Are Manipur's sportspersons ready for the London Olympics
R.K. Tarachand *
Laishram Devendro :: Manipur Olympic Dreams 2012 London
"So, respected elders and friends let us endeavour to send our Olympians a letter of encouragement, a letter appended by the signatures of people belonging to all communities residing in Manipur"
This write up is an appraisal of the preparedness of the sportspersons of Manipur who will be taking part in the London Olympics later this year. We expect a sizeable number of sportspersons from Manipur in the London edition of the games. Two have already qualified L. Bombayla in women's archery and L. Devendro in men's boxing. It is also expected that L. Sarita and MC Mary Kom will qualify in women's boxing. (It is sad to know boxers L. Suranjoy and Th. Nanao have failed to qualify).
Further our state might have a few players in team events. Anyway considering the size of its population, Manipur will well and truly be represented in the London Olympics. But are our sportspersons prepared?
Preparedness will entail two aspects. One aspect will be the training and his/her exposure to international competitions related to their respective sports disciplines. The other aspect will be the psychological mindset. To put this query in another way have our sportspersons received the best training available and is he/she familiar with the game plan of the top notch sportspersons from other countries, competing in the same discipline? This will be the technical aspect of his/her preparedness.
On the other hand the sportsperson should also be training in a mental frame of mind where financial or personal problems should not disturb his/her mental equilibrium. These two parameters need to be covered if the sportsperson is to peak mentally and physically, particularly so if the competition is going to be at the highest international level. Success in meets like the Olympics will be a life changing experience.
Such questions are pertinent to Manipur's case because this very small state is a sports power house in a billion strong nation. So let us methodically verify whether, in the light of the facts, Manipur really deserve a special commitment from the powers that rule Indian sports. Or, is it that Manipur's prowess in sports is seen in a larger than life image since it competes and succeeds mainly in India where only a few states take competitive sports seriously (i.e. apart from cricket) whereas for the millions upon millions of Indians, sports is only a pastime.
Or again, is it that the central government feels no special care is needed because Manipur (at least in Imphal) has adequate sports infrastructure, and that in fact, has been under utilized. Further it might be argued that Manipur's sportspersons who have been provided jobs in the central government departments, or in agencies financed by the central government have better track records than those 'who have risen from the ranks' as it were, that is the indigenous products of Manipur.
Dear reader let us begin our defence and justification, by saying we have in us what it takes to be top notch champions in sports. It is only in the last decade or so that India's sports commentators and critics started conceding that Manipuris take to sports naturally. For us however we know that our elders ensured that they raised us to be competitive persons; sports was one platform in which competitiveness was introduced into. Sports has helped our competitive edge to be constantly honed.
Most remarkable of all, our success story in sports is not the outcome of a well laid out regimen of training at the behest of either the central government or the state government. As far as the state government is concerned the less said the better. Successive governments have been unable or cannot visualize a working sports policy, except for making ad-hoc plans, and keeps on promising financial incentives, never explaining to the public whether such promises have been kept or not.
Whenever our sportspersons have made an impact in the international arena, our leaders and bigwigs momentarily throw out sanity outside the windows and inexorably go about on a binge; dishing cash hand outs to our sports stars. The atmosphere is very carnival like, in fact, it reminds one of Yaoshang when we give financial aid to young girls to help meet their expenses incurred while organizing Thabal Chongbas and or luncheons with the airy-fairy promise that next time around the aid will be more substantial.
As for the central government, apart from what has been observed before, it does not have what we really require, a separate sports policy for Manipur. Its present offerings are incommensurate with our talent and our achievements. And anyway the facilities provided by the centre are not state of the art. All we have to do is recall the fact that India's only Olympics gold medalist, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore succeeded only because he received extensive training in the United States.
This article appeals to all sports fans in Manipur to be more caring for our sportspersons. As far as fund collection to enable them to receive better coaching outside the country is concerned, that may not be feasible now. However we could still help in buying equipment or at least showing our care and solidarity for our sportspersons.
Approaching the powers that be, to take the lead would mean next to nothing. They are at present hibernating and if we try to get their attention they will become fractious and possibly accuse us of whingeing. It will be upto us, the common folks, and the various clubs and organizations working tirelessly for the common good to get our goals achieved.
We must show our sportspersons that the whole population of the state is solidly behind them, wishing them all success, and urge upon them to bring back fame and glory to mother Manipur by having conquered the world in the arena of sports.
So, respected elders and friends let us endeavour to send our Olympians a letter of encouragement, a letter appended by the signatures of people belonging to all communities residing in Manipur. The media and the clubs and organizations can be of exceptional help in seeing this vision turn into a reality.
The wording of the letter can be drafted by the elder citizens and we younger people could run around to collect the signatures of well wishers from all districts. If we could collect one lakh signatures it will be an exceptional success, but ultimately the number will not be the sole indicator of success, even a few thousand will suffice.
May our sportspersons, in the coming Olympics, succeed in making Manipur known throughout the world. They can take cognizance of the story which delineates people into those who love God, and those whom God loves. It seems we fall more in the second category. Remember also our society defines our parents and elders as living Gods. Our blessings to you to live up to their expectations.
* R.K. Tarachand wrote this article on Hueiyen Lanpao (English Edition) as part of "...Of shoes and ships and sealing wax..." series.
This article was posted on April 19, 2012 .
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