Patriots' Day, 13 August
Md Ali Hassan *
Floral tribute at Thangmeiband on Patriots' Day , 13th August 2013 :: Pix - Ratan Saikhom
Patriots' Day, 13 August is an important day for all the Manipuris living in and outside the state of Manipur. Because the three prominent figures who played dominant role in the political history of the kingdom of Manipur among other many unknown soldiers laid down their lives gracefully during Anglo-Manipuri war of 1891 in order to save the nation from perpetual colonisation by the mighty British imperial forces were hanged to death on this day i.e. August 13.
It was on this day in1891 i.e. 121 years ago at Pheidabung, some brave soldiers of Manipur were hanged before general public. So every people of Manipur observe Patriots' Day to remember those heroes of Manipur who fought bravely with the British soldiers and also to trace how the Anglo-Manipuri War originated and what are its root causes and consequences. Therefore, the state of Manipur observed this day August, 13 as Patriots' Day every year since then.
This observation is an opportunity for the present generation of Manipur to remember the sacrifice made a number of both known and unknown soldiers in the battle field. The valiant acts of our forefathers indeed have been inherited by Manipuris of current generation. It also reminds us about Manipur people's desire to live independently.
It makes the current generation to remember the heroic action and patriotic fight of Manipur leaders against the British. So the observation of Patriots' Day would be meaningful only when the present generation work, labour and made sacrifice as a part of remembering them.
The five brave Manipuris were hanged to death by the British on the alleged charge of waging war against the British grown. On August 13, 1891, at Phaidabung (the present Sahid Minar), Jubaraj Tikendrajit and Thangal General were hanged before the very eyes of general public. And the remaining others were hanged on subsequent days. Pukhrambam Phingang (Kajao) was hanged to death on May 25, 1891, Niranjan Subedar on June 8, 1891 and Chirai Thangal on October 13, 1891.
The role of Manipuri women was very significant in the Anglo-Manipuri war of 1891 and afterward. They launched various struggles for the well being of the state since the war. The women took part in fighting against injustice in the society in an exemplary manner. The Manipuris including women killed five British officers when they come to the Durbar for meeting.
When the British soldiers threw two girls into the fire and burnt them, womenfolk from the enclosure of the Jubaraj ran into the citadel of the Maharaj and severe fighting continued the whole day. The Manipuri women fought bravely with the British soldiers.
Therefore, people of Manipur must salute all martyrs who fought valiantly to safeguard Manipur's independent status and sacrificed their lives for the cause of the people.
We must work, labour and make sacrifice for our motherland. This will be the most befitting homage that we could pay to our forefathers when we join the observance of Patriots' Day, 13 August.
* Md Ali Hassan wrote this article for Hueiyen Lanpao (English Edition)
The writer is a Class: XI (Science) at Brilliance School, Imphal from Lilong Sangomsang Karong
This article was posted on August 18, 2013.
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