Conservation culture: Piulong khul and Bunning Wildlife Sanctuary
Rahul Ashem *
Buning - Tamenglong - The Natural Paradise :: Pix - Gaikhamdim Marangmei
Involving local people in and around forests may cultivate a more positive attitude towards conserving biological diversity. Interesting mythologies like Chalenki cave and Meitei
king footprint on a rock can be utilized as a specialized tool for the development of ecological tourism.
Piulong khul is located at an elevation of 786m in Tamei tehsil in Tamenglong district. The khul is about 134 kms away from the State capital Imphal. Piulong is surrounded by
Langpram in the west, Dhekuiram in the north, Kabonram in the east and Tharon on the south.
The closest khul to Piulong is Kabonram. The flowering of Ngasipen and Belletwin lily (Terrestrial orchid) during the spring season is one of the key features in terms of ecological tourism prospects. The village is covered by many natural streams, river and rivulets on all sides; some of them are seasonal while other flows as perennial. The river ‘Agaky ’ flowing in the middle of the village is the sole
source of water for their livelihoods. The presence of common carp in the middle and lower streams of river is a good source of income during the lean season of the year.
Today, Piulong khul , erstwhile a part of Bunning Wildlife Sanctuary is known as ecologically fragile and climatically vulnerable village. Apart the village, the Wildlife Sanctuary is facing threat due to the changing patterns besides continuing pressure from human activity, recent study indicates. The heat wave with the low winter rains is another feature disturbing the wildlife sanctuary.
Traditionally, the Bunning is home to rich variety of flora and fauna. It is a component of Barail range enriched with diverse biological diversity. The presence of pristine forests indicates the ecosystems are complex and diverse, with many levels and intricate relationships between organisms.
The reports of feline’s family including Tiger, Clouded leopard, Jungle cat and Golden cat are need to be fostered with protection as well as restorative inputs to ensure their source, sink, and corridor values for long term demographic and genetic viability of felines populations. In addition, the existence of wild dogs in small groups of two to three adults or as solitary individuals is rarely seen.
However, lack of data on numbers of wild dogs and their prey in the sanctuary prevent a valid assessment as to their potential for conserving wild dogs’ population for future generation. Changes in other small
mammal abundance and species composition are other serious effects, alongside changes in migration and abundances.
The disappearance of habitat and fragmentation affects the nesting sites of many birds which in turn reduces the reproductive output and adult survival in the long term. Therefore, the right
time has come to reduce the human activity through understanding and proper maintaining of the wildlife community. Wildlife management is an important tool in the protection and preservation of forests.
The protection of wildlife is not only essential for the environment but also scientific, economics, aesthetics, cultural and ecological value. Conservation of forest provides wide range of floral and faunal diversity including varieties of invertebrates, fungi and bacteria which plays a significant role in balancing the surrounding bio-sphere.
Presently, expansion of agriculturally used land, encroachment of human’s activity and livestock into sanctuary areas are contributing to habitat loss and decline of wild prey. As a result, wild animals approach human settlements to prey on domestic livestock like dogs, pigs and goats, which constitutes an important part of their diet. The disturbance leads to human wildlife conflict leading to the verge of animal destruction.
Sometimes, wild animals are shot, poisoned or even trapped in revenge of the livestock killed. Meanwhile, the traditional culture of village trophy is another example of losing the wild animals. As a result, the context of hunting and trading of animals needs to be controlled. Every care must be taken to protect the natural resources so that they do not become a part of history.
The necessity of wildlife conservation is now become an important role. Hence, in order to adapt and mitigate the undue stress on Piulong khul and Bunning Wildlife Sanctuary, an integral part of ecological tourism is the introduction of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation and creation of economic opportunities for local communities. The ecological tourism aims at promoting environmental and social responsibility.
Ecological tourism is formulated in protected areas for raising awareness about the importance of biological resources. It also focuses involvement of local people in the benefits of
biological conservation and generating revenues towards preservation of biological rich areas. In fact, ecological tourism is visualized as an important source of income for the local
communities living close to the wildlife sanctuary, an initiative steps towards wildlife conservation.
The present milieu show the significance of community based ecological tourism. Professional and technical training must be imparted to local people who would ensure them a sustained income from eco-tourism initiatives, apart from according a priority status. Like forests, wildlife is also a State resource which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but also beneficial from the current scenario of climate variability and change.
The Khul , Piulong defines in two words Piu and Long. “Piu” is the name of the tree, locally dialect as Tappiu growing inside the Bunning Wildlife Sanctuary, is a symbol of symbiotic relationship between the villages. The tree is permanently protected and typically owned by the local community. “Long” is the beautifully describe hill range covering the village.
Thus, conservation culture like recycling, reusing, and reducing of resources in Piulong khul and Bunning Wildlife sanctuary is the need of time to increase the ecological tourism growth in future. It is important to study the biological diversity of Bunning including wildlife monitoring, status, population, community interactions and their contributions to ecosystem development for effective conservation status.
Supporting the local community, enhancing economic well-being and contribution to poverty reduction will improve the eco-system services of Wildlife Sanctuary. Promotion of activities like
treks, hiking, mountain climbing, bird watching etc can be implemented to encourage tourists as well as in reducing pollution levels in the piulong hills.
* Rahul Ashem wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer can be reached at benthhook(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was webcasted on April 21 , 2018.
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