The Wet Paddy Cultivation in Hills of Manipur
Ngashangva Ngalengshim *
Cultivation on the Road leading to Ukhrul in March 2010
Half of the World populations are engaged in agriculture and its allied activities. At present, more than 56% of the population in India depends on agriculture. The agriculture practices around the world are diverse depending on their socio-culture, climatic condition and land topography.
In Manipur, hill districts like Chandel, Ukhrul, Tamenglong, Senapati and Churachandpur about more than 90% are engaged in agriculture activities irrespective of gender and age. They practice jhumming and forest cultivation for cash crops which have devastating effects on the environment and ephemerally conducive for one or two seasons. This impermanent nature of cultivation makes it unviable.
Thus they prefer wet paddy cultivation which is an old age practice and they have perfected over the centuries. It is an integral part of terracing on the hill slope agriculture. It is seasonal and the energy input is traditional hand tools and draught animals. It is labor intensive and mostly works in co-operation with clans, relatives and neighbors.
Additionally, the topography and seasonality of the work nature demands cooperative efforts and this co-operative work have all-encompassing impact on their socio-culture life.
The wet paddy terraces appear big saucer shape upon the hills and valleys. On the hills, terraces are engraved on low hill slope while near the river side terrace walls are layered with stones. The terraces were constructed hundreds of years ago and it is one of the marvels of the hills architect.
The water is delivered through small man made water canal which may stretch up-to few kilometers. This water way fed natural fertilizers from the hills wash off in addition to the organic fertilizers supplemented from home wastes and rotting of the vegetation pull-outs from weeding. It is prone to damage from landslides, destruction by animals, overflow and blockage from decay leaves and branches. It served as the route of aquatic animal movement.
The secondary activities on wet paddy during off season include conservation of soil fertility and as a source of wild edible vegetables like Chinese celery, Sweet potatoes, Beans, Chinese leek, Heartleaf, Centella, Broadleaf plantain, Perennial buck wheat, Wild sesame, Barley, Lemon basil etc.
It is also used as fishery, source of edible water insect, grups, and snails. The terraces and the surrounding spaces are also used for planting seasonal vegetables like Chilli, Brinjal, Ladyfinger, Pumkin, Cucumber, Coriander, and other aromatic plants for foods. Moreover, fruit plants like Guava, Beach, Passion fruit and Parkia are also planted.
They are one of the main sources of proteins and other essential nutrients for the villagers. They created an ecological niche and an agro-forestry system which is environment friendly and sustainable land management and that has been proved by the continuous cultivation of the wet paddy field for generations.
Phalee is a village in Lungchong-Maiphai, a recently created Sub-Division about 20 km from Ukhrul in Manipur. It is located at elevation of about 5033 ft., 94017 '06.34" E and 250 08' 34.00" N. Its latest village census in December 2014 indicates 589 households and about ¼ of these households have 100- 250 m2 size each of wet paddy field.
They have been practicing this wet paddy cultivation for centuries and perfected like any other societies in the North East India and South East Asian countries. However, there is stagnation in the progress of cultivation practice and they are hesitant to experiment new method. There is neither incentive, insurance, innovation nor are good seeds available at their disposal. They breed their own seeds, and there is no security from environment damage or loss from other unpredictable event. Moreover, there is lack of expert input.
Currently, there is population explosion and the land is shrinking technically and raised the disguised unemployment. Moreover, the villagers find other forest cultivation more lucrative and, the younger generations find other secondary or tertiary jobs more attractive.
Unless, they redeveloped the practice it would be difficult to continue the sustainable land use of wet paddy field and may have negative impact on the food security. It may even disrupt their social structure since most of their socio-culture and mind set are closely interlinked with the activities either its weaving basket, welding irons or making hand tools, they are interrelated to the activities on wet paddy cultivation.
There is indiscriminate cutting of woodlands and consequently man made natural disasters are more frequent. Previously, it was reported in the esteem local daily the Sangai Express that numerous land-slides on the adjoining hills of wet paddy field in Phalee village had caused heavy damage to the standing crops. It is due to the destruction of the fragile agro forestry of the wet paddy field and the near surrounding.
The water availability has also drastically reduced. The humus from the hill side wash off is also reducing. Moreover, there is report of diseases on crops, animals and fishes and, the swarming of frogs which eat the fish fingerling, mosquitoes, unwanted snail and leech which interferes the local species.
Moreover, it is labor intensive and the net profit is negative return in term of monetary calculation and discouraged the people to continue the cultivation. It has been exacerbated by the lack of mechanization of cultivation and incentives from the Government.
The impact of wet paddy cultivation upon the hill society is massive; however their contribution and their occupation are not harnessed. Their empowerment is essential to unlock their true potential and built stronger collaboration for food security and sustainable development. Their balance coexistence with the environment and their sustainable land management practices is worthy to revisit and integrate with the modern techniques.
It is essential to redevelop the cultivation method in more scientific manner so that their positive activities are harnessed in combating the world hunger and the food security. The global climate change does dreadfully affect the local ecology, environment and biodiversity. As a result, the sustainable agro forestry of wet paddy field and their surrounding are also expose to the natural disasters.
The degradation of natural environment and bio-resources threatened the capacity to meet the needs of future generation. These drawbacks can be reverse by encouraging integrated farming with domestic animals, birds and fishes, mechanization, availability of suitable seeds variety, availability of incentives, inputs of research and scientific methods, availability of human resources, diversification of crops, mixed and double cropping, electrification and information system, proper storage system, transport system, improvement of irrigation and water harvesting system and marketing.
At the current situation in the rural development, the most important intervention for sustainable development and food security would be the exchange of knowledge and information with or among the farmers, shareholders and Government departmental resources, and accessibility to research and finance institutes, so that double cropping and integrated farming could be initiated . This implementation will improve the food crops productions and income in concomitant with the sustainable use of natural resources.
This is also the mantra of millennium development goals and food security based on conservation and sustainable use of natural resources which can be utilized upon inter-generations.
* Ngashangva Ngalengshim wrote this article for Hueiyen Lanpao
Ngashangva Ngalengshim is a Researcher at IBSD–DBT, Government of India
This article was posted on February 12, 2015.
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