Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wild life Sanctuary
An important data deficient IBA of Manipur, its present status and conservation needs
Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi *
Yangoupokpi-Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary :: Pix - Dr Oinam Sunanda
The Yangoupokpi-Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary is one among the nine Important Bird Areas (IBA) identified in Manipur. The Sanctuary is located at the Indo-Myanmar border at Chandel district which is about 110 km from Imphal. The eastern boundary of the Sanctuary is coterminous with the international border and Moreh town.
Very little is known about the Sanctuary and its wildlife as most people in Manipur only recognize Moreh and not the adjoining Sanctuary which falls in the Eastern Himalayan Endemic Bird area famous for harboring some of the rare and restricted bird species found nowhere else in the world. This part of Himalayas is particularly rich in endemic bird species such as of the genus Sphenocichla (Babblers) etc.
Apart from these, the Sanctuary is the only remaining area in India where the endangered bird Green Peafowl-Pavo muticus (Wahong Asangba) are still occasionally seen. The global population the bird is declining rapidly, thus, Birdlife International in 2010 upgraded its status from Vulnerable to Endangered. Widespread hunting for meat and feathers, and collection of eggs and chicks, combined with habitat modification and human disturbance, has caused this species' catastrophic decline. Although an important IBA of Manipur, detail informations regarding its other birdlife and of its rich biodiversity are still a mystery even for the people of Manipur.
Birdlife International, an international body dealing with conservation of birds all over the world identified these potential bird areas depending upon their habitats and associated birdlife. Accordingly, Manipur have nine IBAs namely
- Ango or Anko hills (Ukhrul),
- Bunning Wildlife Sanctuary (Tamenglong),
- Dzuko Valley (Senapati),
- Jiri-Makru Wildlife Sanctuary (Imphal East & Tamenglong),
- Kailam Wildlife Sanctuary (Churachandpur),
- Loktak Lake & Keibul Lamjao National park (Bishnupur & Imphal West),
- Shiroy Community Forest (Ukhrul),
- Yangoupokpi-Lokchao WLS (Chandel) and
- Zeilad Lake Sanctuary (Tamenglong).
It is a matter of pride that our state harbors nine Important Bird Areas despite its being a small state compared to its neighboring states like Assam and Meghalaya. But we care little about our own resources and still ignore our rich biodiversity. It was somewhat disappointing that when I started working on a small two year project funded by the Foundation for Ecological Security (FES), India and subsequently by the Rufford Small Grants Foundation (RSGF), UK on the avian fauna of Yangoupokpi Lokchao WLS last year, many people were not aware of the Sanctuary itself, not to mention the hard time in explaining the differences between the endangered Green Peafowl and the common Indian Peafowl.
Green Peafowl- Pavo muticus (L) Indian Peafowl- Pavo cristatus (R) :: Pix - Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi
Both the bird and Sanctuary were always there in Manipur but we were not aware of it in the first place except for the communities living inside the Sanctuary. Beside the Green Peafowl locally called as Wahong Asangba, many other rare and threatened bird species might be existing inside the Sanctuary without notice and who knows probably some of the expected endemic species were extinct locally. This is not only true for the bird species, there may be other such wild animals and plants both medicinal and ornamental e.g. Orchids endemic to this area which are thriving in the Sanctuary, unknown to the world.
There are seven forest villages inside the Sanctuary namely Satang, Nungkam, Saikul, Govajang, Bongjang, H. Mongjang and Kwatha villages. These communities have lived side by side from time immemorial along with the rich resources of the Sanctuary and are all dependent more or less on the forest resources for their day to day life. No one should know better, the importance of the Sanctuary and its rich biodiversity beside these communities.
But what have become of this Sanctuary now? Large scale destruction of forest for Jhum cultivation side by side excessive logging of timber, hunting and poaching of wild birds and animals are taking a heavy toll on the existing natural habitat of the Sanctuary. Excessive cutting and burning of trees for making charcoal are also rampant in the area. Since the site falls near the International border, smuggling of wildlife and forest products were also very common and is now becoming a major problem.
Illegal Burning of Forest near Khudengthabi :: Pix - Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi
It is asserted that avian fauna are the convenient indicators of biodiversity which is also useful for monitoring environmental changes. Endemic and threatened birds with restricted ranges are more vulnerable to habitat destruction than any other birds. As the disturbance continues, ecosystem inputs and outputs are altered threatening previously existing core habitats resulting in a progressive erosion of biological diversity in the Sanctuary. If the present situation continues without any check, the Sanctuary will be lost along with all its riches.
Large scale logging & clearing of forests near Moreh :: Pix - Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi
Here comes the question of Conservation needs. But before, we go for conservation we must first aware of the rich biodiversity of our state and their importance in our day to day life. It feels so great to know that people across the globe look upon the world map to see where exactly is Manipur located where the endangered Green Peafowl occurs in India or where the Loktak Lake and the Keibul Lamjao National Park situated.
Why is it that people from across the globe are interested to know about the rich biodiversity and rare ecosystems of our state and we didn't know even their existence in our own place? We all know about the present law and order situations of Manipur and most of us think that we have so much to worry about then to the mere birds and animals of the state. Being at the International border, the Yangoupokpi Lokchao WLS have its share of insurgency problems which is often the cause of limited research studies in the area.
In this regard, I feel the need for immediate awareness education programs on conservation of threatened birds and other such wildlife and its associated habitats and the importance of the Sanctuary itself on the local communities for their own livelihood and survival. Beside this Sanctuary, other such conservation programs must be taken up for other important protected areas of our state.
The state government departments such as Forest Department and other major institutions must also provide assistance and encouragement to young local youths, research students and NGOs working in the field to carry out such biodiversity inventory and conservation works on the data deficient protected areas of our state. For information sharing, there are many conservation organizations in India (WWF, WTI, FES, BNHS, ATREE etc) and also in abroad (RSGF, CLP, OBC, US Fish & Wildlife Society etc) who provide financial assistance to young deserving students and local NGOs to carry out such conservation related research projects. It is with the help of FES and RSGF funding that I can start the project work at Yangoupokpi Lokchao WLS in the first place. It is our duty to enlist and conserve our own resources. We won't!!! Then who will?
So, let's not be too greedy and lets use our natural resources wisely and sustainably to carry on with our whole life and also to pass it on as a gift to our future generations.
Yangoupokpi-Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary :: Pix - Forest Dept / Govt of Manipur
* Dr Oinam Sunanda Devi wrote this article for e-pao.net
The writer is Ornithologist & Technical Associate- Assam State Biodiversity Board and can be reached at sunan_o(at)rediffmail(dot)com This article was posted on February 12, 2013
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