Discovery of Kangleipak
- Part 8
- Geographical areas of ancient Kangleipak
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The contents and extents of the Geographical areas of ancient Kangleipak.
(An anti-thesis against the Misinformation and Disinformation of the fact)
Now-a-days there is a systematic campaign against certain Historical and cultural facts of ancient Kangleipak from some small fraction of the Manipur population. On single fact, to mention only one, misinformed and disinformed the Kanglei people is the contents and extents of the geographical areas of ancient Kangleipak against clear historical records of the land.
The humble writer offers the following historical facts in this regard to the global audience as an item of thought provocation.
Because of the availability of some Puyas (scriptures) –
Wakoklon Heelen Thilel Sali Ama-Ilon Pukok,
Wakoklon Thilel Salai Amailon,
Kham-oi Yang-oi Sekning,
Wachetlon Pathup
to the patriotic Kangleichas as gifts from the graves of the enlightened buried ancestors, we know now in the 21st century very well that there were 7 (seven) Kanglas as administrative centers of the seven sons of the Kanglei Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa spread over through out the length and breath of Kangleipak.
We have the Mangang Kangla at Imphal Kangla for the 1st son; present Langkol Ningthou Laipham was the Luwang Kangla for the 2nd son; the Khuman Salai people inhabited Yailipok (Yairipok), then Umukhong, then Laikoipung and lastly and permanently at present Pumlel area, Pumlel was Khuman Kangla; Angom Kangla was at the area of Kongba river; Moirang Kangla is even new located at Moirang to the west of Loktak Lake; Kha-nganba Kangla was at Taknakha area; and lastly the Salai Leisangthem Kangla was in the present Imphal Kangla area, later Leisang Hithen area for the seventh son.
These areas of Kangleipak covered by 7 Kanglas, administrative centers of the seven sons of Kochin Tukthapa are naturally and effectively the geographical areas, and geographical contents and extents of ancient Kangleipak.
We have 7 (seven) Laipungthous as physical parts of the Ipung Loinapa Apakpa, the ultimate Universal Lord, the God Father Creator and places of worship of these seven Laipungthous.
We have the place of worship of Nongpok Chingkhei Apanpa at Langmaiching (Nongmaiching) in the East of Imphal valley;
we have the Awangpa Koupalu on the top of the Koubru mountain;
we have the place of worship of the Thangching Koilel Lai Sitapa on the top of the Thangching mountain in the south west of Kangleipak;
we have the place of worship of Wangpulel Khana Chaopa Lai Sitapa (at present Wangbrel) in Chandel district in the south east mountain area of Kangleipak;
we have the place of worship of the Eelai Pulel Puling Lai Sitapa at Loktak area;
we have the Lainingthou Pangkalpa ( the writer cannot pinpoint the place of worship);
we have the Salailel Sitapa (Space) covering these areas of the Laipungthous.
These are seven Laipungthous and 7 places of worship for these Laipungthous. We, the Kangleicha Meetei Race worship Kangleipak as Ipung Loinapa Apakpa , Universal God Father Creator composed of these 7 Laipungthous. We worship Kangleipak as Father Land.
The names of 7 Laipungthous are pure and pure Kanglei Meetei words/concepts. This means the Kanglei Meetei Race effectively possessed the hills and plain areas of Kangleipak before the advent of Hinduism since time immemorial. Please remember before Hinduism, the Hills and plain people are of the same Race. All places of worship except Eelai Pulel Puling Lai Sitapa are in the mountains and hills of Kangleipak indicating areas coverage of Kangleipak.
These are the geographical areas content and extents of Kangleipak as known in the Puwari (History) of Kangleipak.
Let us see another historical record of Kangleipak embedded in an age long tradition in respect of the geographical extent of Kangleipak.
"Then the incoming Chahitaba thus addresses the Raja 'O son of heaven, ruler of the kings, great and ancient Lord, Incarnation of God, the great Lord Pakhangba, Master of the bright sun, Lord of the plain and despot of the hills whose kingdom is from the hills on the east to the mountains on the west...".
The above quotation is from page 105 of the THE MEITHEIS by T.C. Hodson. Mr. Hodson not only shows the tradition of Cheithaba of the Meetei Race (Hodson writes as Chahitaba) in which Divine origin of state of the Meetei Race is clearly seen, shows the geographical extent of the hilly country Kangleipak embedded in the traditional annual ceremony Cheithaba performed in the Royal Palace since times immemorial.
The traditional hymn of the Cheithaba Ceremony included the geographical extents of the country because all men and women in the whole country had unconditional Loyalty to the country and to the King in the times of yore of Kangleipak. Please see the underlined sentence "Lord of the plain and despot of the hills whose kingdom is from the hills on the east to the mountains of the west' as part of the ceremonial tradition of Cheithaba.
All these things shown above, tell very loudly and unambiguously to all men and women concerned the contents and extents of the geographical areas of the ancient country Kangleipak since times immemorial. No body can entertain any doubt in this matter.
There is another point to be remembered very well and to be counted without any dissent.
When the Lai people came down first to the Imphal valley from the Koubru mountain ranges touching first the present Imphal Kangla some times 20,000 years B.P., the whole land of the hills and plain of Kangleipak were inhabited by the Lai People.
The indigenous peoples of the whole Kanglei Lands from the hills in the east to the mountains of the west were homogenous peoples, only the Lai People. When a man like Konchin Tukthapa became Monarch of Kangleipak, acceptedly a brave soldier and undisputedly an accepted leader of the people, and also by disposition a God fearing leader, there is no point to argue disloyalty among the Homogenous countrymen of Kangleipak to the king.
From to day, because of the facts and reasons stated above, all unnecessarily suggested ideas that Kangleipak covers only the present Imphal Kangla areas may be kept to rest for all times to come.
to be continued...
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes regularly to . The writer is President, Kangleipak Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak, Imphal, Kangleipak (Manipur). The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on September 27th, 2009.
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