Reminiscence of visiting faculties who taught us during our P.G. course at Gauhati University
Dr Nameirakpam Irabanta Singh *
Gauhati University, Guwahati -14 (Assam) was established in 1948 with state government funding. After graduation from DM College (now DM College of Science) the present writer joined Botany Department G.U. for P.G. Course (1969-1971 session).
The faculty positions were - Professor & Head -1, Reader -2, Lecture -4.
The available specializations were Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Plant Physiology. For other branches of Botany, the University regularly invite visiting faculties from different Indian universities/Institutes in order to fill up our knowledge lacunae in other branches of Botany. The following were visiting faculties who taught us different branches of Botany.
It is the branch of biology which studies the interactions among organizing and their environment. Objects of study include interactions of organisms with each other and with abiotic components of their environment.
Ecology subject was asked for one question carrying 5 (five) marks. But there was no faculty who specializes in ecology. Thus, Prof. H.K. Baruah, HOD/Botany invited Prof. R. Mishra, HOD/Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi who was pioneer Ecologist in India. Prof. Mishra taught us 3/4 days as visiting faculty in different aspect of Ecology.
It is the branch of paleontology or Paleobiology dealing with the recovery and identification of Plant remains from geological contexts and their use for the biological reconstruction of past environments.
Prof. H.K. Baruah, HOD/Botany, G.U. invited Dr. Vishnu Mittre, Deputy Director, Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany, Lucknow as visiting faculty. He taught us for one week (Theory + Practical) in different aspects of paleobotany.
It is the study of Pollen, spores and certain microscopic planktonic organisms (in both living and fossil forms). A classical Palynologist analyzes particulate simples collected from the air, water, even from honey samples.
Dr. P.K.K. Nair, Deputy Director, National Botanic Gardens (now National Botanical Research Institute), Lucknow was invited by Prof. H.K. Baruah, Prof. & Head, Botany, Dept. G.U. for teaching us different aspects of palynology in 3/4days time. It was very interesting branch of Botany.
Plant Pathology
It is a scientific study of disease in plants caused by pathogen and environmental conditions. Organisms that cause infections disease include fungi, Oomycetes, bacteria, virus, viroids, virus like orgnising, phytoplasma, protozoa, nematodes and parasitic plants.
Dr. R.Y. Roy, Reader, Botany Department, B.H.U., Varanasi was invited for conducting Ph.D. viva voce at the Botany Department, Gauhati University. At the request of Prof. H.K. Baruah, HOD, Dr. Roy gave us a very impressive lecture on the prospect of plant pathology in the Indian context.
It is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi, and protozoa. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, ecology, evolution, and clinical aspects of micro-organisms including the host response to these agents.
Prof. P. Nandi, Head Microbiology Division, Bose Institute, Kolkata was a well known Microbiologist in India. He was a frequent visitor to Botany Department, G.U. as an examiner/visiting faculty.
He was a close friend of Prof. H.K. Baruah, who happened to work at Bose Institute prior to 1948. Because of good teaching of Prof. Nandi, the writer opted Microbiology as special paper in his M.Sc. final year course.
Plant Genetics
It is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity specifically in plants. Plants live all known organizing, use DNA to pass on their trails. In our time, there was no regular faculty who specializes in plant genetics.
Prof. A.K. Sharma, Botany Department, Calcutta University, Kolkata - 19 was invited to Botany Department, G.U. by Prof. H.K. Baruah. Prof. Sharma gave us lecture for 3/4 days on various aspects of plant genetics.
Plant taxonomy
It is the science that finds, identifies, describes, classifies, and names plants. Thus, making it one of the main branches of taxonomy. Plant taxonomy is closely allied to plant systematic and there is no sharp boundary between the two.
Dr. A.S. Rao, Deputy Director, Botanical Survey of India, Eastern circle, Shillong was a regular visitor to Botany Department, Gauhati University.
Many of his students got Ph.D. degrees under Gauhati University with joint guideship with Prof. H.K. Baruah. He use to give us Lectures on various aspects of plant taxonomy. We learnt a lot from his impressive lectures on plant taxonomy.
Plant Embryology
It is one of the most important divisions of Botany, its method and goals are separate from those of plant morphology. Experimental plant embryology re-creates the course of development of plant organisms in order to reveal the functional, biochemical, and genetics nature of embryonic processes.
Dr. Rao, a student of Por. P. Maheshori, Head, Botany Department, Delhi University, Delhi worked as post Doctoral Fellow under Prof. H.K. Baruah, Head, Botany Department, G.U. Dr. Rao gave us a series of lectures on different aspects of plant embryology. We learnt a lot about plant embryology from Dr. Rao.
For newly established university to get sanction for good number of faculty positions are really difficult. Hence, all P.G. Departments are understaff. For example, when J.N. University P.G. centre, Imphal was established in 1972, there were shortages of Faculty Positions. As such locally available human resources were engaged for teaching. This practice was continued even in the Manipur University which was established in 1980.
The recently established Dhanamanjuri University, 2018, will certainly have limitations in faculty positions as well as other amenities. Therefore, the university authority need to take up 3 (three) steps immediately for maintaining academic standard so that students rolled out from this university are acceptable in the job market.
The steps include - I. Requisition for services of locally available experienced human resources for their help, II.
Inviting visiting faculties from other Indian Universities for short period teaching and III. More investment should be made for improving University Library conditions such as addition of back volume journals, apart from subscription of E Journals, introduction of broadband internet facilities, etc.
Lacunae in our knowledge of different specializations in botany were filled up by the visiting faculties of Botany Department, Gauhati University.
* Dr Nameirakpam Irabanta Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is former Professor & Head/ Life Sciences; Former Professor (Higher Academic Grade)/Life Sciences, Former Dean, School of Life Sciences, and Former Honorary consultant, Forestry and Environmental Science Department, Manipur University; Former President and Life time achievement awardee, Indian Aerobiolgical Society and can be contacted through email: irabanta(DOT)singh(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted 24 November, 2018 .
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