A Complete Power Solution On Distribution System In Manipur
- Part 2 -
By:- G.S. Oinam *
Power interruptions:
Power interruption refers to the number and duration of interruptions in power supply in a year. It can either be scheduled (due to maintenance, power rostering) or unscheduled (due to transformer burnouts, falling of trees on distribution lines, etc.). Consumers are expected to get continuous power supply during schedule hours. However, power supply system in Manipur is one of the worst in India.
Distribution and Transformer failure
High frequency of transformer burnout is one of the main reasons for unscheduled interruption of power supply in rural areas. It can be due to load unbalancing, overloading, poor maintenance, no maintenance, etc.
Load unbalance: The load distribution from the transformer among the phases should be balanced. An imbalanced leads to highest losses and can also result in DT (distribution transformer) failure.
Overloading: Overloading mainly occur when the load on a transformer is gradually increased while extending the network to new consumers. In this process, the load connected to the DTs may exceed its rating. The extension of the network should be carried out keeping rating of the DTs in mind.
Maintenance: In the absence of periodic maintenance of DTs, their efficiency and performance deteriorates and eventually it may lead to failure. Hence, periodic maintenance should be carried out to reduce the burnout rates.
Voltage fluctuation: Voltage fluctuation refers to variation in the supply voltage. If the variation in supply is higher than the connected electrical appliances, it may affect the life and performance of connected electrical appliances. For example, a low voltage can cause motor and pump burnouts.
The responsibility of specifying standards on quality of supply lines with regulatory commissions is weak in Manipur.
In order to bring a complete solution of existing power problem in the state without increasing power generation, power saver devices as well as CFLs will be very helpful to enhance capacity of existing electrical system, eliminates harmful power surges, power factor optimisation, stabilized the supply voltage, save electric consumption , lower electric bills etc.
Following are the areas interested for discussion, research and consultancy for a complete solution of power distributional losses in Manipur;
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project on power distributional losses in Manipur based on carbon emission/credit with the financial assistance from central non lapsable pool / international development agencies.
- Introduction of Manipur Electricity Board /Corporation Ltd. on power distribution system with a view of public-private partnership to encourage local investors in stock share market. (45%-49% stake share can be sale to individuals like Cooperative Bank )
- Replacement of old wires into cable wire, repairing and maintenance of transformers, poles etc. to prevent from technical and non- technical power losses.
- Waiving due electric bills of domestic consumers (excluding commercial and industrial uses etc.) to encourage consumer friendly on New Power Policy. Government waiving loses can be recovered from new connection charges.
- Introduction of prepaid electronic billing system.
- Replacement of conventional bulbs into CFLs and installs power saver devices.
- Engagement of Business Promotion Outsourcing (BPOs) in electricity billing, payment collection, customer care services etc preferably trained local registered clubs.
Under the Kyoto Protocol - the global treaty on curbing GHG ( greenhouse gas ) emissions that came into force in February 2005-industrialized countries must take suitable initiatives to reduce their GHG emissions to an average of 5.2% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.
The protocol expects the countries listed in the Kyoto Protocol to reduce most of their domestic emissions. However, it does allow additional 'reductions' to be purchased by buying CERs (certified emission reductions) from sustainable development projects in developing countries and other market mechanism.
A CERs is equivalent of a reduction in emission to the extent of "one tonne of carbon dioxide'. The CERs can be generated through the CDM (clean development mechanism) projects. Renewable energy projects are one of the best examples of CDM projects. If a renewable energy project can demonstrate that its GHG emissions will be lower that those from a project adopting conventional energy sources, then it can apply for the CDM project status. If its application is approved, the emission reductions are measured for each succeeding year of the project.
The CERs are awarded to the project on this basis and they can be sold at market price. The current market price for CERs is $20 to $30 per tonne of carbon and is expected to rise in the near future, with the commitment period approaching and the demand for CERs going up.
Taking a lead in the carbon credit business, the urban development ministry is going to set up a CDM facilitation cell for availing carbon credits relating to urban sector projects- energy efficient building, mass rapid transportation, solid waste management and sewerage treatment.
The ministry is eying opportunities generated by $20 billion carbon marketing which India can take advantage of selling carbon credit, considering the booming business in carbon credit where projects can get funds from developed countries for using green technologies. Enabling direct trading of an intangible asset like carbon credits, futures trading in carbon credit was launched by multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), with the first trade taking place at Rs. 1,280 per tonne (about euro 22).
Trading in new generation commodities like carbon credits has placed MCX on the global map of innovative exchange for providing global products to the Indian industries. As an initiative to improving energy efficiency in lighting loads in railways residential quarters over Indian Railway's zones, railway ministry has order to Production Units & workshops by replacing an estimate number of 26 lakh (30%) incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) under Clean Development Mechanism.
Gurgaon District Magistrate in Haryana has announced to replace the conventional bulbs and tubes by CFLs in commercial complexes, offices to save energy and money. CFLs have better outlooks and consume less electricity hence saving energy and money. Utter Pradesh government followed up clean development mechanism using CFLs and CDM projects.
In New Delhi, Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) is planning to install power saver devices known as "watt warriors" in order to slash their electricity bill on streetlights. The civic body will install these devices in three lakh streetlights in the city and it is expected to save Rs 30 crores in electricity bills every year.
More over, they are planning to install the power saver device to 900km stretch developed sites before Commonwealth Games 2010. The civic agency also has plans of adopting other energy efficiency measures like replacing conventional bulbs and tubes by CFLs in hospital building, streetlights, office building, storm water pumping stations, school building, dispensary and health centre.
There are around 2,500 such buildings where bulbs will be replaced to save energy. A survey was done to see where maximum power was consumed by MCD and since hospitals were one of the major power guzzlers. MCD would also write to the World Bank to earn carbon credit against this.
to be continued.....
Note: GS Oinam studied, met and interviewed Mr. Ajay Makan, the then power minister of Delhi during the time of his privatization process of Delhi power distribution system when Delhi power loses raised to 45% in 2004. He came to Manipur in March 2008 with a view to modernized Power distribution system of Manipur with the help of Germany development agencies.
Unfortunately, State was very busy and interested on progressing Rs 200 crores underground cable power project from Union Power Ministries and state power minister was keen interested on initiating electricity protection forces to collect due electric bills from the consumers. Under Indo Germany friendship, 150 million euro was providing to India for power distribution networking in 2007-08.
We missed the project. Now, the project goes to Maharashtra.
* The author is a journalist based in New Delhi and contributes regularly to e-pao.net. He can be contacted at gitchandraoinam (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in
This article was webcasted on May 11th, 2009.
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