Two day National Symposium on Aerobiology : A report
Prof N Irabanta Singh *
Center of Advanced Study in Life Science at Manipur University :: Pix - Bunti Phurailatpam
The Centre of Advanced Study in Life Sciences, Manipur University, Canchipur had organized two day ( 25-26 March, 2013) National Symposium on " Aerobiology for sustainable management of plant , Animal and Human health". On the inauguration day Prof.H.N.K. Sarma, Vice chancellor, Manipur University; Prof. P. Nabachandra Singh, Dean School of Humanities, Manipur University; Prof. G.J. Sharma, Co-ordinator, Centre of Advanced Study in Life Sciences, Manipur University and Prof. G.K.N. Chhetry, HOD/ Life Sciences, Manipur University were Chief Guests, Guest of Honour and President respectively. Among the eminent Scientists participating the symposium include- Prof. R.D. Guatam, Prof. (retd.), Division of Antomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi; Dr. A.B. Singh, Emeritus Scientist, Institute of Genomic and Integral Biology, Delhi University Campus ,Delhi; Prof.B.N. Pande, Emeritus Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM'S Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad( MS); Prof. S. Mandal, Department of Botany, Visva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, (W.B) and Dr. (Mrs). Karuna Srivastava, Department of Forestry, NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh.
Prof. N.Irabanta Singh, Dean, School of Life Sciences and Organising Secretary of the Symposium welcomed dignitaries on the dias, resource persons, delegates and invitees including representative of print and electronic media. Prof. Singh described Aerobiology as the study of airborne particles of biological origin and their sources, liberation, dispersal, deposition and impact on other living organisms and aerobiological study has a potential link between climate change, plant and animal biology and public health. He also underlined the importance of hosting such National Symposium on Aerobiology for Sustainable Management of Plant, Animal and Human Health.
The key-note address on the topic " Parthenium Aerobiology with a focus of management of congress grass link diseases in human being" was delivered by Prof. R. D. Gautam of IARI, New Delhi. Prof. Gautam's presentation was focused on (a) Aerobiology and Parthenium menace, (b) Parthenium hysterophorus and its spread in India (c) Effect on the human and Animal health as well as biodiversity (d) Strategies to manage the Parthenium linked health problem, (e) Public awareness on validated Parthenium contaminant procedures, and future strategies, and (f) Sharing the agonies of Parthenium victims and success stories of treatment. Prof. Gautam concluded his key-note address with the remark that future studies must be polarized in investigating the concentration of Parthenium allergen, their potential to affect heath in different seasons and regions for sustainable quality life.
Prof. P. Nabachandra Singh and Prof. G. J. Sarma in their speech as Guests of Honour gave the recent advancement in the field of Aerobiology for sustainable management of Plant, Animal and Human Health. In his address as Chief Guest, Prof. H. N. K. Sarma, V.C, Manipur University emphasized the importance of organizing such symposium of national magnitude because majority of plant, animal and human diseases are caused by airborne biota. Hence, collection of aerobiological data such as fungal spores, pollengrains, etc. can help in forecasting plant diseases and management of allergic human diseases. Prof. G.K.N. Chhetry, HOD/Life sciences Manipur University, in his presidential address emphasized the importance of organizing such National Symposium on Aerobiology for welfare of the society. The inaugural function was closed with a vote of thank by Prof. M. Shyamkesho Singh.
After an exhaustive key note address by Prof. R. D. Gautam of IARI, New Delhi, Dr. A.B. Singh Emeritus Scientist, Institute of Genomic and Integrative Biology, Delhi University Campus ,Delhi delivered his invited talk on the topic " Pollen allergy: a national health problem". The session was chaired by Prof. S. Mandal and Dr. R.K Gambhir Singh was rapporteur. Dr. Singh explained in detailed on terminology like aerobiology, allergy, atopy, etc. He also emphasized the relationship between allergy and asthma in India. He also showed aerobiological pathways in human body system involving the lungs showing symptom like sneezing and coughing, etc. leading to bronchial asthma.
Dr. Singh opined that allergens can be influenced by climate change. He concludes his talk by quoting "Global warming is a Global warning". The post lunch invited talk was delivered by Prof. S. Mandal, Department of Botany, Visva Bharati University, Shantiniketan, (W.B) on the topic "Diversity of pollinating and Biotechnology". The session was chaired by Dr. A. B. Singh and Dr. R.K. Gambhir was rapporteur.
Prof. Mandal spoke about biodiversity and its protocol; climate change and its effects on human life. He also explained about palynology, aerobiology along with the works of various palynologists. He also mentioned about pollen based gene technology, gene transfer in pollen grains, etc. According to him, there is threats to pollinating agents such as insects, birds, squirrel, bats, snail, etc. due to climate change that hindered pollination. He opined need for introducing of in-situ and ex-situ conservation of these pollinating agents.
The lead lecture was delivered by Dr. (Mrs). Karuna Srivastava, Department of Forestry, NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh on the topic " Studies on extramural aerobiology for anemophillous pollen grains and fungal spores at Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh". The session was chaired by Prof. B.N. Pande and Dr. R. K. Gambhir Sing was the rapporteur . Dr. Srivastava carried out air sampling at plantation sites, forest nursery and non-vegetation sites using Burkard Personal Volumatric Air Sampler and Petridishes from January to May, 2012. According to her, more pollens as well as fungal spores were trapped at plantation sites as compared to nursery and open sites which revealed their dispersal by the agency of air. Further, metrological parameters also influenced in fluctuating airspora.
On the second day (26th March,2013 pre-lunch session) Prof .B. N. Pande, Emeritus Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MGM'S Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad (MS) gave his invited talk on the topic "Bioaerosols as allergens with special reference to children allergy". The session was chaired by Prof. R. D. Gautam and Dr. R. K. Ganbhir was rapporteur. Prof. Pandey defined, allergy in detailed and reviewed research literature starting from the early 1873 by Cunningham to Singh (1982-2012), etc.
He showed steps how pollen grains caused sneezing, wheezing, etc. when they entered inside human respiratory system. He also listed different forms of allergy in children like rhinitis (occurring in upper part of the respiratory tracks), asthma (in lower airways), atopic dermatitis (in the skin of children, in the arm pits, neck, legs etc.) and conjunctivitis on eyes. He also showed anaphylaxis in children due to food allergy and its symptoms and manifestation. He also showed how occupational allergy occur leading to infection to lungs, nose, eyes, skin, etc. as the main target organs. He also highlighted the role of allergy organisms test like skin prick test, ELISA test, blood test, etc. He concludes that there is a rich fungal diversity along with pollen grains and showed devices for children allergy management strategies.
In the valedictory function, Prof. R. D. Gautam, Prof. B. N. Pande, Prof. N. Irabanta Singh, Prof. W. Vishwanath Singh, Prof. M. Shyamkesho Singh and Dr. R.K. Gambhir Singh were presidium members. The attraction of the valedictory function was announcement of cash prizes for best poster presentations. The jury for evaluation of the poster presentation were Prof. W. Vishwanath Singh (Chairman), Prof. G.A. Shantibala Devi (Member) and Prof. M. Shyamkesho Singh (Convenor).
The evaluation committee recommended four Research scholars for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and consolidation case prizes. They are Miss Y. Nganthoi Devi, Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Assam University, Silchar; Miss H. Beebineeta Devi, Department of Forestry, NERIST, Nirjuli (A.P.); Miss Jayalaxmi Ningthoujam, Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Assam University, Silchar and Miss W. Sandya Chanu, Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, Canchipur respectively. This was followed by read out the expert committees recommendation by Prof. M. Shyamkesho Singh.
The expert committee for the National Symposium on "Aerobiology for Sustainable Management of Plant, Animal and Human Health" consist of Dr. A.B. Singh, Chairman; Prof. R.D. Gautam; Prof. B.N. Pande; Prof. S. Mandal; Dr. (Mrs) Karuna Shrivastava; Prof. M. Shyamkesho Singh (all members) and Prof. N. Irabanta Singh (Convenor). The committee recommended 10 (ten) points for advancement of aerobiological studies in North-East India. The points are :-
1. Establishment of a National Institute for teaching, research and extension work on various aspects of aerobiology.
2. Continuous monitoring of aerobiology in different states of north eastern region of India and to make the information available to the public thus developing forecasting system for aeroallergens.
3. Monitoring indoor aeroallergens in residential and work environment of North Eastern India.
4. Study of the impact of climate change in a long term plan on retrospective and prospective basis of aerobiota.
5. Study of predominant airborne biota for their allergenicity to the local population in collaboration with local medical Institutions.
6. Developing teaching /training centres for public/patient awareness.
7. Epidemiological study and development of forecasting system of airborne fungal/bacterial diseases of various crops of the north eastern region of India.
8. Emphasis on the role of aerobioinformatics study to assess the problems related to forest trees, pollination, genetically modified crops and vegetables for human consumption.
9. Study of airbiota pollution interaction and global warming for safeguard of biodiversity and
10. Development of aerobiological models for plant, animal and human health in a regional specific manner.
The auguest body unanimously approved the 10(ten) points recommendations made by the expert committee for implementation. The valedictory function was ended with a vote of thanks from the organising Secretary, Prof. N. Irabanta Singh. Prof. Singh acknowledged help and cooperation received from his colleagues at the Centre of Advanced Study in Life Sciences, the University authority, UGC, New Delhi for sponsoring the Symposium, DBT, GOI, New Delhi and CSIR, New Delhi for a partial financial support.
Thus, the two day National Symposium on "Aerobiology for Sustainable Management of Plant, Animal and Human Health" came to an end with a grand success.
* Prof N Irabanta Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Dean, School of Life Sciences, Manipur University, Canchipur. He can be contacted to irabanta(dot)singh(at)gmail(dot)com This article was posted on April 21, 2013
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