Discovery of Kangleipak
- Part 9 -
- Your HISTORY and your IDENTITY -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
This article is written in response to an email message from Mr. Topendra Yumnam
Racial history, or Puwari as we call it in Kangleipak, draws you and other men and women of your race in a particular form/way distinguishing you and other people, men and women from other race of the world communities. It may show you and your people in almost identical Physical features, dresses, language, easily perceptible characters, natural aptitudes etc.
This is your identity.
Your history forms/draws your identity, a particular identity as a man or a woman of a particular race.
From this perception of Racial history and identity, the Meetei Race is first a Race of the Asiatic continent excluding Indian sub-continent's, having similar physical features etc. with other Asian peoples, like the peoples of Myanmar, Mizoram, Thailand, Malayasia, Philippine, China, Tibet etc. etc. the peoples so called Mangoloid peoples of Asia. So, your name should be written as Yumnam Chaoba, not Chaoba Yumnam, as in vogue among the Asian peoples.
Secondly, you are a Meetei Kangleicha, particularly a fine Ancient race of the Earth. You should not accept a name of other races of the earth. You have to show your self as a real Meetei of Kangleipak.
The Meetei race in Kangleipak before 18th century A.D. had a particular Excellent identity among the human communities of the world. But since the 18th century A.D. large scale insinuations, fabrications of legends, traditions etc. books specially history books etc. make the identity of the Meetei Race disturbed, destabilized, fractured, unbelievable etc to the point of identity madness.
One particular insinuation, fabrication to destroy the excellent identity of the Meetei race of Kangleipak is the snake Pakhangba tradition believed upto this day by many uncritical Kangleichas (please refer to DISCOVERY OF KANGLEIPAK (5) AND (6) in the Frankly speaking, you will understand the problem after reading these two articles.
From the discoveries of the insinuations, fabrications etc. in the Ancient history of Kangleipak, we know now that 'tili koktok' (tangja leela pakhangba), some times 'tilli kokton', 'tilli koktom ahanba', 'tangja leelha pakhangba', Meitingu nongda Lairel Pakhangba', Ibudhou Pakgangba Linjao' etc. are all fabrications after the 18th century A.D. 'Kangba is a name found in the Kanglei Puya (scripture), 'Maliyapham Palcha' is found in the scripture, not as 'Maliya Phambalcha' (please see the difference of spelling of the two words), Nongpok Ningthou is not a historical personality found in the Puya, what is found in the Puya is 'Nongpok Chingkhei Apanpa'; 'Shang dynasty', hou-lai', 'Sibi leima', are not found in the Puya (scripture). The Kanglei legendary Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa, generally written and spoken as 'Pakhangba' married Lailup Talet (in the scripture) or Lai Nura Taret (seven Lai ladies). These seven Lai ladies names are recorded in the scripture clearly. These things are designed to destroy the clear identity of the Meetei Race since the 18th century A.D.
Now, a brief history of the Meetei Race.
The Meetei Race of Kangleipak is one of the most ancient races of the earth. The present Meetei race is a part of the Lai peoples who were created, nurtured and inhabited after first the whole of Koubru mountain ranges of Kangleipak and dispersed and spread through out the Asiatic continent. The Lai peoples came down for the first time to the present Imphal Kangla in about 20,000 years B.P. or 180 centuries B.C., when the present Imphal valley began to be dry, as a civilized people who knew using weapons etc. Probably, the Lai peoples spread and dispersed through out the vast land mass of the Asiatic continent before their coming to present Imphal Kangla and also before the Indian sub-continent converged and conjoined the Eurasian land mass because of the continental drift. The Lai peoples became the present Meetei race of Kangleipak later in history. The present Meetei race is a part of the Lai peoples from the Koubru mountain tops.
When a part of the Lai People from the tops of the Koubru mountain ranges of Kangleipak came down to the present Imphal Valley, some times in 20,000 year B.P. or 180 centuries B.C. the only area dried and suitable for human habitation was present Imphal Kangla. After some times the whole Imphal valley became dried and suitable for human habitations. Then the whole Imphal valley was occupied by the Lai peoples. Then a superman, our legendary historical personality, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa was born among the Lai peoples. He became the first political Monarch of Kangleipak. He married Lailup Talet (scripture), Lai nura taret (seven Lai ladies). The names of the 7 Lai ladies (queens of the Monarch) :
1. Laikok Huimulei Puksi Khompi
2. Huimu Leima
3. Loikhompi Mawai Thongngai Lelpi
4. Laiyek Pithet Leima
5. Leima Ulum Khotchao Tonpi
6. Leitham Tali Leima
7. Nonghainu Lilee Leima
These 7 queens gave birth to 7 sons what we call to day as seven Salais, namely, Mangang, Luwang , Khuman, Angom, Moilang, Khapa-nganpa and Salai Leisangthem, the present seven Salais of the Meetei race as we find to day. Our salai names or the seven clans names are after the names of the 7 sons of the first Legendary Monarch of Kangleipak. The part of the Lai peoples who came down to the Imphal valley first treading the present Imphal Kangla became the Meetei Race since the time of our legendary Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa (Ibudhou Pakhangpa at present). These are all recorded history of the Meetei race of Kangleipak upto now.The development of writing scripts (Aphabets) was during the time of our first Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa. Since then we had two kinds of histories namely history of Kangleipak (history of the kingdom) and Yumtapa Puya (Genealogy of the different seven Salais or seven clans.)
We thought, on the literary basis, that the time of establishment of our first Monarchy and development of the Kanglei writing alphabets were some times in 4000 years B.P. or 2000 B.C. Most probably it is not true now in the light of the scientific finding that the first human habitation on present Imphal Kangla was in 20,000 years B.P. or 180 centuries B.C. The establishment of the first Monarchy in Kangleipak, or reigning time of the first Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa might be many many centuries B.C. earlier than the present estamation of 2000 years B.C.
One of the worst unlucky historical events happened in the 18th century A.D. when Pamheiba Garivaniwaz, the first Hindu king became king of Kangleipak was 'Puya Meithaba' (burning of the scriptures). Renown Bengoli intellectual and writer Suniti Kumar Chaterji in his book, KIRATA-JANA-KRTI at page 160 says, 'The older literary tradition suffered from a setback, owing to the ill-conceived and mischievous action of the Ramandi Missionary Santadas Babaji, whose Vandalism in getting together and burning a number of old Manipuri MSS. appears to have received the support of Gharib-nawaz himself and this continued during the 18th century."
In a parallel event in the Asian history, during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Shih-Wang-Ti (249-210 B.C.), "The Tai who had been a cultured people being of the princely rank in early times, were in possession of rich heritage of art and literature at the time of Shih-Wang-Ti, but the men of letters among the Tai and their literary works were so completely destroyed in the wild act of persecution that from that time the Tai in the Empire became almost an illiterate race through lack of books and teachers" page 37 of the THE TAI AND THE TAI KINGDOMS by Padmeswar Gogoi.
The Emperor killed 460 Tai intellectuals also by burying alive for their objections to this Vandalism.
For Kangleipak after the Vandalism of king Pamheiba Garivaniwaz and his dharma guru Santadas Babaji, whom we in Kangleipak know by the name Shanti Das Gossai, of burning of all written records of the kingdom including centuries old Puyas (Scriptures) of the Meetei Race, the burning not only made the Meetei Race a bundle of stupid peoples without any background of intellectual developments, insinuations and fabrications etc. of legends, traditions, history etc. etc. made the Meetei Race almost a half insane people without knowing what they are, and the present identity madness is the product of the Hindu Rule of about 250 years since the 18th century A.D.
Now you note for your identity
Lai peoples created and nurtured, after inhabited the whole of Koubru Mountain ranges.
A group of Lai peoples coming down to the present Imphal valley from the Koubru mountain range, treading first their feet on the present Imphal Kangla at 20,000 years BP or 180 centuries BC. They became the Meetei Race in the later history of Kangleipak separating from the Lai peoples since the time of our legendary Morarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa.
The first legendary Monarch married seven Lai ladies giving birth to 7 sons or seven salais composing the seven groups of salai peoples of the Meetei race.
So, the identity of the men and women kangleichas are so clear that your identity as man or woman of the Meetei Race is a salai man or woman under different surnames descended from the Lai peoples of the Koubru mountain ranges in the deep pre-history period and directly descended from Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa, the legendary Monarch in the history times of Kangleipak.
So, you are first a man or a woman descended in the deep pre-history times of Kangleipak from the Lai peoples of the Koubru mountain ranges who may be the first Homo Sapiens of the Earth. Then you are a man or a woman directly descended from the legendary Monarch of Kangleipak, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa who was the starting point of Genealogy of the Meetei Race. You are a proud man or woman of the world born in the one of the most ancient races of the world.
Present research in the history of the Meetei Race and Kangleipak have led to the Fantastic Discoveries. The Lai peoples of the Koubru mountain ranges may be the first Homo Sapiens of the Earth.
To clear your identity, you have to read a lot of books discarding tainted and fabricated books. Recommended reading: All articles of the writer under the title 'DISCOVERY OF KANGLEIPAK' numbering 8 upto present one, A SHORT HISTORY OF KANGLEIPAK (Manipur) Part I, II, III, KANGLA WAREP released on 31-12-2009. KANGLEIPAK : THE CRADLE OF MAN by the writer in the press now, will come out very soon for your happy reading.
to be continued...
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes regularly to . The writer is President, Kangleipak Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak, Imphal, Kangleipak (Manipur). The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on February 22nd, 2010.
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