Chang Thokpa Tradition
Discovery Of Kangleipak - 26
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen *
Pot Lanba from the Local (leikai) folks at KhunthokHanbi Lai haraoba, Thangmeiband
If you are a Kangleicha Meetei, you hear very frequently 'Laphoi Laphang Chang Thokpa', 'Heiram Taret, Leiram Taret', 'Ngaram Taret, Sharam Taret' and you have seen also very frequently 'Luhongbada Nupina Nupada Taretlak Koiba', etc. These things are inseparable traditions of the Meetei Race of Kangleipak in every religious functions from times immemorial.
You understand them or not, you are to follow this tradition. This tradition is called the 'Chang Thokpa' tradition of the Meetei Race of Kangleipak indicating a high Wang-u-lon of the Meetei Race in relation to the Ultimate God Father of the Universe.
Then what is a 'CHANG THOKPA'?
The ancient Kangleicha Meetei Race called the Ultimate God Father (The Deathless Master) of the Universe as (Ama), ONE since time immemorial. The Puya, the scripture of the Meetei Race, Wakoklon Heelel Thilel Salai Ama-ilon writes in some pages as under :
" (Ama) Hailipa Mapuna Talang Malang Oina Haina Humna Leilingeita"
English "While the Master (of the Universe) called (Ama), ONE was in a formless,
shapeless primordial state(Primordial state of the universe)"
" (Ama) Leipa Malamna Inunglonna Kampi Heina Koukhale".
English "As there is (Ama), ONE, it is called Kampi (Fire, Light and Heat) by Inunglon"
When we use a word/concept, it is called Khunnunglon.
Khunnunglon = Khun +Nung+Lon, that is, a language, word, concept used in the Khun = Village = Habitation. Before Khunnunglon, all words/concepts are all Inunglon. Inunglon = I+Nung+Lon, that is, a word/concept in the process of creation. Inunglon is said to be God's language in the Puya.
One corollary of Meetei's Puya, scripture's statement that the only One Ultimate God Father Creator is the Fire, Light and Heat, the first conditions of life and living, we, the Kangleicha Meetei Race never perform a worship of God without a fire, light upto this day since time immemorial.
From these two short quotations from the Puya of the Meetei Race, we, in the 21st century CE, do agree (accept) that there is 'ONE' before everything, there is ONE REALITY
beyond the limitations of Life and Death. The Ultimate Reality, the ancient Meetei Race called Ipung Loinapa Apakpa, is the Ever Living, Ever Creating Reality beyond the touch of everything.
The Kangleicha Meetei Race never start to think from voidness, emptiness and the Meetei Race begins from the Reality Sourcing everything. This Ultimate Reality from which
everything comes out is the 'CHANG THOKPA', the Ultimate Source of everything.
CHANG THOKPA : The 'CHANG' here in the concept of 'CHANG THOKPA', in the Kanglei Wang-u-lon means Everything, without any Death-Content concept and the 'THOKPA' here means always being source of life, creation, never ending production, procreation etc. The content of 'CHANG THOKPA' is always living, always ever-living, always procreating. The concept of 'CHANG THOKPA' means the Ultimate Reality, called (Ama), ONE by the ancient Meetei Race of Kangleipak in the days of Yore.
From all these things and concepts and Ideas of the Ancient Meetei Race of Kangleipak, we are led irresistibly to 'CHANG THOKPA' is the (Ama) ONE, the symbol of the ultimate Reality called Ipung Loinapa Apakpa by the ancient Meetei Race. As the "CHANG THOKPA' concept is the concept of the ONE Reality beyond the life and death, a perpetual concept of creation and procreation etc. the ancient Kanglei Meetei Race expressed the 'CHANG THOKPA' concept in numbers.
Therefore, the first and foremost best 'CHANG THOKPA' number is the (Ama), ONE. ONE is the best number of the Meetei Race of Kangleipak. The
is the symbol of the God Father Creator, the Ultimate Reality, called Singthalon Cheising Iyek (Ama) ONE by the Meetei Race of Kangleipak. The
(Ama) incarnated as the Ating-aa Sitapa (Salailel Sitapa-Ipa Sorarel) later, says the Meetei Scripture.
The ancient Puya of the Meetei Race, above mentioned, clearly writes that there are seven layers of the space (Nonglon Talet). These Nonglon Talet, are the seven colours of the Seven Salais (Seven Salais dresses, Seven Salais Kokyet colours) of the Meetei Race. The Meetei Race is composed of Seven Salais (Seven Clans). The number is 7 (seven).
The Ating-aa (Nongthou, Salailel Sitapa, Ipa Sorarel in English Sky, Space) is the Incarnation (Saion) of the Ultimate Reality, (Ama), and also the Ating-aa is composed of 7 (seven colours – Nonglon Talet), the ancient Meetei Race thought the Ultimate Reality is composed of seven parts. This time the seven components of the One Ultimate Reality are called Laipungthous. There are Seven Laipungthous of the Meetei Race representing the Ultimate Reality. This is 7 (seven).
Because of these 7s in the concept of the Ultimate Reality, 7 Salais system, 7 colours concept (knowledge) etc. of the ancient Meetei Race, the best number after ONE is the number 7 (seven). In the Meetei Society follows the best 7 number system. This number 7 is known to the Meetei People as 'CHANG THOKPA' number since times immemorial.
So in every worship of the God Father, the Meetei People offer to the God Father everything in 7s for example, Heiram Taret (seven kinds of fruits), Leiram Taret (seven kinds of flowers), Ngaram Taret (seven kinds of fish), Saram Taret (seven kinds of animals) etc. In the Marriage ceremony, the bride will go round the groom seven times and put the garland on the Neck of the Groom.
In the ancient time, when the Meetei People make a sword (Khutlai Thangsang) – Khutlai = Khut + Lai = God of the Hand), they used seven components of seven Thangchas (Seven Saturdays).
As a corollary, if in any situation, if 1 or 7 (ONE or SEVEN) are not available or impractical, the Meetei Race used any ODD NUMBERS as 'CHANG THOKPA'.
So, any Laphoi Laphang composed of 9 or 11 or 13 pieces etc. is 'CHANG THOKPA' number.
A Laphoi Laphang composed of 14 laphoi pieces is a 'CHANG THOKPA' number at present, is a CHEATING PLOY to deceive the Kangleicha Meeteis to divert from the superior Wang-u-lon (Philosophy) of 'CHANG THOKPA), is invented during the Hindu Rule of Kangleipak since 18th century CE.
We, today in the 21st Century CE, see many examples of practices of 'CHANG THOKPA' tradition in building Meetei Yumchao, Sangkoi, Mompaktuba etc. in every sphere of life. Not to talk of our neighbours, the western world may be surprised to know the the USIN, CHANG THOKPA traditions of the Kanglei Meetei Race.
In the times of yore before 18th century CE, the Kangleicha Meetei Race shone as a group of mankind of a superior intellect.
* Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen is a frequent contributor to . The sender of this article can be contacted at gcomcc(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on July 20 2011 .
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