Discovery of Kangleipak
- Part 11 -
- Creation of Man from ancient Kanglei Philosophy -
- When and How -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
The universal Lord, The God Father Creator, when He was in an Indeterminate Primordial State, began to think to create The Universe. Simultenously the space, the stars, the sun. The Earth, Fire, Water. Air etc came into existence.
At the same time, the Langmaiching (the present word, Nongmaijing-Sunday), the head of the Seven days week, stood fixed as Singthalon Cheising mayek ama (ONE).
Langmaiching, the first day of the week what the English people call Sunday is the beginning day of the creation of Man in the meitei Wang-u-lon (Philosophy)
Langmaiching = Lang + mai + ching = Lang means Lang-on-ba or Sai-on-ba, Lang-on-ba or Sai-on-ba further means to became a human material body from the immaterial spirit of the God Father + mai means human face or Laipak + ching means Chingsinba or Chingkhatpa, further means attracting or attraction towords a centre. On Langmaiching day the God Father Creator incarnating as .
Kanglei numerical number ONE attracting Fire, water, air, earth material and space around I lira begins to create Man. It is the head, particularly. The Laipak. which is created first of All. He sits at the Laipak (Forehead) Permanently as long as the man is alive.
The Loi peoples of Kangleipak still use the word and concept Langmaiching, not the present word Nongmaijing. The present Loi peoples like Khurukhul, Sekmai, Chakpa Fayeng etc are original peoples of Kangleipak, are Lai peoples originated from the Koubru mountain tops. There are many groups of peoples known as Thi-loi, simply Loi, Lai in different parts of the Asiatic continent. Tai-loi, Loi and Lai arc local appellations of the great Tai peoples of Asia. Tai peoples are original Lai peoples of Kangleipak.
The change of the word and concept Langmaiching to the word Nongmaijing is apparently during the Hindu Rules since the 1 8th century to Seal the original Philosophic Concept of Langmaiching.
The second day of the week Ningthoukapa (Monday) gives to the Existence of the first three writing alphabets of the anceint Meetei Race. The three alphabets are given the names of (Pronounced as ) Kok. Sam. Lai. The last of the three alphabets
(lai) means Laipak (Forehead).
In the second day Ningthoukapa, the creation of the Head is completed. From this second day of the week Ningthoukapa (Monday), the presence of the God Father Creator in the head at Laipak (Forehead) is permanent (upto the death of the man).
On Langmaiching (Sunday) the Creator God Father works to create the Head, as the spider works to make the cobweb of the spider, attracting materials like fire, water etc around Him, Laipak as the centre. When the Creation of the Head is complete, the God Father Creator takes His permanent Seat at the Laipak on Ningthoukapa (Maonday).
The second day Ningthoukapa (Monday) means Ningthoukapa Ning + thou + kapa = Ning means Ningba, futher means Mind. Thinking of a human being + Thou means Thouba further means driving, directing of the Mind, thinking of the human beings +kapa means kaba further means to come up, to come up to the Seat.
Therefore Ningthoukapa means the God Creator who is the Driver. Director of the human mind, thinking process takes His Seat (what we Meeties call Phampan) at the Laipak. Laipak = Lai + Pak Lai means God. the God Father Creator + Pak means Pakpa further means sticking, fixing. At Laipak the God Creator sticks, stays always without any leaving.
The 3rd day of the week Leipakpokpa gives the Existence of the the second three writing alphabets of the Meetei Race.
The creation of the Head. though complete, the God Father Creator cannot perform the further creation of the whole body. In order to enable the God Father Creator His work of further Creation of the whole body, the three alphabets came into Existence by His wish.
At this stage of the Creation of the Universal Father, readers have to remember a Kanglei Meetei legend. When Sanamahi Lainingthou began His duty of Creation of Man, he created first a fish, Namu Mitam Nga. Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa, the God Creator Himself, did not agree it was Man.
Lainingthou Sanamahi created many living beings like fish, snake, bird, many animals in succession in the Aim of Creating a Man. He could not create a Man. Lastly Salailel Sitapa advised Sanamahi Lainingthou to see at the Pupils of His two eyes to see His Own (Salailel Sitapa's) Image in the two Pupils and advised to create man in the likeness of the Image.
Further readers might remember Kanglei Meetei legend that Man is the Image of God Father, it is the end of the Creation (Evolutionary) Process.
Thus the first writing alphabet of the 3rd alphabet group (Mit = Eye) came into existence by the wish of the God Father to show His Own Images in the two Eyes. The next alphebet of the group
(Pronounced as Pa) does not mean and relate to
(eye hairs) but mean and related to
The alphabet indicates the Universal Father Creator coming down from the Laipak to the Eyes (Pupils) ofthe human body to show His Own Image to Sanamahi Lainingthou for Creation of Man.
are created ,
is created. After Creation of
, the trunk ofthe human body began to be Created. The Puya, the Kanglei scripture calls the human body as Leipak Ahingpi (The Living Earth).
The concept of Leipakpokpa (Tuesday) = Leipakpokpa - Leipak I Pokpa Leipak means the Earth, giving more importance to the compositions of the Earth I Pokpa means giving to birth. Therefore. Leipakpokpa means the human trunk has begun to be Created.
The 4th day of the week, Imsakeisa (Wednesday) gives to the existence ofthe three Kanglei alphabets ,
named as Cheel, Teel, Khou. The two alphabets Cheel (Mouth) and Khou (Chin) are human organs for eating. The human body is made up of elements (substance) received from the mouth and its related organs and is also maintained.
The Second alphabet Teel (Tillang) actually means the spramatozoon and its concomitant liquid. The existence of these alphabets indicates the Creation and Existence of the full human body trunk.
The readers might have heard that the human body is a temple in which the God Father Creator stays up to the death of the human body. The God Father stays at three parts of the human being at Laipak (Forehead). Thamoi (Heart) and khoidou (Naval).
My dear readers! Please know that the Puya, Scripture Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-IIon Pukok says:
"Khunung Eeyekki Khonthok
Asipusu khunthoklon
Haikatane Lepna
A rough English translation of the above Puya statment::
"Please know it for certain
that the social sound of the writing alphabets
is also to be known as Procreation (of mankind).""
You can broswe this article in PDF file here
to be continued...
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes regularly to . The writer is President, Kangleipak Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak, Imphal, Kangleipak (Manipur). The writer can be contacted at chingtamlen(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on May 23rd, 2010.
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