Protect the Amur falcon the longest migrating raptors in our State
Gaikhuanlung Ngaomei *
Amur Falcon massacre at Tamenglong :: Pix - HL
Amur falcon is a unique and enigmatic species and is known to have one of the longest migration routes among all raptors. It breeds in South-Eastern Siberia and Northern China before migrating through the Indian-subcontinent to its wintering grounds in South Africa. This migration is a phenomenal event with the Amur falcons covering approximately 22,000 km annually which is known to be the longest trans-oceanic flight. They are found in large numbers in Siberia and northeastern china in good numbers. Amur Falcons leave their homeland to avoid the freezing temperatures during the winterand roosted in northeastern states of India before starting off on their journey to the warmer climates of South Africa.
Falcon is a small pigeon size, slender bird of prey, with long, pointed wings.The male is a largely dark grey bird, with a chestnut lower belly and thighs, and a white under-wing, visible in flight. The dark plumage contrasts with the bright orange-red legs and facial skin, and the orange base to the beak. The female is similar in size to the male but differs markedly in plumage, having cream or orange underparts, with dark streaks and bars, grey upper parts with a slaty-coloured head and cream forehead, and bars and spots on the wings and tail, which have broad, dark tips.
About a million Amur falcons roosted in some parts of Barak and Irang basins in Tamenglong every year towards the end of October. The arrival of falcons is an indication of winter for the tribesmen. Slowly within a week, the number increases tremendously and roosted in the Bamboo Forest.The falcons were thin and not well build as its arrived. But soon after some days, it becomes fatty due to abundance of insects food especially termites. The roosted period varies each year from 3-5 weeks depend on the extremity of the winter.
Mass killing is carried out by the local people and some few restricted outsiders. Tribal people consider it as a manna send from God. There are people killing it for the sake of fun or game whereas there are people who killed to support their families. Poor families in the villages double their properties such as utensils, cloths, etc. Moreover, some people rely on falcons for buying their Christmas and New Years garment.They shot for their consumption and sold as dried as well as alive for their economical purposes. The alive one with less injury particularly male of beautiful looks are higher price than the female.
The falcon hunters are usually stationed in the farm houses close to the roosted site whereas there are people going daily from home in the early morning. It is shot only at the early morning and shooting started through the initiation of seniors among the shooters. If it started too early, the bird move out early hence, there is specific timing to start in such a way that they can keep shooting for longer duration. During that period, shouting, calling, shooting guns or other loud voices are not permitted in the site. The shooting duration usually range for 3-5 hours in the morning whereas on rainy day shooting continues even whole day. (To be contd)
The daily killed Falcon would be dried and kept together and bring home in sacs after few days for consumption and selling in the market. When it is too much, the hunters would take home daily in rotation. Falcons are easy to target due to big head. It is not easily killed by catapult on its body, therefore, the hunter targets only head or dorsal side of its body. But with the availability of Air- gun and Mobile Phone. The number of killing is doubled.
Air guns are handy, accurate, weather prove and thus enhance the chance of killing. In the past it was difficult to locate the proper site where falcons were roosted as loud calling or shouting was not permitted. But now a days with the coming of mobile phone hunting becomes more effective not only for the falcons but for all the wild animals. As the day become warmer, the falcons used to fly high and thus the shooters would go back to their respective farms house for food.
They counted the numbers being killed and adjust with friends who were not expert or unfortunate on that day. Popularity of the youth was known from the numbered of falcons shot down. The ordinary hunters killed around 30-40 falcons in a day on average. Therefore, thousands of falcons being died in a single day. Thus, Tamenglong has become one of the cemeteries for the falcon.There are numbers of young boys students tempted to go for killing and forget their studies for the final examination and thus lead to failure or increase in drop out number of students among the boys on that area.
Due to occurrence of Bird Fluand Ebola,last year, the mass massacre of falcon was totally prohibited in the District. The large scale awareness being given by the forest department, NGOS, local youth and various agencies about the consequences of the diseases was the main reason for not killing it otherwise mass killing would continue.
Last Sunday of the month of October is celebrated as RNBA Youth Day In each church in Tamenglong District.Falcon meat is one of the main dishes of the feast every year in place where falcon are found. A day before the celebration professional youth would go for the hunting. Some go for shooting falcons, some go for fishing and some go for hunting other wild animals such as deer, boar, monkey etc. for the grant feast of youth day.
60th Wild life week has been observing in our state at Imphal and district towns by organizing Essay Competition, painting competition at various levels to spread awareness among the children to have compassion and save the wild animals. Numbers of seminars, talk are being organized in the Hotels, University, Colleges etc. But in reality it has not much positive impact. Because, the one who killed wild animals in the jungle are in the remote areas where no media is access. Organizing various programs to safeguard the wildlife seems to be commercialize just to tape the sanctioned fund from the government.
Our neighboring state Nagaland had totally put on hold the mass killing of falcon. The project on ‘The entire migration route of Amur Falcons — from Nagaland to South Africa on to Mongolia and back to Nagaland’ — has been scientifically plotted, with scientists confirming that a satellite-tagged Amur Falcon ‘Naga’ has arrived almost a year after it began its journey.The bird Naga was released in Doyang in Wokha district in Nagaland on November 7, 2013, and returned on October 29, 2014.
Few years back former CM of Nagaland Mr. Nephew Rio himself landed on the remote villages, interacting with the people and the state had initiate alternative means such as poultry, piggery, etc. who depend on falcons for their economy and also sports materials were provided to the local youth. And now the villagers of Wokha district attracted numbers of tourists and bird lovers from within and outside state. Organizing various program in the state capital and district towns and imposition may not alone bring the lasting solution to protect the wildlife in our state Manipur.
Here in our state forget about the protection of falcons and other wildlife. Our CM don’t have emotion or feeling even for the same species whose dead bodies are lying in the churachandpur district. It is impossible to prevent the lives of falcon from the state government side. Simply talking to stop killing falcons without alternative arrangement is also violating the ignorance poor people right to survive.
Therefore, to save this wonderful guest in our state is lying in the hands of Government, civil societies, local club and youth. Though Tamenglong district is most neglected and least visited by the state officials due to its rugged geographical land, bad road, lack of electricity etc. Let the local people take up initiative and welcome Amur falcon the longest migrating raptors with honor as a special guest this year and the years to come.
* Gaikhuanlung Ngaomei wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was posted on October 8, 2015.
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