Mahadev & our turmoil
Free Thinker *
Trying to jot down something after purification with Mahadev’s cannabis sativa on Shivratri creates havoc in the head but still it is much better than meaningless hangovers. The clarity of thought is prevailing with ‘His’ blessings. Now what? After killing 219 people officially – unofficially more – do we want to go further? Again, we have already destroyed 1000 crore worth property and displaced 60,000 people .Then what?
Shall we continue the fight, killing and destruction? If yes, so be it. But we have ignored the emotions and sentiments of the hapless masses - who have no say, who are utterly innocent and who have no idea what is going on? Farmers, daily wage-earners, weavers, vegetable growers, gullible poppy planters, maze growers, those doing piggery, fishing, poultry, and apiculture are now living with little or no income .
Then think about the helplessness of petty smugglers, small-time thieves, sub-sub contractors, small traders & shopkeepers, tiny pan-dukand owners, rickshaw pullers, auto drivers and numerous hawkers of all kinds – both in the hills and valley.
On the other hand we are giving a fillip to arms dealers, bullet business, rice-dal suppliers, water sellers, relief material harvesters, relief fund manipulators, and boosting hospital medicine business at the cost of hotels and tourists. Moreh is now murdered. Imphal businesses are shifting towards Guwahati ,Cachar, and Kolkata.
Poor students in the hills are still struggling with their out-dated mobiles and computers for online classes and exams. Virtual job creation for elections and law-makers’ expenses can’t create a feel good factor. To become the highest bidder for the marketed jobs many are selling their ancestral properties.
Human personification of Mahadev is men’s imagination. Unlike any other deities who have physical forms Mahadev is incorporeal ; so, ‘He’ is worshipped in the form of lingam that does not have any limbs or human features.
According to Shiv Puran , Shiv-linga is a cosmic pillar of fire – the cause of all the causes – which has no beginning and no end. An Atharva veda hymn also refers to a ‘Stambha’ (cosmic pillar) which is the supreme nature of Shiv.
One spiritual scientist says, Shiv represents protons and neutrons and Shakti represents electrons in the cosmic theory of creation . Who can prove it? None. But it sounds interesting. Shiv has no parents - no birth and no death – ‘He’ is eternal.
Later in the cosmos, Shiva represents the masculine part and Shakti represents feminine side . That marks the creation of the living beings including humans. Any doubt ! You may have many doubts; because, we have invented so many theories of human evolution and origin of species.
So far there is no clarity pertaining to the origin of the Universe and beginning of living beings. One gentleman called Hawking said, universe has no beginning and no end , towards the fag end of his life . In his earlier avatar he was also talking about ‘Big Bang’ , an ever expanding universe. Even (Einstein) the best brain says, God played dice.
Eternity of the Universe is always reflected in the ancient philosophy of Bharat – the idea of Bramhand (Cosmos). It has no cause and effect – Bramhand has no dimension , no destination and no definition .
Western thinkers who try to define the universe or try to discover the beginning of the universe are still unable to do so. Because their intelligence can’t fathom the existence of the universe. Upanishads have perhaps done the job thousands of years ago.
Humans have traced electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and even Hick Boson particles. Still the information we are looking for the beginning of the universe is incomplete. Quest for the origin of the universe and the beginning of creatures is still at the nascent stage. One day we may find the answer. For the time being, let us believe in the god particle which is Shiva.
There is an ancient home of Mahadev at Engourok ; now it is under the control of innocent souls –who are not aware of the might of Shiv. They must respect this sacred abode and restore it to its original form attuned to the natural environment.
Mahadev does not believe in buildings –‘ He’ loves caves, rivers, mountains, forest, frozen hill tops – so let the things be as they were before. This work must be given priority.
Mahadev came after the birth of Ganesh – that means - certainly after 10 months. First, He saw a boy with a deadly weapon (from his mother Parvati) in his hand deterring anyone from entering. Even the mighty Nadi, Mahadev’s trusted General was beaten. Then, in anger the Lord himself removed Ganeshji’s head.
Mother Parvati was furious and Mahadev ran away to Vishnu and Burma. They somehow revived Ganesh implanting a new head and cooled down Parvati Madam. Rhetorically, we need to disarm Ganesh and at the same time revive Ganesh and also appease his mother.
Divine knowledge says whenever there is fall in righteousness – ‘He’ manifests himself for the protection of good, and destruction of the evil for redeeming the good world order. Destruction has been going on in Manipur – time has come for restoration and rebuilding.
Shiv destroys evils which are the manifestations of lust, desire, arrogance, ego and pride. ‘He’ annihilates for re-creation. Lord, ten months of tragedy is unbearable, please appear and bestow us peace for reconciliation and reconstruction.
Har Har Mahadev !
* Free Thinker wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was webcasted on 11 March 2024.
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