Questions and Answers on Kanglei Meetei Puya
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The readers ask and the author answers:
In the Kanglei Meetei Puya : The Meetei Race had the knowledge of semen and sperm with the knowledge of sperm's live-span of maximum 3 days after the sexual encounter.
In this short discourse, the author has the chance to clarify the positions of the Kanglei Puya, the scripture of the Meetei Race in relation to the most important two points in the thinking process of the ancient peoples of Kangleipak, that is, the Kanglei Wang-u-lon of the Meetei Race, with two of the author's learned readers.
Prema Rani Thingom, a science student, wants to confirm or deny that a 'Sanamahi' in the human Male Body, and 'Numit Humni Supaki Angangki Matam Kumna Sanaki Masak Malpa
Nouwa (Ama)' are respectively 'semen' and 'sperm'. This is the thrust of the query of the science student.
The query of the science student helps the discovery of the ancient forefathers' Kangleipak and the advance thinking of the ancient Meetei Race.
Abung Ngathem wants to know from the author whether the ancient Meetei Race worshipped Idol (Saktam).
This query again is very important to know the religious thinking and the concept of the Ultimate God Father of the Universe, and further helps the Discovery of Kangleipak and to know the advancement of the Wang-u-lon of the ancient Meetei Race.
The 'Sanamahi' and 'Numit Humni Supaki Angangki Matam Kumna Sanaki Masak Malpa Nouwa (Ama)' in the Kanglei Puya are definitely 'semen' and the human 'sperm' having upto three days' life span after the sexual encounter. The science student helps the author to give this answer boldly.
The ancient Kangleicha Meetei Race has no tradition of worshipping Idol (Saktam) and the present Idol worshipping system is after the advent of Hinduism since 18th century C.E. The author will try to convey to the learned readers the status of the ancient Kanglei Puya of the Meetei Race in relation to the above mentioned two facts - 'semen' and 'sperm', and also the fact of 'Non-idolatry' system of worshipping, in this short discourse.
The Present scientific discovery of 'semen' and 'sperm' in the ancient Meetei Puya, the scripture of Kangleipak. Please see what is actually written in the Puya, Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon Pukok for your appreciation of the facts, mentioned above :
"Asum oipa laipaoki matung-inna sitapaki isaiphu ilonnungta Numit Humni Supaki
Nouwaki Ma-ong oina Sanaki Machu Manpa Nouwa Ama Leilamle||
Nouwa Atupu Yenglaka Sanaki Masak Manpa Angangpa Machuna Leitengpa Mahi Atupu Upata Sanamahi Haipa
Mingthonpu Pituna Machaki Matamkumna Loukhatle||
Asum Touna Loukhatlapaka Lailelpi Sitapi Lailel Mata Pisille ||o||
Lailel Mana Yenglaka Ngangleimapa Nouwa Atupu Upata Angang Mingthon Phangtuna Chetna Channa Konsille||
Talukni Supa Numitta Ikhou Ipal Langhalle| Im-kei Sengthokle||
Ipali Alipa| Paki Lilapa|Pali Ahanpa | Konsen Tulei Sengpa Mingthonpu Phangcheiye ||o||"
Please analyse the above quotation critically for your complete appreciation of the Meetei
scripture. And then you may get the answer from the Puya to your satisfaction. The author feels very safely that the Puya is very clear for the facts, for which we are
In the Puya 'Sitapaki Isaiphu ilonnungta' means the male human body, 'Numit Humni Supaki Nouwaki Ma-ong Oina Sanaki Machu Manpa Nouwa Ama Lailamle' and giving
'Sanamahi Haipa Mingthonpu', then it has been given to 'Lailelpi Sitapi Lailelmata' meaning female human body, then it becomes 'Angang', the first 'Angang' by Lailelpi Sitapi Lailelma or Ima Leimalel Sitapi, becomes 'Ipali Alipa | Paki Lilapa | Pali Ahanpa|'
Here in the 'Ipali Alipa | Paki Lilapa | Pali Ahanpa|', Ipali = I + Pa + Li, I means blood, Pa means Father, Universal Father who gave the Talang Laipao (space message), li means preserved, kept for future, then it become 'Pali Ahanpa', the first Male Person on the Earth called Konsen Tulei Sengpa, according to the Puya.
The Kanglei Meetei Race called a son 'Pali'. The Kanglei Wang-u-lon thinks the first 'Life-Seed', 'Semen' and 'Sperm' is preserve in the Male Person, the son 'Pali' at present 'Pari'. Therefore, it is clear in our thinking process:
The Ultimate God Father of the Universe proclaimed by Talang Laipao that He will come down on the Earth to create living beings
-> sent Sanamahi (semen + sperm)
-> found Sanamahi in the body of Salailel Sitapa (Male Principle)
-> Sanamahi given to Leimalel Sitapi (Female Principle)
-> It becomes 'Angang'
-> that Angang becomes 'Pali Ahanpa', the first male person on the Earth.
'Pali Ahanpa' means the first son in whom the Live-Seed (Sperm) is preserved for further Endless Creation.
This is the Kanglei Wang-u-lon in relation to universal creation. According to the Puya, the Ultimate Universal God Father Creator is called Ipung Loinapa Apakpa, His abode is called Wakonpung. Wakonpung = Wa + Kon + Pung, wa means concept, kon means Leipham, further means abode, Pung means complete, whole. Therefore Wakonpung means the universal whole of all concepts.
In the Puya, it is also written 'Sitapaki Masakti Mine', here 'Mi' means mami (Wakhalgi mami etc.), Image and it also means concept. So, when the universal Father God in the stage of Ipung Loinapa Apakpa, it is 'Talang Malang' having no fixed shape and body. It is only in the form of spirit.
Creation is the materialization of the idea, concept, spirit form of the universal God Father to living beings, material live forms. So, the creation process is the materialization process of the spiritual form of the Universal God Father. So, the Kanglei Meetei Race's Ultimate God, the Universal God Father has no shape and
form. Sanamahi Lainingthou as the universal god is not worshipped as Idol. Everything offered to Him must be raw, not cooked.
In order to start creation, the scheme of the God Creator Father is to send the 'Sanamahi', it is definitely 'the semen'. The 'semen' consists of liquid+sperm. The 'Sanamahi' consists of Liquid + Numit Humni Supaki Nouwaki Ma-ong Oina Sanaki Machu Manpa Nouwa (Ama) (Sperm having maximum life-span of three days). So, the 'Sanamahi' of the puya is the semen with sperm. But what is more in the Puya is that the Puya mentioned the live-span of the liveseed.
Now, therefore, the author has vindicated the conclusion of Miss Prema Rani on the authority of the Meetei Puya.
The Meetei Race of Kangleipak before the Advent of Hinduism had not worshipped Idols. The above mentioned Kanglei Puya, Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon Pukok says " (Ama) Hailipa Mapuna Talang Malang Oina Haina Humna Leilingeita mapu Sitapaki Nungpung
Wakhanna Inung Pungta Lupkhituna Malem Leisapu Phuk-khat Chingkhat Thangkhat Lakpa Matamta Inungpungki Sai-on na Kampi | Laicha | Malangpa Chongthokle||"
This is the beginning of creation.
"In some instances the god is represented by an Image, but often there is no such representations, and a place is merely prepared in which he is supposed to be during the worship"- Page 104 of THE MEITHEIS by T.C. Hodson.
This is during the Hindu period when Idol worship has been imposed by the Hindu Kings. The Meetei did not worship Idols in the worship of God, is clear from the written Evidences of 'Talang Malang' in the Puya, and also the statement of Mr. T.C. Hodson in his book, THE MEITHEIS quoted above about the religious practice of the Meetei Race.
The author has answered the query of Abung Ngathem, this also on the authority of Kanglei Puya and other.
In some cases the Meetei Race may worship Idol. We, the Meetei Race may worship the Idol of Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa. He was born and gave birth to the Seven Salais (seven sons) - The seven salai Patriarchs - Mangang, Luwang, Khuman, Angom, Moilang, Khapa-Nganpa and Salai Leishangthem from whose names we have our Salai names. Even we may offer cooked food to him and in his memory.
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The sender of this article can be contacted at gcomcc(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on September 11 2011 .
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