Tribal traditional methods of forest conservation
Huri Gonmei *
Thick vegetation in Tamei, Tamenglong in November 2012 :: Pix Credit - MMTA
Forests are indispensable to mankind. They provide us with wood, raw materials; prevent floods and soil erosion; increase underground water supply and humidity of air and also provide an abode for the wildlife, check air pollution, etc.
Traditional methods of forest conservation in tribal society were unique in nature.
Forest conservation can be classified in several ways:
1. Maintenance of sacred forests, sacred groves and sacred trees.
2. Strict rotation of 15 to 20 years of Jhuming cycle.
3. Forest area setting aside for perennial source of water.
4. Constructive method of controlled burning over shifting cultivation.
Whereas, in modern days man has mercilessly chopped off trees without paying any attention o the destruction he is causing to his own life and future. Hillsides have been stripped off its vegetation cover which has become a major cause for the earthquakes and landslides, deforestation not only diminishes the natural beauty of any place but also upsets the ecological balance of that place.
Wildlife is at the brink of destruction! Due to destruction of forests, pollution, climatic changes nd extensive hunting of animals, many species of wildlife have become extinct. With extinction, 'hen a species disappears, it is gone forever! Wildlife destruction has upset the whole mechanism f natural regulation and balance, which could endanger our very existence.
The day is not far away when sighting a Hornbill/Tiger/Sangai/Samber will be a rare occurrence in our state.
some of the facts that are urgently needed to save our national wealth are:
A national survey in India in 1980s revealed that humans inhibited 69% of Protected Areas.' It is believed that an area of tropical forest 4 times the size of Switzerland disappears every year!
Forest lands in the developing countries have declined to half of the original. Destruction of forests leads to the destruction of wildlife.
There was a time when 40% of the land on earth was covered with forests. Unfortunately, only l/3rd part of the land is now covered with forests and the rate of decreasing green cover is increasing day by day.
The way in which man exploits and destroys nature may definitely bring some short-term fit but it harms him in the long run. The survival of the human race is possible only with the survival of our environment as a whole. A person may think that killing animal or a bird won't matter much. But what is worth considering is the fact that there are millions of people out there doing such attitude, thereby killing just one animal or bird every now and then!
It is a threat to wildlife that makes it mandatory for every person to understand the relation between organisms their environment. We have to make serious efforts toward wildlife conservation campaign.
To prevent the inhuman slaughter and hunting of these wild animals and birds, voluntary organisation should come forward and fight for this cause. We should protest if trees are being cut down. The only way to protect endangered animals from extinction is by increasing awareness.
Ecological and Environmental Value
Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, "One acre of forest absorbs 6 tons (6000 kg) of carbon dioxide and puts out 4 tons (4000 kg) of oxygen. This is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people.'1 Trees, shrubs and herbs filter air by removing dust and absorbing other pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. After trees intercept unhealthy particles, rain washes them to the ground.
Trees control climate by moderating the effects of the sun, rain and wind. Leaves absorb and filter the sun's radiant energy, keeping things cool in summer. Trees also preserve warmth by providing a screen from harsh wind.
A 50 year old tree generates oxygen worth 5.3 lakh rupees. Fallen leaves make excellent compost that enriches soil.
Today tourism is one of the largest industries in the world and accounts for more than 10% of total employments and ecotourism is the fastest growing sector in tourism industry. More than 700 million peoples travel internationally every year spending more than 300 billion US dollar. Our state being a hilly terrain the only source of income will be from tourism,
Importance of wildlife
Living and non-living bodies are closely tied together and form the quite intricate system called the ecosystem. Man get wealth, food drugs and medicine, life support or anything which we think from this ecosystem. The plants we grow and the animals we rear at our farm or home, all came from wild. Plants and animals in wild are gene-pool.
In the event, one domesticated plant or animal or bird is wiped out due to an epidemic, the only source to replenish is the plant and animals in the wild. Plants and animals play an important role in biogeochemical, energy flow, food chain, ecological succession, pollination, environmental pollution and so on.
For instant if the bees are wiped out from our ecosystem, many of our food plants will not bear food due to the absence of pollination. Due to depletion of vulture and snakes, we are facing the menace of rats everywhere.
Alternative to Jhuming:
1. Cultivation of horticultural plants - orange, lemon, pineapple, jackfruit, guava, papaya etc.
2. Conserving biodiversity and tapping the produce,
3. Undergrowth medicinal plants.
4. Planting trees and bamboos.
5. Nursery creation of forest and floriculture.
6. Mushroom cultivation.
7. Poultry, goatery, cattle rearing etc
* Huri Gonmei wrote this article at Huieyen Lanpao
Huri Gonmei is DFO Tamenglong
This article was posted on November 19, 2015.
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