Ornamental Fish Culture Project (How And Where?) |
Ingochouba (Chou) Lukram * |
Ornamental Fish breeding project The basic requirements for successful breeding and rearing of ornamental fish are adequate space, quality water and sufficient feed. Considering this the following investments are required for starting an Ornamental fish project. Tanks : The tanks can be of RCC or brick masonry work having flat bottoms with inlet and outlet pipes. Clay, cement, fibre glass or plastic tanks can also be used. Rearing of fishes should be done in large tanks. Size of the tanks vary according to the space, the number and type of fish cultured. Aquariums : Glass tanks of varying size are required for breeding. Small glass bottles of 250 ml are used for keeping individual male fighter fishes. Number and size of the glass tanks depend on the specific breeding / spawning behavior of the species selected. Over head tank : An over head tank of suitable size for storing and to enable sedimentation of water is required. Water Supply : Deep tube wells would be the best source of water. Recycling of water through bio-filters or other sort of filtering mechanism can be tried. Other sources like dug wells, Municipal water if available can also be used . A small pump to lift the water to over head tank and a network of pipes are needed to feed the culture tanks. Work Shed : Work shed should be designed in such a way that the tanks get filtered sunlight. Translucent HDPE sheets can be used. This also protects the culture tanks from falling debris and bird dropping etc. Aeration equipments : A blower pump with net work of tubes for aeration is a must. Continuos power supply should also be ensured through generator set or UPS or inverter. Financial viability Considering the seasonality in breeding and consequent availability of seed material for stocking, the operations are going to be seasonal. In order to best utilise the installed capacity, it may be necessary to combine operations by breeding a main species during summer / monsoon with another species that may be breeding in winter. The fecundity and the number of spawnings assumed of some of the popular species are given below
Assumptions For the purpose of working out economics of breeding unit , a unit size of 330 sq.mt. with tank volume of 60 m3 has been considered with an average production capacity of 2 lakh fry per year. A combined operation of summer / monsoon species and winter species (Gold fish ) has been considered for working out the economics in this model. Unit of this size has been designed considering the small entrepreneurs in view. However the same could be increased on modular basis and the economics can be worked out in project situation accordingly. The larval rearing has been assumed as 40 days . The recurring cost has been assumed with a fecundity of 800 and a survival of 50 per cent upto 40 days . The breeding percentage is taken as 60 per cent. The number of brood fish depends on the fecundity and survival of each species so as to get the combined annual production of about 2.5 lakh fry at the end of 40 days. Only 50 per cent production is assumed for the first year. The sale price is assumed at Rs 1.00 per fry for monsoon species and Rs 2.50 per fry for Gold Fish. The financial analysis has been shown in Annexure III. The results of the analysis are (i) NPW at 15% DF : Rs. 244436 (ii) BCR at 15% DF : 1.36:1 (iii) IRR is 35 % Margin money and bank loan The entrepreneur is expected to bring margin money out of his own resources. The rates of margin money stipulated are 5% for small farmer, 10% for medium farmer and 15% for other farmers. For corporate borrowers the margin stipulated is 25%. NABARD could consider providing margin money loan assistance in deserving cases. Rate of Refinance NABARD provides refinance assistance for ornamental fish rearing to Commercial banks, Cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks. The rate of refinance is fixed by NABARD from time to time. Interest rate for ultimate borrowers Banks are free to decide the rate of interest within the overall RBI guidelines. However, for working out the financial viability and bankability of the model project we have assumed the rate of interest as 12% per annum. Interest rate for refinance from NABARD As per the policy circulars of NABARD issued from time to time. Repayment period The borrower will be able to repay the bank loan in 6 years with a grace period of one year on repayment of the principal. Security Banks may take a decision as per RBI guidelines.. Subsidy The MPEDA provides subsidy at the rate of 50 per cent of capital cost towards construction of cisterns, glass aquarium tanks, aeration system, oxygen cylinder, electrical fittings, and essential accessories excluding cost of construction of shed, subject to a maximum of Rs. 40000 per unit. Some State Governments also provide subsidy through their departments. Model Project for ornamental fish breeding unit A model of ornamental fish seed hatchery is given below. The parameters are averaged out and the costs are only illustrative. The cost of different parameters change depending on the area, the type of tanks and the species bred. According to the place and requirement of the project, some of the items can be excluded or more items as required may be included. Annexure - I Project cost for Ornamental fish Hatchery Hatchery Tank area( sq.m) - 100 Hatchery total area (sq.m) - 330 Item of investment Quantity Rate in Rs. TotalCost A. Building & civil works 1. Hatchery shed with A/C sheet roofing & side wall (sq. m.) 330 1200.00 396000 2. Tank volumes (lts) 60000 1.25 75000 3. Flooring (sq. m.) 200 10.00 2000 4. Drainage pit and net work 12000 5. Water supply net work 3000 6. Filtration system / outlet 3000 7. Electrification and Installation 5000 B. Machinery & Equipments 1. Air blower (3 hp x 1 no.) 12000 2. DG set ( 8 hp with 6/8 KVA alternator) 36000 3. Heater 3000 4. Sand filter 2000 5. Pump (3 HP) 17000 6. Tube well 40000 7. Pump House 5000 C. Misc. Fixed Assets 7. Plastic pools 5000 8. Glass aquarium 3000 9. Lab instruments 2000 10 Glass wares 2000 11. Furniture 2000 D. Preliminary Expenses Preoperative expenses 20500 Total 645500 E. Recurring cost Cost of Brooders 5000 Feed 10000 Medicines 500 Electricity 3000 Miscellaneous 2000 Labour 10000 Total 35500 Total cost 676000 F. Production / Income Summer /Monsoon species 150000 fry 1.00 / fry 150000 Gold Fish 50000 fry 2.50 / fry 125000 Total Income per year 275000 Annexure - II Financial Analysis (Amount in Rs) A. Cost 1st year 2 - 06 years 1. Fixed Costs 645500 - 2. Recurring Costs 30500 30500 Total 676000 30500 B. Benefits 1. Income from sale of fish 137500 275000 2. Net Income -538500 244500 Analysis 1. Net Present worth of costs 676731 2. Net Present worth of Benefits 921168 3 Net Present worth 244436 4 BCR 1.36:1 5. IRR 35 % Annexure - IV ESTIMATED BANK LOAN AND REPAYMENT PERIOD (ILLUSTRATIVE) Total Outlay 676000 Margin ( 25 % ) 33800 Bank Loan 642200 (Amt. in Rs.)
Ingochouba (Chou) Lukram, a research scholar at Aquaculture Lab, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, writes regularly to e-pao.net He can be contacted at [email protected] This article was webcasted on April 1, 2005. |
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