Thang Ta: A journey
(Through the history of Kangleipak)
from an ancient combat art to a popular modern sport
- Part 1 -

By Dr. HanjabamCha Barun *

Section: A

(A.1) Introduction:

Thang Ta is the popular, common name given to 'Huyen Langlon or Lallong {'Huyen'~ war; 'Langlon'~ net/art/knowledge (of the art – hence together ~ knowledge of war art); 'Lallong'~ knowledge/strategy of war; hence in simple words, it roughly means the knowledge of art of war/warfare or ~ martial art}, the martial art system of the Meetei race, major inhabitants of the valley of Kangleipak (Meitrabak/Meeteileipak; Sannaleipak; Poirei Meetei Leipak/Poileipak),present day Manipur, Northeast India.

Thang Ta{'Thang'- sword; 'Ta'- spear, as these are the major weapons used} is a complete martial art; complete in the sense that it has both the external {the weapons art; the unarmed aspect: 'Sharit-Sharak' or 'Sarie-Sara', including the indigenous wrestling/grappling style - throwing & locking art- 'Mukna'; the physical exercise- power/strength development, conditioning, balancing, flexibility etc - Sajen Kanglon}; the internal component{focusing on the awareness of the spirit & mind; meditation & concentration- Hirikonba; & self cultivation}; the health component{Layeng Kanglon; including the breathing control & exercise- Hirikonba}; along with spiritual & ritualistic aspects{the morning practice of Chingkheirol (mostly in olden days); the tradition of Thengou (sacred martial forms/dance) ; the tradition of performing spear martial forms by Pana Khousaba in the Kwak- Tanba festival, (near Hindu Dussehra),& Ta Khousaba (~ spear forms) in Lai Haraoba (Merry festivals of Meetei Deities); even the performance of some of Ta Khousarols in the funeral procession by some group of Meetei - the Chakpa/ Loi & Andro/ yathibi (now mostly are at places like Shekmai, Phayeng, Leimaram, Andro, & various places of Thoubal & Bishnupur, etc Manipur)}

[They are the descendants of a group of brave Meetei people, who dared to oppose the forceful conversion to Hinduism, rather preferred to die & be tortured, & were, thus, expelled & sent to faraway places & hills - being treated as the Sudras, the lowest caste in Hinduism - during the reign of Meitingu (=Meetei king) Pamheiba (1709-1748); & who still are preserving some of the indigenous traditions & cultures of Meetei race].

In short, it is a way of life; an integral element of the Meetei culture; the very foundation upon which the kingdom of Kangleipak was laid; the life giving oil for the lamp, the Meetei race, whose overall survival depended upon it. Hence, not to be amazed, to the local legend, stating the origin of each & every movements of Meetei from Thang Ta- the world famous Manipuri Classical dance, the splendid Pung & Pala Cholom, the graceful Lai Haraoba dance- all trace their origin in the moves, gaits & postures of Thang Ta.

(A.2) Some words about the origin:

The origin of Thang Ta is full of myths & legends; is believed to be born out of the basic survival instinct, the self- defense needs, the hunting activities{some of the sequences of a particular Ta-Khousaba depict various stages in hunting & catching wild animals}- [Ta-Khousaba: an ancient collection of moves/exercise series designed for mastering/increasing efficiency in handling Ta (spear) & Chung (buckler),& their techniques – in simple words, most likely, a spear forms/patterns. Its main types are: Maram Nungsetpa, Maram Achouba, Maram Macha, Kabui, Tangkhul, Thel,(Athou, Yangbi & Atan, the main 9 types, as per many learned masters; according to others, in addition to the above six, other main types are- Maram Nungjongba, Athou Chumthang, Athou Macha & Athou Achouba)] - , the military training & experience, & most importantly, the burning desire & the utmost passion of the Meetei race never to be dependent or under any foreign rule.

One popular legend relates the creation of universe with Thengou [ancient sacred martial art forms/dances performed with sword or spear. As with Ta Khousaba, nine styles are known: Akao Thengou, Leiphal Thengou, Nongphal Thengou, Leichal?/Leichai Thengou, Leipak?/Leikak Thengou, Leinet thengou, Langkak Thengou, Akham Thengou, Leishit Thengou] performed by the Gods. So sacred are the forms considered till today that they have been kept very secret, & revealed only to few worthy, by the great masters, under immense precautions, strict supervision & rituals. Unfortunately, this very fact is making the art prone for extinction.

Another myth is the divine origin of various weapons known to Meeteis as derivations from the limbs & bones of the God, Til Sidaba. Whatever the legends say, the origin & evolution of Thang Ta can be understood (to some extent, even if indirectly) through the origin of Meetei race; the history of Kangleipak {the ancient books & literatures like Cheinarol - with details of many medieval fights & challenges, mainly among the commoners; Saturol Lanturol Sapharol Lanpharol – concerning about divined laws/rules which a Thang Ta warrior had to follow in a battle field/combat; Takhel Ngamba – concerning various situations in which even an enemy is forgiven or not killed; etc}; the geographical characteristics, interaction with surrounding Kingdoms (their culture & martial arts - including major battles fought); the profile of migration in & out of the kingdom; socio-cultural & religious evolution of the society, life of some of the well known Thang-Ta masters, & lastly the arrival of modern sport movement in Manipur.

(A.3) The Meetei – The Origin:

According to the ancient religion of Meetei, The God Sannamahi (or like the life giving sun, spreading the ray/liquid of life in all directions) created all life forms when there was nothing in the universe, as asked by his father, the supreme god, Atiya Kuru Sidaba (Atiya- vast empty sky; Kuru- circular hemisphere; Sidaba- never ending/no birth, no death present) or Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa (Ipa Salailel or Ipa Sorarel). Then to sustain & propagate the newly created life, The God father sent his younger son, Lord Pakhangba, who became the protector & in due course of time, the King (hence regarded as the first King of the Meetei people).

In another more accepted version, Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa, the first Meetei monarch & hence given the name 'Lailel Pakhangba' (Lai – God, lel – best/supreme, Pa – Father, khangba – to know), is considered to be the younger son of the God Lainingthou Salailel Sitapa & Leimalel Lailelma Sitapi (Malem Leima - the Earth), who married seven Lai ladies (namely, Laikok Huimulei Puksi Khompi, Huimu Leima, Loikhompi Mawai Thongngai Lelpi, Laiyek Pithet Leima, Leima Ulum Khotchao Tonpi, Leitham Tali Leima, Nonghainu Lilee Leima) & fathered seven sons, the seven Salais, hence the Meetei race.

[(a) Pakhangba laining (worshiping or mediation) was therefore traditionally performed by the Kings, Nobles & Maichous (scholars), which requires deep concentration & meditation, instead of verbal chanting. Hence, Lord Pakhangba is considered to be the source of Thang Ta, so in the past, it was compulsory for every Thang Ta disciple to have a devotion to & worship him (Lord Pakhangba or Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa). On the other hand, the Sannamahi laishon became common to all people - here, verbal chanting & singings are very common.

(b)The word Meetei breaks as Mee + tei. Mee (means man in Meeteilon) derived from 'Mi', meaning image/shadow; 'tei' is from 'Atei', meaning 'different from/other than', as its believed that the God created them looking at his image, but are different from him (other than God) & are mortal.]

Scientifically speaking, no one knows, with 100% certainty, the origin of Meetei race - only probabilities & suggestions, based on archeological evidences, the written records, legends, myths & oral traditions etc. The earliest settlers of Kangleipak are believed to be the Himalayan Mongoloids groups (though disagreed by some).The Proto-Austroloid is believed to have inhabited the ancient Kangleipak before the advent of Tibeto-Burmans around 5000-4000 B.C. However, the first evidence of the Pleistocene man here dates back, even to about 30,000 B.C. {as the evidences from Khangkui caves, 11 km southeast of Ukhrul; & from tools found in Machi (in Chandel district), from Maring Naga Village}.

Some argue that the Kangleipak Valley (the dry areas- probably near the Kangla; some scientific sources date the approximate human habitation of parts of the Kangla at around 18,000? years BC) were first inhabited by a group of people, called Lai people, coming down from the Koubru Mountain ranges (to the north-west of present day Imphal); & their descendants became the Meetei. They had been there (in Koubru) since the very beginning of time - may even be the first Homo Sapiens.

[In accordance with a theory of first Human appearance (by about 195,000 years ago) & evolution in Africa, some learned argue that they came in one of the waves of pre-historic migrations from Africa, some 70,000-50,000 years ago, arriving in present India, around 20,000 years ago, & through Northeast India, including present Manipur, went to Southeast Asia.

But, there is also an interesting claim & theory put forward by the respected Meetei learned, Mr. Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen, in his book, 'Kangleipak : the Cradle of Man' arguing the ancient Kangleipak as the origin place of Homo Sapiens, based on the scientific findings of the famous Chinese Paleoanthropologists, Professor Jia Lanpo, whose 40 years research concluded the place of origin of Homo Sapiens as in the southern part of East Asia, which very much includes the ancient kingdom of Kangleipak. Mention is also there of an evidence of 1969 which clearly asserts that the Ramapithecus from Northeastern Indian is not less than 4,500,000 older than the Australopithecus from Eastern Africa, thereby giving less weight to the African origin of modern man. Besides citing numerous folklores, folktales, mythologies, traditions of the ancient Kangleicha backing the theory that Kangleipak is indeed the cradle of mankind].

(A.4) The Meetei - Theory of some early foreign influence – The Chinese:

One among the many theories indicates the early Chinese influence (though not proven & strongly objected by many). A group of adventure seeking people [believed to be of earlier Shang Dynasty (~1600BC?/1766BC? - ~1117BC?/1046BC?), China, founded by the rebel leader of Shang tribe, Cheng Tang or Zi Lu, after fighting 18? years (11? major battles) against the Emperor Jie, the last of the Xia Dynasty (~21st to the 16th century BC?/2033BC?-1562BC?) & ultimately overthrowing him in the Battle of Mingtiao?] reached the Koubru Mountain ranges, Kangleipak, following the Yangtse river -{The river which traditionally divides the Chinese martial arts into Northern styles (which lay more focus on legworks, kicking & acrobatics etc) & the southern styles (which lay more focus on low stable stances, short powerful movements, combining both attack & defense, use of arm & full body techniques)}- from the Yangtse river to the Chindwin river or Ningthi tural (now in Myanmar), passing the Somra hills, & reaching the origin of the Ireel river, & ultimately the Koubru.

[(a) Cheng Tang was the 14th generation Shang leader (descendent of Yilu? & his son Yao Situ?, the vassal of then Xia King / & descendent of Gaoxin?, the great grandson? of the legendary Yellow Emperor, Huang Di, of China,~2697BC? - ~2597BC?) was a good & virtuous ruler, a model/ideal ruler, whose example was imitated by every monarch. He ruled as a king for13?years, succeeded by his younger son (as believed by many- the elder son, Tai Ding/Da Ding is said to have died at an early age without succeeding his father), Wai Bing?.

(b) Shangs are the tribes who used to live in the lower reach of the Yellow River (hence also called Yellow Civilization).Their Dynasty lasted ~ 508? years, with 31? kings belonging to 17? generations, & ruled much of the northern (or northeastern) China, with seven different successive capitals. Two most important events/developments during the period were the invention & development of a writing system (the ancient Chinese inscriptions found mostly on tortoise shells, & flat bones, mostly of cattle's, like scapulae etc- called oracles bones; bronze inscriptions; on pottery, horn, stones etc), & the use of bronze metallurgy.

The advance bronze casting techniques gave then a military advantage-their infantry were armed with varieties of bronze (& stone, wood or horn) weaponry- like bow, axe, halberd or ji ( similar to a spear, with an extra blade attached at its end.) etc- although the bronze was commonly used for art rather than weapons. Hunting was considered as an important part of their martial training. They practised some earliest form of Chinese martial arts- Shoubu ch'uan fa/kung fu; jiao di (or horn butting developed by The Yellow Emperor, Huang Di, ~2697BC? - ~2597BC?; bow & arrow are also said to have been invented during the reign) & earlier form of Xiang Bo (much similar to sanda/sanshou of present day wushu). Martial arts also evolved into a kind of dancing, which was very useful for training soldiers, & increasing their morale. Many of the wrestling techniques were applied in battlefields.

There was rapid development of the skill & technology of sword forging, & sword ceremony. They (specially near the end of their dynasty) were also known to migrate (emigrate) & travel far & wide - the claim of their travelling? & settling? to ancient America- sharing part of ancestry of native/indigenous American people?, & the foundation of Gija Joseon? in ancient Korea; hence, the claim of their immigration to the ancient kingdom of Kangleipak is not much surprising to many. {Gija Joseon was an ancient kingdom founded by Gija & his descendants.(Gija/Jizi? was a virtuous Shang royal blood- paternal uncle or nephew/brother?- of the last Shang king Zhou, a tyrant, & was one of the 3wise men-other Weizi & Bigan- of the Shang dynasty. He was imprisoned by the king, & was set free by the king Wu of the Zhou dynasty - western Zhou:1046BC?-770BC?; eastern Zhou: 700BC?-256BC?- after overthrowing the Shang dynasty at ~1046BC?. He fled - not wanting to be a loyal subject to the Zhou dynasty?/ went in exile- to ancient Korea with his garrison of 50000 men, & founded the kingdom of Gija Joseon,1122BC?/1100BC?/?-194BC?, with 41 rulers?- the people of Seonu clan of Korea consider themselves as being the descendents of Gija).

The kingdom either succeeded? Gojoseon kingdom (2333BC?-1100BC?/108BC?, the first legendary kingdom of Korea, founded by legendary Dan'gun, son of Hwanung- founder of Sinsi/holy city, & grandson of Hwanin, lord of heaven), or co-existed with it at its west end, west of Liao river, until overthrown by Wiman (dynasty,194BC?-?/108BC?)}] Around 1445 B.C., one leader of the group, Tang-Ja Leela Pakhangba (1445-1405 BC) {Pakhangba here isn't the Meetei God, but a name/title; 'Pa' = forefathers, 'khangba' = knowing; one who knows his forefathers} married the daughter (Sinbee Leima) of the Chief of Lei-hou people (~ Lai people??), & established his kingdom in the ancient Kangleipak.

[However, the current popular theory rejects all the above claims, & stated that the first monarch of Kangleipak was Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa (a 'Lai'), who ascended the throne near >2000BC(+) {~>1737 BC(+)} & fathered seven sons - the seven Salais, begotten from his seven Lai wives/queens, whose descendents become the Meetei].

(A.5) The Meetei - Theory of some early foreign influence – The ancient Immigration:

An important intermixing of different groups of people occurred during the reign of the King Chingkhom Poireiton (34-18 B.C.; as from some source, though have many objections). There was a place named Khamtilong at the junction of three kingdom - China, Tibet & Myanmar, inhabited by different tribes - Nung, Chakpa, Kham, Mon, Khu, Nga etc (considered to be neo-Tibetans).

In response to the invitation by the people of then Kangleipak (known as Tai-Pong-Pan to the people of Kham-Nung; as there was no ruler present- it is believed that for about 700 years?, there were no rulers in the ancient Kangleipak, before & around? this immigration), Chingkhom Poireiton was sent by his brother, Thongarel, Kham-Nung Saowa, the great man of the Nung tribe to rule the place; hence came accompanied with lots of people, of the above mentioned tribes (they are believed to have followed Buddhism?), who inter-married & lived together with the earlier {Lei-Hou (-Tang-Shang)?} inhabitants of the ancient Kangleipak (Kangleipak was then called Poirei-lam, & the inhabitants: Poirei-Meetei).

[Here we see one of the earliest Buddhist influence. Some even argued the derivation of the term Sanaamahi (indigenous religion of Meetei) from Sanaamahay {~meaning the royal fruit, the essence of the teaching of the lord Buddha (the historical Budha was known by the name Kawtumuni)}.Many Buddhist articles (including marble statues of the lord Buddha) have been found in excavation in various sites of Manipur. Also, in ancient Meetei literature like Subikaa (ancient astrology book), many drawings & sketches, found are of Buddhist elements or influenced by them.

Buddhism was hardly known to Kangleipak, but some of its elements are said to be invariably found? in our culture & tradition , as interpreted by some scholars{like the Meetei tradition of worshipping Sanaa Khongnaang (sacred fig tree); & the Buddhist belief of Prince Siddhartha (historical Buddha or Saikyamuni) attaining enlightenment under an sacred fig tree/ Bo (Bodhi vrikhs) tree};- besides some believe Buddhism was considered to spread to Myanmar/Burma, passing through Northeast India (also one of the three ancient silk routes passed through Kangleipak- perhaps leading to Yunnan; but was stopped since 1820 AD); The Pyu & Mon kingdom of ancient Burma was known to practise Theravada Buddhism - however many strongly object this claim stating the communicating link between Mainland India & South East Asia didn't included Kangleipak at all - either through Assam etc or by sea route, even the claimed silk route never touched Kangleipak.

Nevertheless, everyone knows the emphasis given in the development of almost every orient martial art with Buddhism].

(A.6) The Meetei – The Seven Salais, & the Kingdom:

After some duration, from these people, the indigenous seven feudal clans/Salais of the Meetei; & all their closed associate brothers (many hill tribes) sprang out (in the previous section, more accepted origin theory of the seven Salais of the Meetei was given - as a direct sons of the first monarch of the Meetei. Also, it's believed that some groups of the Meetei Salais went to the surrounding hills & contributed to the ancestral line of hill tribes – possibly the Kabui, Tangkhul tribes & many others etc).

The seven clans of Meetei - {the Ningthouja or Mangang (descendents of the 1st son, Mangang, traditionally believed to have administrative center at Imphal Kangla) , the Angom (of the 4th son, administrative center near the Kongba river) & the Khapa-Nganpa (of the 6th son, administrative center at Taknakha area) - latter, mostly settled along the river courses, as with any great civilizations, of Nambul, Kongba, Hill & upper portion of Imphal; the Khuman (of the 3rd son, administrative center at Pumlel) - settled in Thoubal, Wangjing & lower course of Imphal rivers; the Moilang (of the 5th son, administrative center at Moirang) - along the Maklang, Nambol, Thongjaorok, Khuga & Moirang rivers; the Luwang (of the 2nd son, administrative center at Langkol Ningthou Laipham) - along the Luwangli, Phumlou, Abalok & Isingda rivers; & lastly, the Salail Leisangthem (of the 7th son, administrative center at Leisang Hithen area) - along the Maklang & Nambol rivers} - were at frequent fighting & struggling among themselves (& with other tribes) for supremacy & power, thereby constantly improving & refining their martial skills - the experiences were accumulated & many new techniques discovered/invented,& passed down from generations to generations.

Eventually, the Ningthouja clan is believed to have subdued the whole & emerged as the supreme power, thereby uniting the feudal clans, & an independent kingdom arose {however Moirang clan was annexed much later, in the year 1435? By Meitingu Ningthoukhomba (1432-1467); Khaba clan was the first to get absorbed} in 33 A.D. This happened under the able & dynamic leadership of the great Meitingu (= king) Nongda Lairen (Nongda Lairen=heaven born) Pakhangba (33-154 A.D.), with the help of Angom Pureiromba & Luwang Langmaiba (his allies included two Kuki Chiefs also – Kuki Ahongba & Kuki Achouba), as per many.

[However, about 163?? kings are believed to have ruled the Kingdom before him. He was the descendent of the line of Meitingu Tangja Leela Pakhangba (1445 BC-1405BC) & his son, Meitingu Kangba (1405-1359 BC); & he married Laisra, daughter of the line of Meitingu Chingkhom Poireiton (34-18 BC) kings].

He was the one, among the first to in habitat some of the low-lying valley of Kangleipak, which he named Kangla (meaning dry land) - some present scholars are strongly against this view & considered Konchin Tukthapa Ipu Athoupa Pakhangpa as the establisher of the Meetie Kingdom, & Lai people being the first to inhabitate the valley, as its written in sacred puya of Meetei.

[(a) Although ruled by Khaba clan before him (the Khaba chief, Nongjenba?, was killed by him with the help of Moirang army & Chaoba Meleiba; eventually the weakened Khaba clan is said to have merged with Nganba subclan to from Khaba-Nganba clan later?). Kangla, situated on the bank of the Imphal river, (later referred as 'The Manipur Fort' by the British.) not only was the capital/ royal palace from his period till the year 1891, but also a holy place for Meetei; Lord Pakhangba is believed to reside under 'Kangla', besides there are some 360 sacred places of Meetei in it.

Since its occupation by the British on 27th April 1891, a column of security forces- Assam Rifles (the oldest Central Para Military Force in India) was stationed there, which even, after the independence & merger with India (as per the controversial Merger agreement of 2nd Sept.1949), was not removed from there, to the much discontent of the Meetei.

{The agreement was signed unwillingly by the King of Manipur, Meitingu Bodhchandra (1941-1955) at Shillong (Meghalaya), as a result of immense pressurization & as forced by the newly formed independent Indian govt.( Shri Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the Iron man of India, was given the task of unification & annexation of princely states into mainland India).

It may be noted that the Meetei king, - after the handed over of the Manipur by the British to the him & his queen, Iroshi Devi, at 12 midnight of 28th August 1947, after the 2nd world war (1939-1945; in Manipur, 1942-1945) - had already declared the Manipur as a sovereign kingdom/ state, linked to India only by the act of accession. Also, by the July 1947, the making of the constitution of Manipur (drafted by the committee, whose composition was done earlier on 12th Dec. 1946, on the order of the Meetei king, Meitingu Bodhchandra) was already completed.

As per the first election poll of Manipur on Jan. 1948 (as a result of the recommendation by the council of princes of 1946, for establishing popular elected governments in Indian states), the first elected govt. of Manipur was formed, & Shri Priyobarta, the brother of the Meetei king, was offered the post of first C.M. (he was already working as C.M., appointed by the Meetei king himself, for the interim govt. just after the independence).

Unfortunately, with the merger agreement (the king signed it, without any prior accountability of the elected Manipur Assembly, & govt.), the interim Manipur State Council, & the Manipur State Assembly (& the elected govt.) were dissolved. Major General Rawal Amar Singh became the first Indian Chief Commissioner of Manipur, on 15th Oct. 1949, after the annexation of Manipur to India (Manipur was given a part 'C' territory status, basically his province- he had the power to rule the land even without consideration of the people). With much struggle & hardship (since early 1950), the statehood was finally achieved in 1972.}

After much pressurization & request to the Union Government of India, finally on 20th November 2004 (~133? years after the British occupation) the Kangla fort was handed over to Manipur State government.

(b) In the ancient times, major portion of Kangleipak valley is believed to be covered by vast water (fresh water), named Loktak (Lok=stream in hillocks; Tak=vast) by Meitingu Kangba (1405-1359 BC) {it was during his reign (Meitingu Kangba) that Sagol Kang-jei (the polo game) is believed to have been introduced; Kang Jei- the stick used like the hockey stick, Kang drom- the ball used}- some scholars are of the opinion that by around 17,000BC? major portion of Imphal valley was dried up].

He is however considered truly the maker of Kangleipak, & during his reign, the Meitei culture took its roots. His dynasty ruled the kingdom continuously in proper chronological order {till the merger of Manipur with the Indian Union in 1949, & as a part of India (upto 1955, a total of about 72 kings – Manipur became a Union Territory of India in 1956 & a full-fledged state in 1972; at present, as per the tradition, Meitingu Leishemba Sanajaoba is the 78th King of Manipur). The art of Thang-Ta began maturing & taking shape.

The Kingdom of Kangleipak then believed to have stretched up to the border of China on the north, up to the river Chindwin in the east & south (present Myanmar), & in the west up to south Bengal sea {'from the hills on the east to the mountains of the west' as per from the book 'THE MEITHEIS' by T.C. Hodson }. This close geographical & cultural proximity (& interaction) with the neighboring kingdoms (which also have rich martial art traditions),{also probably known to far west & east kingdoms, as the international trade route (including silk route) of past (comprising Europe, The Middle East-Arabs, Asia & Oriental countries) passed through these regions – though disagreed by some}, continuously had a considerable impact in the evolution of Thang Ta.

To be continued....

* Dr. HanjabamCha Barun (C.G. Pradesh Thang-Ta Association, Pt.J.N.M.Medical College, Raipur (C.G.)) contributes regularly to The writer can be reached at dr(dot)barun(dot)hanjabam(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on April 17th, 2010 and updated on July 9 2010 and later updated on March 15 2011.

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  • Need to stick to a consistent narrative
  • Leniency on tobacco ban aiding demographic
  • 76th Republic Day @ Kangla #2 : Gallery
  • Pheiroijam Christina - 21st Miss North East
  • Manipur: Gold at 28th Jr National Sepaktakraw
  • Clarion call for redeeming our rightful future
  • The Power of Poppy - 67 :: Poem
  • Clean energy for sustainability
  • Union Budget: Industrialists from NE speaks
  • Balaram Sougaijamba: General of Manipur
  • Nikhil Okram crowned 14th Mister North East
  • Chadong village: Rising from waters with hope
  • Financial literacy for common man
  • Obituary: (L) Pu Thangkholen Sitlhou
  • Nail care in Winters
  • State of war since 2023: No winner, only losers
  • Talks on new district row
  • Radio E-pao: 1000+ songs from Manipur
  • Maibi Jagoi @ Kwak Tanba : Gallery
  • February Calendar for Year 2025 : Tools
  • Ballad of Letting Go :: Poem
  • 2nd Eikhoigi Imphal International Film Fest
  • Deeper exploration of term 'Hill-Valley Divide'
  • Children's Book to adopt 'Look East Policy'
  • Pony registration & conservation
  • Endless suffering of internally displaced child
  • 21st Ningtham Kumhei Fest #2 : Gallery
  • Thiyam Suryamukhi conferred Padma Shri
  • Isolate Kuki Militants by facilitating safe return
  • Sports Meet held at Rongdai Village
  • Eco-Apocalypse: Prevent collapse with Green
  • Grand Finale : 21st Mega Miss North East
  • Time to give more teeth to ST demand
  • 5 years of ILP; what about NRC demand ?
  • Remembering Md Ladu, celebrated polo player
  • The Lament of Love's Deceit :: Poem
  • Need for inculcating value based education
  • Royte - Times Young Entrepreneur Award
  • Glass Child Syndrome ! 'Sibling rivalry'
  • 6 Films for NE Section at GAFF 2025
  • Pony registration & conservation
  • Impartial anti-extortion cell need of the hour
  • 76th Republic Day @ Kangla #1 : Gallery
  • Conservation Strategies of Pethia manipurensis
  • Remembers 13 Brave Indian Soldiers
  • Workshop: Intl Year of Quantum Science
  • Governor's role and discretionary powers
  • Physics workshop for educators at Agartala
  • Who wins Delhi - Daru or Dharma
  • War on Drugs: A war Manipur cannot loses
  • NE turning into transnational drug hub
  • Essence of Gaan-Ngai #2
  • Manipur's dystopian reality
  • The day Light reached the hills
  • 2nd Eikhoigi Imphal Intl Film Fest 2025
  • Why is depreciation of rupee not stopping ?
  • An introduction to Rabies (Hydrophobia) #5
  • Thoithoiba Yelhou Yangkok Artist #2 : Gallery
  • Republic Day Titbits
  • NIT Manipur: Best Design Award @VLSI Design
  • The Power of Poppy - 66 :: Poem
  • Grand Finale: 14th Mega Mister North East
  • Application : FILMART, Hong Kong
  • The Science of Success : Attitude #1
  • 21st Ningtham Kumhei Fest #1 : Gallery
  • Demographic for balkanisation of Manipur
  • Training on Mushroom Cultivation at Nambol
  • Jugeshwor Kshetrimayum receives GELA 2025
  • Construction Committee of Meetei Yumpham
  • Call against misuse of social media
  • Positive & negative aspects of social media
  • In Search of Peace in Manipur
  • Embracing the Shadows :: Poem
  • Dr Manmohan Singh will live on
  • Rise in the price of medicines
  • Respecting the dead- Denying is a disgrace
  • Winter skin care tips for oily skin
  • Illegal immigrants :: Of FMR & border fencing
  • JD-U row exposes national parties' apathy
  • State Gaan-Ngai @Sagolband #2 : Gallery
  • On 'Only BJP can save Manipur'
  • Frontline health workers dispelling darkness
  • 14th East Himalayan Trade Fair
  • Life is plastic
  • Killers on the road : 834 lives lost
  • Call to action to save State's wetlands
  • Essence of Gaan-Ngai #1
  • The Taste of Dreams wins @Red Intl Film Fest
  • Science: 3rd eye for Meitei-Kuki reconciliation
  • Northeast flies high in direct selling
  • Mastering focus amidst distractions
  • An introduction to Rabies (Hydrophobia) #4
  • Indo-Naga Talks (From 2012) :: Timeline
  • BJP : Tepid response from the hills
  • BABINA Hospital sets example in healthcare
  • Nitya Ras @Nongmeibung #1 : Gallery
  • Agonizing reality of our country's veteran elites
  • Historicising the colonial narratives
  • NSS Team Departs for National Integration
  • HUN-Thadou Cultural Festival 2025
  • Time to recreate Naga Peoples Convention 2.0
  • Career in nutrition
  • Need to give more meaning to War on Drugs
  • Time for real action not empty rhetoric
  • Foundation: Manipur Press Club #2 : Gallery
  • "Aronba Wari" :: Shumang Leela Synopsis
  • Tripura's livelihoods challenges
  • Archaeological Exhibition @ Kangla : Gallery
  • Gaan-Ngai @Chaopok village #1 : Gallery
  • Manipur needs to affirm her tribal roots
  • Madras/Chennai- 1989 till 2024 : Gallery
  • Investigate "arms recoveries" in Mizoram
  • Training on Mushroom Cultivation
  • NE Direct Selling Conference & Expo
  • Response of Delhi in last 20 months
  • Regulated entry after FMR scrap, border
  • Mutua Bahadur : Preserving Manipuri culture
  • Competitive Altruism: Resolving ethnic conflict
  • Pithe Puli Utsav at Agartala
  • Building the best version of yourself
  • Guwahati Asian Film Festival 2025
  • Tips to keep your lips soft & smooth in winter
  • Subsidised flight tickets for all
  • MCPCR alert on child trafficking fear
  • Imoinu Erat Thouni @ Wangkhei : Gallery
  • Gaan-Ngai celebrating Culture in Delhi NCR
  • 2nd Emoinu Fish Festival #1 : Gallery
  • Nupilal Ningshing Lamjel #2 : Gallery
  • Licypriya Kangujam: Nat'l Youth Day Award
  • State Gaan-Ngai @Sagolband #1 : Gallery
  • Hingminashi Eikhoi : Call for unity in diversity
  • Misna Chanu aids to Jiribam IDPs : Gallery
  • Mega Protest Rally, end AFSPA #2: Gallery
  • Ningol Chakkouba @ Delhi #3 : Gallery
  • AIR Radio Imphal Station - Live streaming
  • Nupi Lal Memorial @Pune #2 : Gallery
  • The historical account of Kabaw Valley #3
  • Featured Front Page Photo 2024 #6: Gallery
  • : 25th Anniv & 2025 Wishes
  • Protest @Delhi - Murder of Meiteis #2: Gallery
  • Observance of Thang-Ta Day #1 : Gallery
  • Nupi Lal Memorial @Pune #1 : Gallery
  • Meitei Mayek Tamba : Online Classroom #5
  • Maibi Jagoi @ Mera Houchongba: Gallery
  • Ta Ta TabuHtoN :: Seireng
  • Downloadable Manipuri Calendar :: 2025
  • GHOST of PEACE :: Download Booklet