The Puya – Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon Pukok And Modern Science
- Discovery of Kangleipak :: Part 37 -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
Ancient writings (puyas) found in Kangleipak (Manipur)
In order to appreciate the early civilization of Kangleipak, we, in the 21st century, may compare the modern scientific findings of the western world with those written in the puya in the matters in consideration.
The Big Bang Theory of the Origin of the Universe.
Regarding this theory, the Britonnica Ready Reference Encyclopedia says: "Model of the origin of the Universe, which holds that it emerged from a state of extremely high
temperature and density in an explosive expansion 10 billions – 15 billions years ago". In the background of this Big Bang theory of the very late AD, now we discover what is
written in the Kanglei Puya as
"Eepungloi Apakpana Mathannata Leipa Yatatuna Haina Hummakpaki Hung |
Hung |
Ki Eewai Eeninna Niksillaktuna Famchillakpata |
Thengnalupa Atupu Laiki Masani Haituna Laisa (Leisa) Haina Koukhipa Atupu
Eenungpungtaki Eepungloinapa Apakpana Fukkhat Chingkhat Thangkhatlakpata
Loinalakpa | Amati Laisapu Thengnapataki Thoklakpa Kampi |
Laicha |
Malangpa Haina Koukhipa |
Laipungthou Taletki Laiming Thontuna Eemai Faokhipa |
Eemai Atupu Laiki Khuttamni – Lai Malle Haituna Malem Haina Koukhipa |"
What has been written in the Puya is the beginning of the creation of the Universe by the Universal God Father what the Ancient Kangleichas called Eepungloi Apakpa or Eepung
Loinapa Apakpa, who is indeterminate whole Entity composed of all bloods of all living beings.
The Universal Lord created the universe in stages:
1. The Eepungloi Apakpa could not remain alone.
2. the Eepungloi Apakpa made sudden commotion and vibration with Hung Hung sound.
3. The commotion and vibration with the Hung Hung sound condensed into the Laisa(Leisa), the Malem, the Earth.
4. The condensed Laisa(Leisa), that is, Malem, the Earth was Raised by the Eepungloi Apakpa from His own Eenungpung(His own self Indeterminate Blood Whole Entity) along with Fire, Water, and Air.
5. The Laisa(Leisa), Malem becomes created thus for the habitation of His created Living beings including the human beings, the last created living beings in his own image.
These things are the substance of the quoted portion of the Puya.
The writer translates the quoted portion of the Puya roughly into English as
"As a result of the sudden commotion and vibration (with) Hung Hung sound of the
Eepungloi Apakpa (Universal Lord) as he cannot remain alone, producing motion and
condensation, the Eepung Loi Apakpa(Universal Lord) raised the Malem(Leisa), the
Earth resulted from the motion and condensation (from Hung Hung sound) from
inside of His Eenungpung (from His own Blood Whole Entity) along with Fire, Water
and Air."
This is what the quoted portion of the Puya says in Rough English. What the writer assert is that the sudden commotion and vibration of the Universal Lord Eepungloi
Apakpa with Hung Hung sound(Indeterminate Entity) condensed into the Malem(The Earth, a determinate material object as we see today) and it is a definite statement of the Puya as the Beginning of Creation of the Universe according to peculiar ancient Kanglei genius.
The writer further asserts that the "Hung Hung ki Eewai Eenin" in the Puya is the "Big Bang" as the beginning of the creation of the Universe according to present
modern science of the west. The "Hung Hung ki Eewai Eenin" theory of the beginning of the creation of the Universe is several centuries older than the "Big Bang" theory of Modern Science of the west.
The humble writer invites comments from the scientific community.
Kanglei Ancient Astronomy and Modern Science of the West.
Extraterrestrial origin of life:
The above is the xerox copy of an article published in the Hindu Daily News paper dated 11/8/11.
The sum and substance of the reported facts is that origin of life on the earth is extraterrestrial. The finding, we can say, is very recent, in the 21st century.
As against this scientific finding of the western world, the ancient Kanglei Puya has these in Black and White on the pages of the Scripture:
1. " (Ama) Hailipa Eepung Loinapa Apakpana Thouwaimichak Cheiyom Taletpu
Eenunglon Khunnunglonna Chei-on Talet Haikhale."
Rough english transalation: The Eepung Loinapa Apakpa (The Universal Lord, The
Universal Father Creator) called the
(One) has named seven cheiyom stars as chei-on
talet in Eenunglon Khununglon.
In the above quotation "Cheiyom" means a bundle of lives. Cheiyom = Cha + i + yom = cha means Progeny, i = Ee = blood, yom = Mayom = bundle. Therefore "Thouwaimichak cheiyom talet " means a constellation of seven stars containing life-building meterials. In the above quotation "Chei-on Talet" means Seven Days of the week from Langmaiching to Thangcha in which the God Father Creator created Human Beings taking seven days beginning on Langmaiching, completing on Thangcha. This is on the earth when the Earth has been inhabited by the living beings as we belief today. 'Cheion' means Cha + i + on further means 'becomes a child' or Human Being.
2. "Namu Taipangmiki Thouwaiki Machakne Haituna Eepungloinapa Apakpana Thouwai Michak Apakpa Oikhiye."
Rough english translation: The Eepung Loinapa Apakpa (The Universal Lord, Universal Father Creator) became Thouwai Michak Apakpa as (It) is the materials of (building)
Thouwai(Soul) of the Namu Taipangmi(Human Beings, Homo Sapiens).
In the above quotation from the Puya Scripture "Thouwai Michak Apakpa" means a galaxy (a group of stars). According to the written Evidence of the scripture(Puya), it is a group of stars numbering one with 13 zeroes(10,00,00,00,00,00,00).
In sum and substance, what is written in the Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon, is that, a group of stars numbering 10,00,00,00,00,00,00 (one with 13 zeroes) called
Thouwaimichak Apakpa(stars containing soul building materials) which is an Incarnation of the Eepung Loinapa Apakpa ( The Universal Lord, God Father Creator).
The above Extraterrestrial origin of life, we find today from the Puya, as written evidences, is at least about 4000(four thousands) years BP., several centuries older than
the present scientific findings of the west. In this matter also, the humble writer invites comments from the scientific world.
Kangleichas Traditional Belief.
In Kangleipak since time immemorial, the Kangleichas believe and think that whenever a Meteorite falls inside the compound of a family, a woman in the family compound is
pregnanted, bigger the size of the mateorite, the child to be born will be higher in status in life.
The Kangleichas called a meteorite a 'Thouwaimichak Mathi' literal meaning 'Dung of the star'. This traditional belief simply means life is Extraterrestrial or Origin of Life is Space. The Kangleichas called the space 'Ipa Sorarel(Ipa Salailel Sitapa)' literal meaning 'Father Space' upto this day.
All what the humble writer writes in this short article about the Ancient Civilization of Kangleipak, with written Documentary Evidences, are simply claims that Kangleichas
knew present scientific discoveries of west in these matters many many centuries BP.
Comments are invited from the scientific world. Please comment without fail.
See also:
To be continued.....
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The sender of this article is "Kangleipak Historical & Cultural Research Centre Imphal" and can be contacted at khr(Dot)centre(Dot)kangleipak(at)gmail(Dot)com (OR) chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on May 09 2012.
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