To fight Covid-19 grow oxygen enriching beautiful plants at home
Dr Ps. Mariam Anal *
In the world, nine out of ten people breathe unhealthy air. Air pollution is now the biggest environmental risk for early death, premature deaths from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and respiratory diseases. In this pandemic time of Covid-19, it is important to increase the oxygen levels at home for the patient as well as for the other family members.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are breathlessness. A significant number of coronavirus patients have been found to experience shortness of breath and that's what makes the disease deadly. A lack of enough oxygen in your body can lead to fatal cardiovascular conditions that can further claim the life.
Again, because of the lock down by the Government to curtail the spread of coronavirus, many of the family members stay home or self quarantining at home in mild and moderate condition of corona sickness. Due to this new development the air quality in these enclosed spaces of the home is more polluted than ever.
Some of the house plants which can purify air and generate high oxygen level will be beneficial for maintaining good health of mankind during this period and boost the immune system to fight against the corona virus.
In times of covid-19 isolation and stress, plants actually make people happy and relieve the stress from disease giving hope to the people. Some of the important indoor and outdoor plants grown in the State which release oxygen efficiently are listed below:
1. Pothos/Money plant/Devil's ivy (Epipremnumaureum): It is the number one indoor plant for oxygen due to its fast conversion rate. It is able to show a 6.5% reduction in carbon dioxide, where it decreased the CO2 content from 454 PPM to 425 PPM, thereby increasing the oxygen levels. It can effectively remove airborne pollutants like carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene, etc. It is also a beautiful indoor plant for releasing oxygen at night. It is mostly used as an indoor plant for filtering air and also cure sleep disorders.
2. Peace lily or Cobra plant (Spathiphyllumwallisii) : It can lower the presence of carbon dioxide and helps in boosting the percentage of oxygen in a well-ventilated room by as much as 25%. The plant also earned a place in NASA clean air study due to its air-purifying abilities.
3. Areca palm/ golden palm/ butterfly palm/ yellow palm (Dypsislutescens) : It releases oxygen and increasing its level in the area where it is kept and also filters harmful pollutants like xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde. Keeping two large houseplants like areca palm in 100 square feet area can enhance oxygen levels in the surrounding. It is a great humidifier too.
4. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata): It is also known as mother-in-law's tongue. It is one of the most oxygen producing indoor plants as it is able to absorb carbon dioxide at 0.49 ppm/m3 in the closed system. As Snake plant is a CAM plant, it also emits oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide at night, along with benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
5. Tulsi/ Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum ): It is a spiritual foliage plant which has has several benefits. Tulsi plant inside the house increases the supply of oxygen as it gives out oxygen 20 hours a day. It also absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the air.
6. Weeping Fig/Ficus/Peepul (Ficus Benjamina) : The weeping fig is an air purifying plant which can effectively clean airborne xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene. Also, the plant can keep improving the quality of air surrounding you and provides oxygen even at night.
7. Spider Plant (Chlorophytumcomosum) : Although the spider plant is not very much producing oxygen, it is one of the best plants to reduce stress and increase productivity according to research. It can lower anxiety by 37%, depression by 58%, and fatigue by 38%. It is easily grows and is available easily.
8. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia sp.): Dumb Cane is effective in reducing the CO2 levels from 1,868 to 1,506 ppm within 24 hours, therefore, increasing the oxygen levels. The plant also cleans volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like acetone, benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene inside the home.
9. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis): It is best known to remove toxins from the air like aldehydes and benzene. Unlike most plants, it releases the oxygen at night as well and is well suited for bedrooms and indoor environment. It is a medicinal plant used for different treatments.
10. Orchids: Orchids are a beautiful and useful choice to be placed in the bedroom. It also purifies the air as it removes Xylene a toxic element mostly present in paints of our furniture and walls and cleans our indoor environment.
11. Gerbera (Gerberajamesonii): It is a beautiful & colourful flower plant known for its ability to release oxygen at night. It is beneficial for people who are suffering from breathing and sleep disorder. These plants need sunlight for its flowering season.
12. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergeratruncata): It is also used to purify indoor air as it provides oxygen in the night too.
13. Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.): Though it is not exactly known for its oxygen-producing capabilities, it is a great plant to clean the harmful VOCs off the air. NASA reported that it was able to remove 76,931 total micrograms of Benzene from the air in 24 hours. Due to more leaves, oxygen production is significantly higher than the other houseplants.
14. Neem (Azadirachta indica): The plant has many benefits and is known for its anti-bacterial properties. It is also used to purify the air and have a cure for various ailments. It also acts as a natural pesticide that is why it is advised to plant in the middle of the yard.
15. Bamboo plant (Bambusa sp.): The bamboo plant removes toluene from the air which is a colourless liquid with a pungent smell and has harmful effects like nose, eyes, & throat irritation. It also filters out harmful toxins from the atmosphere like benzene, & formaldehyde. Keeping a bamboo plant at home can increase oxygen levels tremendously.
All living beings including mankind require oxygen to stay alive and remain healthy. Home plants provide this oxygen to balance the ecosystem in the world. Lack of greenery can cause serious health hazards and can pollute our surroundings on a large scale. We should plant more to contribute their part in the refinement of home environment particularly to combat Covid-19 pandemic for a better future generation.
"Grow more Oxygen giver plants to save life!"
For further details, please contact Public Relations and Media Management (PRMM)Cell, CAU Imphal, by email to PRMM(AT)cau(DOT)ac(DOT)in
* Dr Ps. Mariam Anal wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal
This article was webcasted on May 17 2021.
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