Discovery of Kangleipak
- Part 1 -
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
An Introduction to the History of Kangleipak (Manipur):
The present Manipur, an Eastern most tiny constituent State of the Indian union to the western boarder of the Myanmar, was an Independent Sovereign Country upto the advent of Hinduism in the beginning of the 18th century A.D., in all probable meanings of the concept of 'Sovereignty'.
The tiny country became a Hindu State after Pamheiba (Name by the Indigenous People) Garivaniwaz (by the Hindu Immigrants) became king of Kangleipak in 1709 A.D. (1714 A.D. by the English writers). He changed the Country's name of Kangleipak to Manipur, though it was not effective.
But by the time of king Jai Singh Bhagyachandra about in 1760 A.D., Manipur became almost effective name of the country. One of the ugliest forms of Vandalisms during the reign of Pamheiba Garivaniwaz was
Puya Meithaba in which all written documents of the country including scriptures called Puya were burnt down on the Advice of the king's Dharma Guru, Santi Das Gossai.
The burning Down of all the written documents and Puyas turned the country Kangleipak from an Ancient Centre of civilization on the Earth to a Knowledge pauper Country on the Earth.
The People :
A race of People called the Meetei inhabited the tiny country mainly in the valley of Kangleipak since a little more than 2000 B.C. (always probable +) according to present available written evidences of the scriptures, though the present hill communities were the kinsfolk of the same family tree, in Pre-history and Proto-history period living together, a section of them came down to the valley leaving them on the Koubru Mountain ranges to became the Meetei Race.
By the time when these valley dwellers came down from the Koubru Mountain ranges, they were called the Lai People. These Lai People inhabited the valley of Kangleipak for several thousand years before they became the Meetei Race. The Lai People became the Meetei Race in Historic times. Historic times here mean written History of the Country Kangleipak.
When a settled Polity started in Kangleipak :
A clear Political system had been established around 2000 B.C. (+) in Kangleipak. In this regard, it seems that the History of Kangleipak is clearer than those of the surrounding countries including those of the Indian Sub-continent.
The first Monarch of Kangleipak, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa ascended the throne of Kangleipak in 1737 B.C. The Meetei Race is composed of 7 (Seven) clans called Salais occupying different parts of Kangleipak. Each Salai had a Maichou in charge of Religion, Foreign relations etc. so to say all important Social activities to advice the Salai Head called Salai king.
The 7 Salai Maichous of the seven Salais were the consultants and advisors of the king of Kangleipak. The Central Monarch, the king of Kangleipak was binding by the advice given by the Seven Maichous.
So, the country Kangleipak was practically ruled by the Seven Maichous though it was in the name of the Supreme Monarch of Kangleipak. This system of administration by the seven Maichous of the seven Salais is given the name of Unitary Federalism by the writer.
The Genealogy of the Meetei Race started only since the first Monarch of Kangleipak, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa who reigned about 2000 B.C.(+) according to available written Evidences upto this day.
He had Seven sons called Salais by the name of
- Mangang,
- Luwang,
- Khuman,
- Angom,
- Moilang,
- Khapa-nganpa and
- Salai Leisangthem
The Salai king Maliyapham Palcha in the line of Seventh Salai, Salai Leishangthem invented the Meetei Era called Maliyakum in 1400 B.C.
The Meetie Race knew the Seven primary colours in the time of Kanglei first Monarch, Konchin Tukthapa and knew a Mathematical digits of 14 (fourteen) one with thirteen zeros (1,00,00,00,00,00,000) reading in this way
- Ama
- Tala
- Cha
- Leesing
- Leesing Tala
- Leecha
- Leecha Tala
- Leepun
- Leepun Tala
- Leepot
- Leepot Tala
- Lee Kei
- Leekei Tala
- Pu Ama
The Meetei Race invented writing symbols (Alphabets) numbering only 18 that can write all languages of the Earth to day around 2000 B.C. (+). These writing symbols of the Meetei Race were ones amongst the best writing symbols invented upto this day by different races on the earth.
Every body on the Earth agrees that the original home of Polo (Kanglei indigenous people called Sakol Kangchei) was Kangleipak, now Manipur since 2nd half of the 18th Century A.D.
to be continued...
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen contributes to for the first time . The writer is President, Kangleipak Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak, Imphal, Kangleipak (Manipur). This article was webcasted on February 10th, 2009.
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