler came to the Palace without escort.
A Darbar was held ,Tikendrajit asked the Chief Commissioner to surrender armies but Mr.
Quinton replied that they could not surrendered armies as they belonged to the British
Government. Although there was much discussion, there could not be any settlement.
While the Meeting was held inside the Palace, an enraged mob collected outside the Palace.
When the British Officers got up to return to the Residency, there was a great shouting
from the excited mob .When the five English officers emerged from the Darbar, the crowd
got excited and cried "KILL,KILL". Suddenly Lt.Simpton was struck on his head
with a sword. Mr.Grimwood was speared to death by Kajao. People demanded to execute the
remaining British officers. So Thangal ordered public execution for the remaining British
officers. Thus , at about 2am of the 24th March 1891, the four British officers
(1) Mr.J.W.Quinton.C.S.I I.E. Chief Commissioner of Assam.
(2) Lt.Col.E.Med Skene, D.S.O. 42nd Gurkha Rifles.
(3) W.H.Cossino, I.C.S.Assistant Secretary to the commission.
(4) Lt.W.H.Simpson, 43rd Gurkha Rifles and
(5) A Gurkha Bugler
Were Executed.