Parkia roxburghii: Can it be identified as an indicator of climate change ?
The reason behind the cause of annihilation.....
Rahul Ashem *
A young woman selling Yongchak at Bishenpur bazar :: Pix - Hueiyen Lanpao
Seasons play an important role in the life cycle of many wild plants and animals; Climatic reason can defunct the interdependent pairs of species (Wild flowers and its pollinating insects) losing synchronization. As for example, one has a period dependent on long day and the other on internal factors like temperature or precipitation. In principle, atleast, this can lead to annihilate or changes in the distribution and abundance of species.
More summer means more periods of drought naturally affecting many species of plants and animals. For example- the Drought year of 2006 in United Kingdom brought significant numbers of trees dried or show sign of die back on light sandy soils. In the early 90’s in Australia, Tens of thousands of flying foxes (Pteropus) have died as a direct result of extreme heat. Monsoon, milder winters may affect temperate mammals or insects by blocking their hibernating periods or entering torpor during periods when flood is scarce.
Parkia roxburghii is the scientific name of tree bean belongs to Sub family Mimosoideae of the family Leguminosae. Yongchak regarded as a colorful tree species of Manipur and grown mostly in the home garden (back yard), Slash and burn or jungle throughout the North Eastern States of India (Kanjilal et al, 1938). The fruit (pod) is consumed in all its developmental stages and is one of the favorite food items among the people of Manipur as well as to the neighboring States for its unique smell, taste or flavor. The great pungent smell of yongchak tells the presence of Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic acid (TCA, Thioproline), a cyclic sulphur containing amino acids (Suvachittanont et al., 1996)
Biologists and Workers reported the content of biochemical and nutritional values in the tender pods which were superior to other stages (Salam et al., 1998). The tree bean serves as the basic needs of protein and fat to meet the even increasing requirements. The seeds as well as tender pods are known to cure stomach disorders and regulate liver function. Pods pounded in water are used in cleaning the face and head (Burkill, 1935; Quisumbing, 1951). The soil extracts of the plant possesses insecticidal properties (Salam et al., 1995). The wood can be used as a source of paper pulp (CSIR, 1996). Pods from the plant growing in different agroclimatic conditions exhibit a high degree of morphological variations. Locals believe the narrow and uniform pods having light green color are superior in flavor than the others.
There is a vast decline of yongchak population in the valley of Manipur and no reason has left for the cause of becoming a vulnerable species. No report has yet to be reported. Many believe to be the wave of mobile towers; other reported the change in environmental factors while the remaining fixed on plant pollinated animals. In short, all the three parameters are related with the yongchak issued.
With the advancement of new technology and methods, advertising all over the valley of Manipur and recent invention of mobile connectivity, who knows the dark wave of mobile tower reflect to one of the important tree species of Manipur, the tree bean. No one cares if it affect to another wild species. The best season for tree beans is in the month of November, the festive season of Ningol Chakouba.
The leaves are shed chiefly in May and June, the flowers appear from mid August and the fresh fruit (pod) start plucking from mid October. Natural regeneration is found to be limited in warm and non shady places. It reproduces and grows well under fairly dense sunshine area. The growth rate is normal and tree lives to some great extent. Artificial regeneration is now a day’s very common because seeds do not take time to germinate and growth of seedlings is quite fine.
Seeds germinate regularly and dormancy do not happens frequently, the Government of Manipur has already produced a new hybrid species of Parkia roxburghii which will fully developed at five (5) years and bears fruit as well. The seeds bear transplanting well. Scholars and experts believe the vulnerability of yongchak is mainly due to the Doppler effect of mobile tower, the reason is still awaited.
From the survey report on cell tower radiation, radiation effects are divided into thermal and non thermal. Thermal are similar to that of cooking in the microwave oven. Non thermal are not well defined but it has been reported that non thermal effects are 3-4 times more harmful than thermal effects. It is also concluded that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone and tower affects the birds, animals and plant environment.
One would never see a bee, sparrow, pigeon or any bird flying and staying near the mobile tower? The reason is that surface area of a bird is relatively larger than their weight in comparison to human body, so they absorb more radiation (power= power density* area) since fluid content is small due to less weight, it gets heated up very fast and also the magnetic field disturbs their navigational skills.
For example, it has been quoted that Albert Einstein had said, if the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. Apart from bees, birds and animals, electromagnetic radiation emanating from mobile tower can also affect vegetables, crops and plants in its vicinity. Studies show definitive clues that mobile tower wave can choke seeds, inhibit germination and root growth, thereby affecting the overall growth of agricultural crops and plants.
Progressive deterioration of trees near phone masts has also been observed. Trees located inside the main lobe (beam), look sad and feeble, have dried tops, show slow growth and high susceptibility to illness and plagues. Also electromagnetic radiations generate heat. Due to this the microorganisms present in the soil near it would be killed. This in turn harms those organisms which feed on them and disturbs the ecological cycle.
The fact is, Biologists and observers believe the loss of Parkia roxburghii is due to the Verticillium wilt disease spreads all over the valley of Manipur. Verticillium species have been reported to cause wilt disease in various tree species (Bilgrami et al., 1991). The symptom is quite similar with the radiation cause by mobile tower. In another way, the wave has some inherent characters which reflects the flying foxes to reach the foraging tree (mostly on Parkia, Shorea ).
Most of the observer believes that the decline of the plant is caused by mobile tower which spreads all over the valley of Manipur. The wave which connects the people through mobile phone distracts the flying foxes to reach its final destination for food, shelter and to pollinate. Flying foxes represent a major role in the principal pollination pattern and seed dispersal of tree bean.
Pteropus were placed on appendix II of convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna (CITES) and atleast seven on appendix I, which restricts international trade, regarded as night hunting mammals and they hunt mostly at the night time. They feed on the stem borer, helps in the over population of the species.
But in due case, the population of yongchak come to a stand as the population show sign of mark of danger. Flying foxes and other mammals have the capacity to see ultra violet rays in the dark. Hunting, habitat destruction is another major issue for the downfall of Pteropus in the current scenario. Non human predators include birds of prey, snakes and other mammals. In some culture; it is believed that their meat is to cure asthma. There is still a lack of report on the survey of the existence of this mammal in Manipur.
Climatic conditions is also another factors which can change a given specific environment area at a given specific time. Recent survey discovered the dried up of yongchak in the valley of Manipur due to the rise in temperature or precipitation. The worse affect is in Ukhrul district. The average temperature in the hilly and undulating terrain was 3-25 degree Celsius a decade ago but breaking down the record, completely changes to warm climatic conditions.
The species, Parkia roxburghii which is suitable to warm climatic environment is now suited to this environment, expanding the growing area producing large number of yongchak pods. This is not a good sign, this is the sign for global warming; the time has come for Mangkhap (post trans plantation festival observed in the month of July for the Ukhrul people), thanks to god and rains for the good crop otherwise the change in environmental conditions leads to destruction and annihilation of the entire ecosystems in the near future.
A detailed study is required to evaluate the population status of Parkia roxburghii in Manipur. Broad survey method is also useful technique for obtaining information on the presence and relative numbers of a species population in particular areas (for both the species-Parkia and Pteropus). Secondary information can also be collected through interviewing the local villagers.
* Rahul Ashem wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Wildlife Conservationist and can be reach at at benthhook(at)gmail(dot)com
This article was webcasted on September 29 2012.
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