Okram Jayenta : High Jump First Position Holder in 1951 State Games
Seram Neken *
Sporting spirit never dies in vain. Being a known player of the 1950s and 60s, he re-entered sports in the later part of his life as a veteran player of Manipur.
'ON THE GOLDEN FOOTPRINTS' reproduces here the sports profile of veteran player Okram Jayenta from Ratneshwori Goswami's Akao Parei Chankhrabasing published in the Huieyen Lanpao (Manipuri).
Veteran player Okram Jayenta was born to Okram Biramani and Yumnam Ningol Thambal of Singjamei Kshetri Leikai, Imphal on 3rd March (Thursday) 1942. Being an inhabitant of a sports loving locality, Jayenta began to learn various games from the local elders.
Okram Jayenta was attracted to High Jump and Pole Vault when he saw the late NK Sanajaoba (former editor of Lamyanba) playing the events in his locality. According to Jayenta, NK Sanajaoba was a good player and also an inspiration to many players. By that time, Jayenta began to take part in High Jump and Pole Vault with bamboo, which he collected from the bamboo groves.
Okram Jayenta alias Naba started schooling at the School situated at Moirangkhom Pung. After completion of M.E, he shifted school to Ramani School at Chingamakha, where he companied with Nongthonbam Maipak and Moirangthem Tondomba who were known sports persons. Being an all rounder player, Jayenta embraced Pole Vault, Javelin and High Jump. His interests in sports came up while he was studying class IX at Chingamakha school which he represented in inter-school games.
In 1958, for the first time he participated in the National School Games in Delhi along with Nimai from Heirangoithong in the Pole Vault event. He could finish in fourth position in the event, while N. Maipak got first position in Shot Put. Ojah Modhu who had the unique skills of encouraging players led the team.
In the Manipur State Games held in 1959, Shri Jayenta won first position in High Jump. It was a memorable moment to him that five players together stood on victory stand during the Games. He recollected that Krishnakumar and Kesho got second position, and L. Ajit and Juge in third position. They all stood on the victory stand.
In 1962, he went to Gujarat to take part in the National School Games and earned Gold medals in Pole Vault and Javelin events. Punjab team was the strong contender of Manipur in the Game. There were twenty players in the state team. 1962 was a turning point in the history of Manipur sports, as sprinter Charlie Jekins from USA provided a brief training to Manipur athletes in a coaching camp.
In 1964 again, Jayenta got first positions in Pole Vault and Javelin in National School Games held in Madhya Pradesh. He was also a recipient of sports scholarship, along with Ch. Sorojini (Apeicha). Veteran Jayenta remembered the names of Oja Iboton, Ojah Chandrakala and Ojah Bilashini who frequently led them to other states for sporting events.
Eikhoigi Club (EC) of Oinam Thingel which was later transformed into SSU was his first sporting club. South East Youth Organisation (SEYO) of Singjamei Kshetri Leikai also had a number of enthusiastic players like Yumnam Chaoba, Yumnam Kunjo and others.
As a sports person, Jayenta got job in Manipur Police department in 1965 and was posted at various places including Mao, Saikul and Karong. By 1965-66, he began to play Basketball in Manipur Police team along with Kunjakishore from Heirangoithong, Ibotombi from Chingamakha etc. On an occasion, the Manipur Police team with him got runners up position in Basketball in the All India Police Meet. In an unfortunate incident happened after ten years of his service in Police department, he happened to catch an unknown ailment. He even lost consciousness for a long time and he had to leave service. He had to lead a miserable life with eight children (four sons and three daughters).
In 1986, he turned in to sports as a veteran player and took part in the championship organized by Manipur Veteran Sporting Club at Khuman Lampak. He got first in Long Jump and second in Javelin. In 1987 at the National Physical Fitness Festival organized by YAS department, he again got second position in 100 meter free style swimming race, third positions in 100 meter Breast Stroke and 100 meter Back Stroke. Jayenta also went to Madurai to take part in the Veteran Championship in 1986.
By 1988, Jayenta took part in the 10th National Veteran Athletics Championships at Shrinagar and brought back second prizes in Javelin and Pole Vault events. In the 11th National Veteran Athletics Championships held in Haryana in 1989, he could get first positions in Pole vault and Triple Jump, and third in Javelin. In the 13th edition of the Championship at Calcutta, Jayenta secured second positions in Triple Jump and High Jump.
Again in the 14th Championship held at Kurukshetra in 1992, he got first, second and third positions in Triple Jump, Pole Vault and Javelin events respectively. Later in 1996, he stood third positions in Triple Jump and High Jump. The same year, Jayenta earned first in Triple Jump and second in Javelin at the Asian Veteran Tract and Field Meet at Salt Lake Calcutta.
Again in the 1998 Championships held in Jabalpur, he secured first positions in Triple Jump and Long Jump. As a veteran player, Okram Jayenta has become a successful sportsperson of this state.
for feedbacks email to: nekenseram(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in
* Seram Neken wrote this article for Hueiyen Lanpao
This is a translation from Ratneshwori Goswami's Akao Parei Chankhrabasing published in the Huieyen Lanpao (Manipuri)
This article was posted on May 08, 2014.
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