Rain water Harvesting – The need of the hour
Nandita Maisnam *
Water scarcity in Imphal City :: 30 April 2014 :: Pix - Shanker Khangembam
Mother earths most precious resource – 'water'.
Of the five basic elements viz Earth, water, fire, air and sky. Water is one of the most important elements and cannot imagine any creature to survive without it. Despite having a great regard for water, we seem to have failed to care for it seriously.
Neither an Expert nor an activist I am , but citing a few lines for mine.
The most alarming concerns are above the predicted increasing imbalance between supply of water and the minimum need that have to be from water. It is estimated that the global water use may soon outstrip supply by 2050.
Perhaps water is one of the most basic needs of our daily life. Due to global warming, industrialisation,urbanisation water becomes scarce and pollutted yet a sufficient, clean drinking water supply is essential for life.
Every community has a water problem. One-fourth of the population is troubled with shortage or poor water or both and the prospects are even more difficult in the future.
It is already a scarce commodity and in terms of its requirement it is destined to become more and more scarce in the years to come.
Water requirement for drinking and sanitary purposes may be large but it is extremely important from health, convenience and efficiency point of view. Estimation per UN standard prescribes that the requirement of 20 liters of water[cooking and domestic uses] per person per day in India. Above of all Agriculture being the main occupation of our place, water is an essential commodity.
The minimal amount of drinking water at the global level annually is about 5 million cubic litre.
Drinking water supplies are mostly available in urban areas however, million living in rural areas do not have drinking water supplies of standard quality.
Looking at the scenario of Manipur, the whole population faces water woes during summer & winter season, water scarcity is severe all taps seem to run dry, what we opt for is to buy water from water tanker, almost all the season, don't know how far it is potable- whether it is treated or not , God knows!.
My view here is
"Rain – Nature's Blessing
Why not we harvest"
A leaf stretch out from its branch, catches a drop rain channelling towards the ground as its base, for millions of years, this simple rain water collection has fuelled life in many years reaches of this planet (New man).
Rain water harvesting – the need of the hour.
Rainwater harvesting is one of the viable solution for Manipur's severe water problem as the state is blessed with Rain. The annual precipitation of the western region is 2194mm to 4516mm and 2943mm in southern region and 1785mm in central region , from reliable source and the average rainydays is 75 and more days, from reliable source.
As we all know Rain water harvesting, a technique for collecting storing and using rain water for landscape irrigation and other uses collection from various surfaces such as roof tops, and other types of man-made above ground hard surfaces where the practice is growing popularity recently. but out there in Coimbatore in the year 2005 , rainwater harvesting was opted in almost half the population.
In the state of Tamil Nadu, rain water harvesting was made compulsory for every building to avoid ground water depletion, and proved excellent within five years, and every state look it as role model. Since its implementation, Chennai saw 50% rise in water level from a reliable source.
As the water crisis continues to become severe, there is a dire need of reform in water management system and revival of traditional systems It is the need of the hour, to make people aware of the rainwater harvesting techniques and support them to set up innovative harvesting with indigenous materials. If the state government could offer financial support and guidance from the experts, in the form of subsidies than only we can overcome the water crisis.
And I feel, my mother land Manipur being blessed with rain can harvest rain water effectively provided that public is made aware of the method.
Thus, if human being could not save and water and its sources inspite of its availability in abundance, the irresponsible attitude resulted in deterioration with respect to quantity and quality both. Now the situation has arrived when even a single drop of water matters. Better late than never, Let us harvest rainwater.
Rain is precious – Rain brings inner happiness to the- farmers, each and every one Earth. It rejuvenate the plants and every creature on earth bringing smile to everyone.. Thus, lets harvest rainwater in one way or the other.
* Nandita Maisnam wrote this article for Imphal Times
The writer is Assoc. Professor at Biramangol College and can be reached at nanditaries1(at)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted on August 05 , 2016.
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