Objective type quizes on the occasion of 66th Van Mahotsova, 2015
- Part 1 -
Kh Hitler Singh *
Objective type quizes on the occasion of 66th Van Mahotsova, 2015 (To spread awareness on the importance of Forests to our student friends)
1. Which of the following celebration is concerned with conservation of Forest & Environment?
(a) World Environment Day (5th June)
(b) Van Mahatsova (1st Week of July)
(c) Wildlife Week Celebration (1st Week of October)
(d) World Population Day (11th of July)
(e) All of the above
2. Which is the main cause of Climate Change/Global Warming?
(a) Emission of Carbon Dioxide
(b) Emission of Methane
(c) Emission of Sulpher oxide
(d) Depletion of Ozone
3. The maximum released of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is due to
(a) Fossil fuel burning
(b) Deforestation
(c) Burning of Firewood
(d) Wild fire in the Forest.
4. Which forest type is the richest in biodiversity?
(a) Alpine Forest
(b) Tropical Forest
(c) Sub-tropical Forest
(d) Rain Forest.
5. Which Biome is the richest in biodiversity?
(a) Oceans
(b) Deserts
(c) Glaciers
(d) Tropical rain Forests
6. Who had initiated Van Mahotsova in India?
(a) Dr. K. M. Munshi
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Pandit Jawarhalal Nehru
(d) Smt Indira Gandhi.
7. Which of the following item is not produced by the Forest?
(a) Timber for construction of Houses.
(b) Medicinal extracts from plants and tubers.
(c) Furniture and other utilities made from cane & bamboo.
(d) Medicinal products from chemical compound.
8. Which is the function and value of Forest ecosystem?
(a) Absorption of Carbon Dioxide & Release of Oxygen
(b) Habitat of Wild flora and fauna
(c) Regulation of Climate
(d) All of the above.
9. Which Forest Type is found in Tamenglong District?
(a) Tropical moist evergreen forest.
(b) Tropical dry deciduous forest.
(c) Tropical thorn Forest.
(d) East Himalayan evergreen forest.
10. Which of the following Proposed Wildlife Sanctuaries is not found in Tamenglong District?
(a) Jiri-Makru Wildlife Sanctuary.
(b) Bunning(Piulong) Wildlife Sanctuary
(c) Keilam Wildlife Sanctuary
(d) Zeilad Wildlife Sanctuary
11. State Flower of Manipur is found in which Proposed Protected Area?
(a) Jiri-Makru Wildlife Sanctuary
(b) Shiroi National Park.
(c) Keilam Wildlife Sanctuary
(d) Zeilad Wildlife Sanctuary
12. Though the states were urged to select species based on their local importance, many states ended up having similar state animal, bird, tree and flower. Three States have the same organism as state animal. The animal is also National Heritage animal. Name the animal?
(a) One horn Rhino
(b) Asiatic Lion
(c) Elephant
(d) Wild Buffalo.
(To be contd)
* Kh Hitler Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was posted on July 10, 2015.
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