Sport and veteran athletes
B. Angousana Sharma *
Old and Young - participating at the Mega Marathon Manipur 2013 on February 17 2013 :: Pix - Bullu Raj
Sport is a word, as acronym if it opened the alphabets of five symbolic letters, there will find the concealed rhythm of an athlete or a sportsperson in the world. Sport is non-separable activity of the living, movable beings on the earth planet. Every activity of a living being is sport, if a person pholosophised and handled the mode of senses. Without sport the life is incomplete. Therefore, every living being impart sport everywhere. So, take part in sport as a sportsperson and enjoy life.
In context of sport, I am not an authority to educate about. But, a little thought on sport will share the importance of the sports to the sports persons. Therefore, I will let sports lovers inform the sweetness of SPORT as:
S = Spirit and Sound
P = Physical fitness or Physical Soundness
O = Obedient or discipline
R = Resoluteness or Strong determination
T = Task oriented.
1. Spirit and Sound: A sportsperson has the spirit to play an event of the particulars choice. Unless spirit no person can participate a play. Therefore, the spirit of the person while playing and participating an event of play would be wakening dose to play and waking element of sport.
2 Physical fitness or physical soundness: A sports person demands physical readiness to perform any kind of movement or play. Physique play major role in a person who intend
to participate a play in the field of sports.
3. Obedient or discipline: Sports has own bindings in a discipline, to be followed by the particular sportsperson while enter into the institution of sports. Unless a sportsperson been tied into the discipline of events there will no question of success in sports. So, Sports call upon discipline in the field.
4. Resoluteness: Resoluteness is strong and full determination to play or win the race of the discipline or event for which a sportsperson lend on the field of sports institution. Strong determination is very very important part of the body of sport. If a sportsperson is lethargic and having not intend to the event, he or she should not land on the ground. Otherwise, other sportspersons also will spoil by the act of the unintending person. Therefore, Resoluteness is spinal column of the sport. This is the spirit of inert.
5. Task oriented: Task orientation is the responsibility of sportsperson. If the sports person is aware of responsibility in the field of sporting institution, the destination is not away from the sportsperson for success.
This is all about orientation of sports according to my thought. But, I am not challenging any kind of thought upon sport, if so find any term other than my thought. If so, having found better thought on sport, I shall be happy on the path of learning.
Furtherance, Sport can see according to the stage of ages, from being seeded a child in the field of a mother's womb to the funeral pyre of a person in this world.
Why so away from myself. Come and think deep into the heart and find as:
a) A child in the womb imparts divine sports like a flower seed into the soil of Earth. The gene of the Child is live element, the body element is growth of the force of the mother's soil.
When the child in full grown, the child co-ordinates the sense of the mother. When the child becomes human shape the will and nature pushed through the child out of the womb of a mother, would remain in the celestial sports of a child. When a child is separated from the mother's body, child cries out due to the breakage of the celestial relationship through mother. This is purely celestial sport of a child in the womb.
When the child in the world, out of the mother's womb, he or she becomes worldly till the child is able to walk by its own. Even then the child remains in the Divine sport partially. Thereafter, involvement of the mother, father, brother, sister, grandeurs and family members, sounded the child into the sport of childhood, under care of the guardian till the age of 5 years.
When the child is exposed to schools and institutions, teachers of the institution become responsible to look after him/her till 12 years of age. That is the stage of the child to play sports in the institution. When the child attains 18 years or above, he/she plays outdoor with the thought of challenge to win the race for the sake of his/her community and institution. That is purely institutional sport.
But, after the institutional sport is over, he/she starts playing of their own either in the field of physical sport or in the field of business sport, or in the field of political sport, or in the field of Cultural sport. This period of sport from 18 to 40 years of age would be the real sport, where every person involved in either of these sports in any shape and form. Therefore, this is a natural sport, hence, the term of sport fulfill at this stage.
At this stage, the person earns name, fame, property, society, personality without hesitation of fear of any pain and injury in the life. Therefore, this is the real time of sports to take part by every human being. Otherwise, the person may not be living being.
Thereafter, a stage enters into the age of 45 and above till a person is capable of taking part in the physical sport that is VETERAN sport, now MASTER sport.
This type of sport is partially fun sport to the spectators, but it is a sport of last stage for the physical sport before entering into the Divine sport. Therefore, Veteran sport or Master sport would be very practical physical sport today and the World Masters Athlete (WMA) has impressed and influenced the Master Athletes in all over the world. As such, Masters Athletic Federation of India is also sharing the idea of sports.
What is the philosophy in physiology behind Master sport must be tried to be known by the present society, and this is very important:
1. An aged-person who is physically sound but retired from the Government, or Non-Government services; or the personal responsibilities have shouldered down to the young people felt as jobless. For that, World Masters Athlete has opened the door for to do something without delay for the generations. Because old persons presumed that, they have no job after retirement; and this thought weaken the physique as well as mental status of that person. But, Masters sports welcomes the old persons to boost the spirit of a person hiding inside the physical body, in a discipline but Resolute manner.
Master sports gives the meaning of life which derived from society. As society plays prime role of life, a living person needs to associate in a society. In the association of similar thoughts and conscious persons aged people also learn to love, share, give, donation, sacrifice, perseverance, endurance; later, understand the meaning and compulsion of the association for human being. Also, there is no meaning of division of value of life in a society.
The Master sports is a kind of fun and entertainment to forget the pain and sorrow of worldly experiences. Masters try to keep odd and ill senses away and commingled into oneness. Masters also try to value the lust in sports, romance in sports, live in sports despite being old.
Masters try to evaluate the sense of livelihood even if they are unable to run a 100 mtrs race within 11, 12 sec., cross the hurdle of 100 mtrs or is unable to throw the discus and hammer chain upto 10 mtrs.
Masters sports keeps the aged persons away from boredom; gives ever enjoyable life. Masters entertained all kind of sports and games in life.
As Mahatma Gandhi felt, "Life is a long dream"; a Master feel" Life is valuable sport". "Life itself is born of sports" if we understand the Geeta.
All kinds of sports were played by Shri Krishna during his 125 years long life span. The Shrimat Bhagavat Geeta is a dialogue between Shri Krishna, the Almighty and Arjuna in 700 SLOKAS and it teaches the World of Sports as duties to be performed by a person in a life time.
A gay way of spending life without keeping pain and injury and stepping forwards into the destiny of Divine step would be right paths in life. Borrow happiness, harness enjoyment, care for physique, love for each other, giving full of gracious advice to the youngsters, earn friendship, kick off enemity, play sports and games of life unto the door of divinity. When the person reached the door of divinity enjoy everything in One, in the divine sport. Sing the glory of the Almighty; Chant the name of truth, the supreme One, the Master of the galaxies of the worlds. That is Divine sports.
Till you reach Divine, participate in Masters Sports in association of Masters.
* B. Angousana Sharma wrote this article for Hueiyen Lanpao (English Edition)
The writer is Retd. CPF President (MMAA)
This article was posted on May 14, 2013
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