A Complete Power Solution On Distribution System In Manipur
- Part 1 -
By:- G.S. Oinam *
Modern society consumes large amount of energy, power and energy industry is a crucial part of the infrastructure and maintenance of the society and almost all the countries. Due to gap between demand and supply of power, the demand for power backup devices such as Hi-power inverter, UPS and silent & eco friendly generator are also increasing in the process.
Increasing power generation is a long term plan; immediate power shortage can not be met by the power sectors. During the last decade, living standard of middle and upper middle class has been increased with resulted in tremendous increase in air conditioners, blower, washing machine, LCD TV, computers, CNC machines, medical equipments and sophisticated industrial machinery such that demand of power is increasing day by day. It is indicator of modernization and economic progress.
Introduction of power saving devices such as CFL bulb, LED bulb, power saving products like voltage stabilizer, power regulator system etc. in addition to power generation are very helpful working towards filling gap between power demand and supply ratio. The vast use of CFLs and power saver world wide has helped in saving the power and to provide quality of power without increasing power generation.
Now a day, government also promoting power saving devices and most of the industries, institutions, bank, hotel & corporate are using CFLs lighting system instead of conventional bulbs and tubes.
Cost of 1 bulb | Lifetime (no of hours ) | Cost of bulbs for 1 yrs | Power consumption | Energy cost @ Rs 2/- per unit |
CFL bulb - Rs 40/- | 5,000 hrs | Rs 40/- | 0.015kw X 8 X 360 = 43 units | Rs 86/- |
Conventional Bulb - Rs 10/- | 700 hrs | 10 X 6 =Rs 60/- | 0.01kw X 8 X 360 =288 units | 288 X 2 =Rs 576/- |
Total cost = Cost of bulbs + energy consumed.
Conventional bulb = Rs 60/- + Rs 576 = Rs.636 /-
CFLs bulb = Rs 40/- + Rs 86 = Rs 126/-
Therefore, saving per bulb in 1 year is Rs (636 - 126) = Rs 510/-
- Actually CFLs bulb last for an average of 2 years.
- Installation of Power Saving Devices will able to save up to 35% which has been recorded under normal condition. This will cost 35% of electric bill saved, electric consumption saved and enhance efficiency of the appliances and extending life span as well
As record available from Ministry of Power for status of village electrified under various scheme of rural electrification programme as on 31 March 2005, Manipur has electrified 82.2 % of villages is above the all India average of 74.1 % .
These increasing the demand of local electricity consumption is handling with short term policy of power management like power roster, tariff regulators, voltage management etc. Total consumption of electricity in Manipur is 165.645 million KWH in the year 2003 against176.562 m KWH in 2001 and 322.180 m KWH in1998 according to statistical abstract, Manipur.
Power shortages are managing on roster basis of 5-6hrs a day to consumers. These sharp declining electricity consumption data shows that about 65% of power demand can not be meet and the gap between supply and demand is balance by power roster or load shedding mechanism.
Transmission and distribution losses:
The difference between the energy available from the generating stations and energy billed at the consumer end is termed as transmission and distribution losses. These losses take place when electricity is transmitted through transmission lines, converted from one voltage level to another, and distributed through distribution lines.
The losses are divided into two categories: technical losses and non-technical losses. The technical losses are due to energy lost in the conductors and equipment used for transmission, transformation, sub-transmission, and distribution of power.
These power losses are part of a system and can be minimized only to a certain extend or by using power saving devices but can not be eliminated completely. Non- technical losses occur due to defective meters, faults in metering and billing, un-metered consumption, and theft/ pilferage of electricity. Manipur recorded all India highest transmission and distribution losses of 65% in the year 2004.
Another component of losses is non payment of the billed amount by the consumers. If the consumption is metered and billed but the amount is not collected, it reflects in revenue losses to the utility. These loses when added together are termed AT&C (aggregate technical and commercial losses). Hundred crores of Rupees of electric billed are due to the consumers since many years beyond recoverable in Manipur.
to be continued.....
Note: GS Oinam studied, met and interviewed Mr. Ajay Makan, the then power minister of Delhi during the time of his privatization process of Delhi power distribution system when Delhi power loses raised to 45% in 2004. He came to Manipur in March 2008 with a view to modernized Power distribution system of Manipur with the help of Germany development agencies.
Unfortunately, State was very busy and interested on progressing Rs 200 crores underground cable power project from Union Power Ministries and state power minister was keen interested on initiating electricity protection forces to collect due electric bills from the consumers. Under Indo Germany friendship, 150 million euro was providing to India for power distribution networking in 2007-08.
We missed the project. Now, the project goes to Maharashtra.
* The author is a journalist based in New Delhi and contributes regularly to e-pao.net. He can be contacted at gitchandraoinam (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in
This article was webcasted on May 02nd, 2009.
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