Amar Yumnam's Narratives
One cannot make out whether this is a Vision Statement or a Statement on Strategy
Abhijit Banerjee & Esther Duflo of Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Michael Kremer at Harvard University
change of attitude of the government on international diplomatic relationships
the promised benefits have not been fully realized
compromise with cultural foundations of social ethos and sowing seeds of turbulence of social inequality
A successful leader is the one who delivers on promises and those deliverances render lasting value
The culture of Manipur today aligns well with that of the precolonial Kuba Kingdom
How is BJP endeavouring to restore trust of people on government, and revive the social capital strength
Are the Elections in Manipur going to be non-issue based as before?
Manipur is now in this scenario of market failures and governance collapses..
statement of the Head of the People of Manipur about the social character of the people..
India have a Budget where Economics/ Politics are so healthily combined for strong & inclusive nation...
.. do not force the people to bear the cost of governance incompetence forever...
The cellular connection in Manipur is a conundrum of incomplete talks, disturbed voices, unexplained noises...
..But Indians are usually masters in flowery language with very little content if any...
..that development challenges in region would be taken care of by generalised approaches applied throughout the country ...
violent, irresponsible and haughty behaviour among the Police, IRB and MR of Manipur ...
dominated by people manipulate information to portray positive images while stealing in every possible way...
But if Tripura can do it, why not the others? ...
most unreliable and untrustworthy group of people who do not respect time...
Contemporary Manipur is a wonderfully interesting arena for the live examples...
but we need to assess our own markets as well for meaningful participation...
he was forever seized with the need to understand the socio-economic dynamics of Manipur
DTH Policy: Manipur's Chronic and acute disease of pretence as social principle
We are waiting for Manipur's own Dr. Lueger and connectivity between senses and knowledge as Cicero
Manipur is sick and what ever we hear and see here is sickening
Manipur's imperative for a contemporary culture for a meaningful future
greatest tragedy...provincial govt has all along been under spell that fire-brigade approaches to social issues
Tokyo Declaration for India-Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership on 1 Sep 2014
Researchers have been pointing out for some years and raising the issues of paradoxical status of women in Manipur
Overall, we would say that new budget is the dullest one we can have in the first year of a new plan period
The challenge before us is revival of the Cicerian Virtue of Patriotism
We have so many questions from the players in the moral of policy and programme universe
We seem to be observing fairly widespread criticism as lack of thinking
People have been left with no choice
Muivah at the receiving end
India is committing a major blunder by looking only at "national security"
Let us all look at the culture, politics and institutions of Finland
Hypocrisy, opportunism or plain stupidity
The seen and the unseen
Includes "From Valley-Centric to Mountain-Centric" , "A Qualitative Focus"
Social cost is a social cost
A chance to free themselves (actors in Manipur) from the clutches of lies.
Endogenising the Exogenous political system
Elation at being one of twenty while the other Is one of two
Manipur has consistently devalued and derided the role and position of specialists
Manipur Govt should accept the present mess as a socio-political issue
Authoritarianism is a rule rather than exception
The only gain is systemic decline
All have become reactionary and authoritarian.
Manipur in deep social crisis
Demise of Institutions in Manipur
Manipur's recent trajectory
Manipur's one need
Manipur's predicament
Need for collective learning
Media management has utterly failed with issues concerning people
Manipur's recent trajectory
The character of the political class in Manipur
Blatant lack of accountability over the years
Double squeeze on the people
Manipur's repeated indulgence
Pains on the death of a pregnant mother
Resource people relationships
Two stories- S.K. Womens College & Shija Hospitals
Thinking outside the box
An acute shortage of trust in Manipur
Shape of things to come
Lives are getting lost without accountability
The emerging convergence
Manipur in articulo mortis
Contemporary Manipur society
Vulnerability and needed flows in Manipur
Time to evolve way out
Heterogeneity in India's East and North East
Manipur's need of the hour
Time for deep articulation in Manipur
How not to choose social collapse
The absence of economic governance in Manipur
Violence of a development principle
They do care for us but do we reciprocate?
We bear the constant tortures of corruption
Possible substitution effects
No way to progresss
A strength made unutilized
Cumulative stupidity of policy and impoverishment of Manipur's economy
The disease now inflicting Manipur society
A case of double squeeze
Worse times ahead for the poor
Where are we ?
China's strength and India's weakness
It is not of competing, but of catching up
Wish there are many Little Flower Schools!
On the widely anticipated winner of this year
Assessing the character of Manipur's development interventions
In the development administration of the State
Monika's maltreatments would be the rule rather than exception
Youths remaining home are developing dubious characteristics
We are not serious about "others' children"
A look at the daily irritants in Imphal
The missing element of policy orientation in Manipur
Negligence by one side and recruitment by the other
Lesson for Manipur - necessity of learning by doing.
Manipur today is characterized by strong divisiveness
Time now to articulate fully a North Eastern Agenda
Are we missing the bus once again
Govt has fallen prey to the dictum of "organizations"
Divergence of opinion between Heirok and non-Heirok.
Rising disconnect between original goals & current functioning of Org.
Arming Villagers - Has Govt shown courage?
Indian economy vis-a-vis Chinese interventions in NE
Enough of scoundrels/scallywags behaving as frontal thinkers .
Problem with Security-based economy as the only expanding sector
On demands to raising upper age limit to 35
Prayer for a responsive and accountable government
Inability of Govt bureaucrats to think contextually
Is Manipur the laboratory for all political testing by the state?
The economics of "banning"
On Civil administration in Manipur
Security based trade never delivers economic benefits
Holland capitalises on India's expansion while NE fails
Imphal city without an administrator!
Will Public Private Partnerships work in Manipur?
The increasing disconnect in Manipur
The case of education scenario in Manipur
Economic growth theory and non-performance of the Govt
Imphal-centric approach to development is un-sustainable.
CM's NY presentation is neither coherence nor convergence
Forget the principles everywhere
Whose concern is it?
Private sectors joins Govt in the game of bluffs & cheats!
Neither democracy nor decentralization
The intentions and the responses
People's fate matters, not the privileges of few
Urgency for a committed & efficient development admin
Need to examine the governance problems
Assessing RIMS & Shija Hospitals.
Govt of Manipur refusal to learn from mistakes
Shukla Commission on bridging psychological gap between NE & rest of India
Urbanisation in mountains & grudge for not addressing "honourable"
Manipur just cannot afford cranky wastage of time
Manpower to oversee the Sports facilities
The burning of schools in Maipur's hill districts
A secretive university can never aspire to join the academic competition
Distrust on a region had and would never serve the long run national interests.
The alternative predominance of rational forces and expressive forces.
Will civil administration rises to the occasion?
Govt should not play with 'dignity and prestige of our land'
Unwarranted & Unaddressed tension in Manipur
Can Govt comprehend Power Supply & location of NIT?
Under-development requires a better leader.
A commentary on the Manipur Budget 2007-2008
public-private and private-private convergence has to end
Disturbing trend of kidnapping & murder of innocent children.
Absolute degradation of the Police force
Changing from welfare to warfare
Ibobi's re-election significance.
Improvement in governance in controlling Bandh
Is there perceptible experience of welfare by the people?
Let us invest to yield to begin with..
The elections this time are pregnant with implications...
Grammar of her society has gone wrong in every respect
The Value of a Minority Soul
Time for inclusiveness
Manipur is into Anarchy!
Neighbours' envy and Owners' headache
Regional Development Policy making is caste-based.
Manipur's double tragedy
Manipur's time to decide
A relook at the Tipaimukh
Difference between an American & Manipuri Student.
Manipur's problem in area of endo-geneity and exogeneity.
Democracy is wrong vis-a-vis the geographic realities of the State
Comparing customer service between BSNL & AT&T
An assessment of situation in Manipur
The world is now watching Manipur!
Manipur's Trade vis-a-vis East Asia is discussed.
Approach and Expectations
on border trade to economic diplomacy with Myanmar
Approach and Expectations
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