Mass awareness on congress grass menace in NE
Dr N Irabanta *
Parthenium hysterophorus at Salem, Tamil Nadu :: Pix - Wikipedia/Thamizhpparithi Maari
Introduction :
The present writer and his team reported
i) biological control of Congress grass in NE India using Mexican beetles (The Sangai Express, 12th October,2015),
ii) biological control of congress grass in NE India using sickle pod (The Sangai Express, 18th November,2015) and
iii) Imphal city: call for public awareness (The Sangai Express, 7th June,2016).
In this article the writer report on mass awareness programme conducted by his team and himself on congress grass (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) menace in the NE India in the context of health, environment and biodiversity.
Field survey in Nagaland :
Field survey was conducted to Dimapur- Imphal National highway and its adjacent areas during April- May, 2017. The Dimapur district is one of the thickly populated district of Nagaland. Apart from rail connection with the rest of India, the district is also connected with Guwahati, Nagaon, Jorhat, Sibsagar, Tezpur, Dibrugarh, etc. (Assam); Itanagar, Pasighat (Arunachal Pradesh); Imphal (Manipur) by bus, winger services, etc.
Trucks are navigated along the highways for their business activities. On the top of it, Innerline permit system is not enforced in the Dimapur District of Nagaland. As such non- locals like Biharis, Bangalies (Hindus and Muslims) and Marawaries domicile in all business activities of the district. For example, the mias (muslims) control sand and brick business.
The glossary items are controlled by the Biharis. The hardware items and more vehicle parts are controlled by the Marwaries. The pharmacies are controlled by the Bengalies. Thus, the population of the Dimapur district is of heterogegous population.
During the field work, we surveyed congress grass (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) growing areas from Dimapur town to NH-29 first gate (Near way to Patkai Autonomous College, Dimapur),
Parthenium hysterophorus L. was detected at Podum pukhuri Block I;
Lane I, in front of Hollotoli school (Podumpukhuri), Podum pukhari block II, Lane –II,
Near sand and bricks quarries (NH-29), on the bank of Podum pukhari;
Podum pukhari village road; 2 1/2 miles near Florida Nursery, Daroga pather areas;
Hill nursery; Ford city service centre; in front of Assam Rifles, Training centre school(NH-29);
in front of Sandal wood Nursery(3 miles);in front of Spring valley school;
road leading to Dimapur airport;
in front of Parth Fuel services(4 miles);
in front of Nagaland bamboo resorts centre (5 miles) etc.
Infestation of Parthenium hysterophorus L. was noticed on NH-29 road completely changing the biodiversity of the area.
Surprisingly the roads leading to villages in the district were also found infested by Parthenium hysterophorus L.. We then visited the campus of the Global Open University, Nagaland, Sodzouhou Village, Dimapur-797115. The campus was full of Parthenium hysterophorus L.
Mass awareness on Congress grass menance :
Under the initiative of Dr H.N. Dulla, Vice- chancellor, The Global University, Nagaland, Dimapur , "an awareness programme on Congress grass (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) menance in the North East India in the context of Health( human and livestock), environment and biodiversity" was arranged on 2nd April, 2017 at the Department of Hotel management, TGOUN, Dimapur.
The V.C, TGOUN was the chief Guest of the function. Prof. N.I. Singh, P.I. was the main speaker. Altogether 60 persons which include students of the Hotel Management, staff of the IGOUN attended the Lecture session and followed by removal of the Congress grass from the campus of the IGOUN, Dimapur.
Lecture session :
The principal Investigator, Manipur University Centre (NIS) spoke about the history of Parthenium problem in North East India, impact of Parthenium on biodiversity; environment; agents of spreading Parthenium such as wind and motor vehicles; management strategies including
(a) mechanical control- hand weeding including uprooting of young Parthenium plants and
(b) Chemical control-expensive for farmers or general public
(c) biological control by using
i) Mexican beetle (Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister ) and
ii) Sickle pod (Cassia tora L.).
The lecture session was concluded by saying that the general public need to have awareness about the menance of Congress grass. The speaker told the audience that "We have to realize our responsibility to wipe out this dreaded weed because the delay in addressing Congress grass issue in near future might end up in a great turmoil".
Field work :
The lecture session was following by physical uprooting of all the congress grass available in campus and file them properly for composting. Everyone present participated the uprooting service. Thus, the mass awareness programme on "Congress grass menance in the North East in the context of health( human and livestock), environment and biodiversity was concluded.
Book release :
Another awareness programme was performed on the 15th April, 2017 in the campus of the Central Agricultural University, Imphal in the form of book release function of Prof. N.I. Singh and other two co- author book entitled "Parthenium menance in the Indo- Myanmar hotspot region- its impact on biodiversity and management".
Prof M. Premjit Singh, V.C., CAU was the Chief Guest of the function, Dr. J.M. Laishram, Dean, College of Agriculture, C.A.U. Imphal; Dr. K. Momocha Singh, Registrar, C.A.U. were the Guest of honours whereas Dr. C.A. Srimivasamurthy, Director of Research, C.A.U, Imphal was the functional President.
About 150 persons attended the function which include Faculty, Staff of College of Agriculture. Prof. L. Nabachandra Singh, Professor and HOD/ Agronomy, College of Agriculture, C.A.U. spoke in detached about the book.
Discussion :
Congress grass has been rapidly spreading globally and continually affecting our health, livestock, flora and environment. The fast invasion of this weed is attributed to its wide adaptability to extreme soil and climatic conditions, ability to grow throughout the year, shorter life cycle and easy dispersal by wind, water and movement of vehicle and animals coupled with the absence of natural enemies like insects and diseases. For the North East India, congress grass infestation is a new development.
Conclusion :
Thus, mass awareness about Congress grass menance in the NE India in the context of health, environment and biodiversity need more awareness programme to be conducted.
* Dr N Irabanta wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Principal Investigator, P.I DBT’S Twinning R&D Programme, Parthenium Management in NER attached to the Centre of Advanced Study in Life Sciences, Manipur University. He can be contacted at irabanta(DOT)singh(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was posted on June 20, 2017.
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