Wild Edible Fleshy Fungi of Indo-Myanmar hot spot region
- Book Review -
SV Ngachan *
Wild Edible Fleshy Fungi of Indo-Myanmar hot spot region - Book Lanuch :: Pix - TSE
For reviewing, I have critically gone through the book, which gives extensive and elaborative information on the “Wild edible fleshy fungi of Indo-Myanmar hotspot region -Value Addition to Selected Genera for Food & Sustainable Health & Artificial Cultivation for Socio-Economic Development” by Prof N Irabanta Singh, Th Chitaranjan Singh, Nivedita Lairenlakpam and M Babita Devi.
This book (published by LAMBERT Academic publishing, Germany, 2022) has been appropriately described and timely documented from the aspect of geo-ecological importance and biodiversity of fungi. Prof N Irabanta Singh in his long professional experience as a teacher and researcher of biology and mycology in particular has produced a number of scholars and academicians.
Out of total 60 types of mushrooms documented, 42 types are edible indicating very rich mushroom flora. These natural mushrooms described in the book are the collections from the agro-climatic conditions of subtropical to sub- temperate regions.
Till date, no one has compiled the exact figure of edible fleshy fungi (mushrooms) from the region. The authors focused their studies on collection and identification of wild edible fleshy fungi of Indo-Myanmar hotspot region and characterized 60 species under 32 genera and 18 families.
All the species described belong to the Phylum– Basidiomycota. Such local edible fleshy fungi have been studied for nutritional values and bio-active compounds for health and cultural studies for commercial cultivation and socio- economic developments. Extensive informations have been generated on the potentialities of these mushrooms as well as for future research to be handled by the younger generations to come.
Reviews are summarized and are dealt with section wise.
After a brief introduction, chapter 1 deals mainly with the location of collection and identifications with local names of mushrooms along with their characteristics for 42 edible mushrooms have been described. Of these, 5 (five) Termitomyces spp. symbiont to termites and their relationships have been discussed.
Although markets for different edible mushrooms fluctuates frequently, many mushroom prices (fresh & dried) as stated in Table 1.1.3 appears to be the price of 15-20 years ago. For example, Lentinula edodes in a dried form is not less than Rs. 2000-Rs.3000 at present. Note on the present price prevailing in the local markets for better comprehension.
Taxonomy today, is not simple by morphological characterization alone. Difference of opinion will arise, for example, the genus Termitomyces which is grouped in the family Tricholomataceae might be controversial. Earlier Termitomyces was placed in the family of Agaricaceae (under the order-Agaricales), others placed in the family Lyophyllaceae.
However, based on phylo-genetic relationship several African Termi-tomyces species studied by their Internal Transcriber Spacer Region (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), this group is clearly monophyletic and belongs to the Tricholomataceae family. Likewise, for different generic and species of mushrooms in local vernacular (Manipuri) is generally known as Chengum, unless otherwise specified.
The genus Lentinula is synonym to Lentinus. Some authors group them in polyporaceae and others place them in the family Tricholomataceae for being monophyletic. Calocybe indica (milky mushroom) collected from the dead wood of Mango is also known as Tek Tek Pan in Manipuri which was considered a delicacy for the rich and royal families.
Because of climate change, deforestation and other factors the authors may have not been able to collect it. The overall efforts invested by the authors have been rewarding in documentation and identification. These documents will open the future researchers in improving and modifications of technologies in mushroom science.
Section –II
Fifteen (15) species of edible mushrooms have been analyzed for their crude protein, total mineral and fibre and fat content. The highest crude protein content (27.29%) recorded from Lentinus connatus and the lowest was recorded (8.89%) in Auricularia polytricha.
The total ash/mineral content of the 15 test mushrooms ranges from 4.75 to 21.00%, the highest obtained in Gomphus floccosus (21.00%) and the lowest in Lentinus tigrinus (4.75%). Similarly, the crude fibre in these mushrooms ranges from 3.25% (Lentinus conatus) to 13.00% (Scleroderma verrucosum).
Four (4) oyster mushrooms namely, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus flabellatus, Pleurotus eous, P. platypus grown on 9 different agro-forest substrates indicating encouraging results. All the four species of Pleurotus grown on maize straw substrate performed the highest average crude protein content of 35.075% and the lowest value 22.413% on pea straw.
The mineral ash content was highest on pea straw (11.11%), followed by paddy straw (8.875%) and the lowest in banana pseudo stem (6.86%). From this we can assume selection of substrate to enhance quality nutrient content particularly crude protein and total mineral content while cultivating different species of Pleurotus spp.
Bio-active compounds of Pleurotus cornucopiae, Schizophyllum commune, Lantinula edodes, L. connatus have been extensively analysed for phytochemical analysis and anti-oxidative behavior. Preparation methods of extracts, DPPH radical scavenging assay, determination of reducing power, phenol, flavonoid, ß-carotene and lycopene and ascorbic acid estimation has been determined.
The results indicate that all the 4 mushroom species are found to possess anti-oxidant property with free radical scavenging power in different in-vitro assays including ferrous iron chelating, ferric iron reducing, DPPH free radical scavenging and total antioxidant activity.
The presence of total phenol, flavonoid, ascorbic acid, ß-carotene and lycopene at variable quantities add flavor for recommendation of these mushrooms as food supplements and antioxidants for use in pharmaceutical industries.
However, all medicinal mushrooms should go for pharmacological studies as not much study has been done. Today, food style diseases such as cancer, obesity, infertility, cardio-vascular problems, hypertension, diabetes, intestinal problems etc. are on the rise in India. The authors have meticulously attempted to study on the quality of local and natural mushrooms for nutritional and medicinal purposes.
The cultural studies on Lentinula lateritia and Auricularia delicate were carried out on different media at different pH, temperature and incubation period. Substrates for cultivation and sporolation at different source of carbon, nitrogen has been extensively carried out. The contaminants and other fungal pathogens during the cultivation period have also been documented.
Control measures for such competitors and pathogens, although not efficient as chemical fungicides, the phyto-extracts or botanicals at different concentrations have been suggested for safer use of health.
Detailed yield performance of 6 Pleurotus spp on 11 different substrates and their biological efficiency (B.E) in percentage have been determined and worked out. This is important for commercial cultivation of different mushrooms.
An important work on cultivation of Termitomyces eurrhizus on PDA (Potato Dextros Agar) and MEA (Malt Extract Agar) has been attempted. The genus Termitomyces is paleotropic exosymbiont forming mutualistic association with macrotermitinae, a group of fungal mycelium eating termites. The authors have determined the pH and other minerals such as cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na and K of T. eurrhizus and its fungus combs.
These findings not only promote growth of hyphae of the fungus but provide the Termitomyces spp. nutritive components similar to that of termitorium (Termite comb), thereby facilitating artificial cultivation. Although, successful cultivation methods have not been standardized in this report, the authors have indicated the feasibility of artificial cultivation.
During my conversation with Dr. N. Irabanta Singh, recently, he mentioned that Termitomyces is one of the tastiest mushrooms with good flavor and aroma. It reminds me on the isolation of Termitomycesphins as a novel cerebroside from these mushrooms.
The results obtained from the cultivation of different mushrooms on various locally available substrates for three consecutive years gives me 100 percent confidence that the region has potentialities to increase production and productivity of mushrooms and decrease nutrient deficiency of the population.
This chapter deals with the extension activities such as trainings, mobilizing farmers as conducted by the authors on oyster mushroom cultivation. The cost benefit ratio has been elaborated. Women empowerment and socio-economic upliftment through mushroom cultivation has been highlighted.
The technologies generated by the authors should be taken to the farmers particularly women farmer. In this regard, intervention from the state governments on a mission mode is suggested.
A review on the diversity of edible fungi covering North East India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Malaysia etc has been documented. The collection, identification, distribution, cultivation and their yield performances have been dealt with. The traditional knowledge in identifying poisonous mushrooms from edible ones has also been discussed.
The book in conclusion summarized the main results of the research executed by the authors.
* SV Ngachan wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The Reviewer is Ex. Director ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam
and presently, Professor, School of Plant Protection,
CPGS-AS, CAU (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya
This article was webcasted on February 13 2023.
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