The field of Particle Physics which is studied under the High Energy Physics is really the one which is going to bring revolution in the
coming century as per as physics n science in the whole is concerned. I do feel n hav faith that the coming up of different quarks , even
penta-quarks in Jefferson Lab.,US and indeed written off that they donot exist afterwards itself show that this field of particles are indeed very strange
and interesting.
The extension of Standard Model in so called Extended Standard Model which incorporates with the existence of Higgs Bosons are on
the way to be proved. The people both experimentalists and theorists are working in this regard.
The new development of LHC(Light Hadron Collider) in CERN( Central Europe Research Nuclear), Geneva, Switzerland in coming
2007, the work of "How to destroy a nuclear bomb using ultra High Energy Neutrino Beam " which was done with simulation using complex computer
programmings in KEK ( KamioKande), Tokyo, Japan are some noteworthy to be stated here .
The future of energy which we are so much worried can be traced or produced from the energy in between the particles. Yes,its impossible
right now to separate quarks because of confinement theory.
Again, when we talk of setting up of cyclotron and even synchotron , I think the place where Manipur is, is indeed highly recommendable because of its round in shape as
far as its ranges of hills are concerned. We can have cyclotron running through the hills instead of underground which is happening in CERN or Fermi-Lab,US or KEK or
in any Particle accelerators.
The valley can be used for computational and theoritical research work. Yes, we should be working on how we to realise it because it needs a few billions dollars and
indeed the really committed political will.
The money is needed and even if required, it should be funded world wide and let it be the property for the whole of the particle physicists of the entire globe.
There may be some obstacles but yet, in this coming century and indeed in the 22nd century , the type of physics and science we are going to study is all based on
this particle physics and indeed the external manifestation of this field.
The current study of Particles may become contrast to String Theory . Its some other discussion.
What we do need now is to know the usage of Particle Physics. Indeed, the so called website that we use today i,e. "www" was invented from CERN, Geneva when
particle physicists were working in the search of new particles. Its usage in medical fields particularly in minute operation using particles is appreciable.
The field requires the knowledge of Quantum Physics in wihch we will be doing Quantum Mechanics. The most essential nice thing is that , this
field will answer the question of origin of universe, where atom comes from , what is the smallest particle in this universe? What is the dark
matter and how is dark energy made up of?,etc..
The quest of neutrino is still on.
We are having difficulties with right handed neutrino, Why there is no right handed neutrino?
Every second per a millimetre square of our body or any body on this earth , million of neutrinos pass through it. These
ghost particles are very essential for finding out the extra spatial formation and their contents.
Yes , inspite of knowing the importanace of this particle physics and its interesting nature because it leads to the total understanding of
nature , we are not in the way to go for it because it does not give so much of money , because it is the field which is not at all profitable , because
its truely a pure science where we only have to sacrifice and we need to work because we like it , we love to do it, we cannot expect any result in a short time,
it takes a a lot of time may be one's generation but again its the most youngest field today in physics , it was started from around 1950s.
I , using this e-pao platform, urge all those with same mentality to come forward for this field where every 2 or 3 years since 1950, there
has been a Nobel Prize in physics and indeed the most interesting and the most challenging and if possible , I believe that the setting up of world
particle phsyics study group cannot be considered impossible in Manipur.
At the same time , we can think of taking the lead to attract the particle physicists all over the globe by integrating our young minds who want
to dedicate to Particle Physics.
All the Best to all in this World Year of Physics-2005.
Ningombam Bupenda Meitei, an IISc (Indian Institute of Science) Young Science Fellow, writes for the first time to
The writer can be contacted at [email protected]
This article was webcasted on December 02, 2005.