Man Made Disasters in Manipur: Causes and Management
Dr. N. Somorendro Singh *
Disaster has been described as disruption in normal life or situation in massive scale causing loss of life, property, socio-economic and environment in which the coping capacities are beyond the available resources. Natural and man made disasters have been the two broad classifications. The natural disaster which is unpredictable includes earthquake, volcano, cyclone, flood and famine. No major natural disaster has occurred so far in Manipur due to nature’s protection.
Despite in the earthquake prone zone, there is little awareness about the safety measures in Manipur particularly in the construction of modern houses and buildings including schools. The government agencies neither have time to issue proper guidelines nor inspection of already constructed buildings. The best schools or most beautiful buildings in Manipur are not safe as per earthquake guidelines. Thus a major disaster including loss of thousands of human lives is certain in case of high intensity earthquake in Manipur. The similar situation may happen in case of major floods and famine.
The man made disaster includes war, terrorism, deforestation, pollution, air or train accidents, fire and other disruption which are caused by human negligence or acts. If disaster means inability to cope with the disruption in normal life or situation affecting large people, Manipur has frequent man made disasters. The examples are general strikes, long class boycott agitation and economic blockades which causes huge losses and long hardships to a large population without adequate capacity to resolve them. Thus modification in the definition of man made disaster in local context like Manipur is required. Crisis appears to be more appropriate term than disaster.
The causes of man made disaster in Manipur are many. The pre-dominant attitude is still traditional, primitive and even inhuman in thought and action. There is no acceptable law or convention which protects powerless and promotes common interests. Having gadgets like mobiles, TV, cars, latest imports and beautiful houses have been mistaken as being modern in Manipur. Every means is used to acquire such "modern" things by many including leaders, government officials and individuals. The values like hard work, discipline, merit, equality and sincerity above all work culture and human dignity which are the foundations of modern democratic society are not respected.
The "belief" that Manipur can not live without supplies from outside world and funds from the centre have been emerging. Not a single leader or organization or individual have even expressed the need for self-sufficiency specially food items. This belief is also reflected on the solutions offered on the shortage of essential items since April 2010 by focusing only on alternative highways and imports. Such "belief" and self surrendering to a situation of helplessness have been the greatest manmade misfortune. The historical fact that Manipur was self-sufficient is forgotten.
One of the greatest collective failures is to expand large scale employment and other opportunities beyond government jobs. The government is the main source of livelihood and self-fulfillment for many. The looting/misusing of the government money and power has been converted into personal right and the competition is becoming tough day by day. Has Manipur become a paradise of the beggars of the powerful and inhuman individuals and organizations?
Nobody takes responsibility but knows only to blame others. The collective effort, common interests and common destiny/vision have declined. Therefore the leaders, government and civil organizations may be powerful but have low moral authority. The result is failure or difficulty to resolve conflicts. Every community Meitei, Pangal, Nagas, Kukis, or other smaller tribes have their own student’s association as well as social organization with political functions. They project themselves as the victims/sufferers while other community as the enemy or exploiters. Every issue and solution has been seen/sought through communal/tribal angles.
Phobias of various types have been constructed by using propaganda or even by creating false history and communalizing culture and identity by community/tribe based organizations. They call frequent bandhs/strikes/economic blockades by issuing warnings like medieval kings with dire consequences. Sometimes they resort to such methods to gain sectarian objectives and directed against government. It even appears to take revenge or to teach lesson to the government or others or both as they often do not achieve their demands. Armed groups which are over 30 seek exclusive homelands or freedom/liberation of their community/tribe. Thus Manipur has become a lawless, chaotic and man made disaster prone land.
The non-availability of essential items at normal rates for more than 4 months has been another example of man made disaster. The collective failure of the government and citizens to stop or punish black marketers especially those selling petrol on roadsides at double/triple prices reflect type of morality and ethics in Manipur society.
The consequences of lack of modern attitudes and man made disaster are many. The rotten garbage on roadsides, markets, public places and river banks reflect attitude towards health and collective tolerance for dirty/rotten things. Urbanization has taken place without planning and vision. Flooding conditions in urban areas due to rains indicate failure to preserve lakes, khongbans and wetlands with no or little idea of modern urban living. Many areas of Imphal are in worse conditions than the slums of many cities in India. The existing roads are the sources of health hazards due to unchecked vehicular pollutions, dusts and uncontrolled traffic, parking and crossing.
Some concrete steps have been taken to deal with natural disasters. Under National Disaster Management Act, 2005 many institutions have been established from national level headed by Prime Minister to lowest level in district and block/village levels. In Manipur many steps have been taken up including the establishment of Disaster Management Institute (DMI) which provides awareness about proactive and handling of disasters through training and other campaigns. Fire Department handles both fire and other types of disaster in Manipur. Security forces of both centre and state governments are also involved in rescue and rehabilitation of disaster related activities.
Construction of buildings must be done in consultation with engineers/architect. Fire must be must always attended while cooking or other activities. Roads/bye lane must be wide enough for free movement of vehicles. Dry sand can be used in prevention or stopping fire. In case of earthquake sheltering under desk or table or bed may be helpful. Children and students must be educated and trained about disaster and its management through formal curriculum and training. Mock disaster handling must be practiced at school, offices and home.
Modern attitude and scientific knowledge would bring safe buildings, homes and water, electricity, hygienic markets and clean air besides believe in equality and dignity of individuals. Even in the first decade of the 21st century no regular supply of water and darkness at night as in medieval times even in urban areas except in so called VIP areas/connection. Modernization of agriculture, irrigation facilities, double cropping etc. have to take place to meet the growing the demands and for self- sufficiency at least in food items. Laws must be enacted to preserve the cultivable land which has been fast declining.
Modern tax system must be introduced and the only way to generate tax is the attitude of paying tax. If additional funds are required state government can approach central government, Asian and international funding agencies for development and modern basic amenities. Proper and regular tax can do wonders. For example regular electricity can be provided only when government departments and every household in Manipur pay electricity bills on time. Lack of fund has been popular excuse, not the real problem.
There is no concept of free launch. The obstinate and incurable disease like attitude of "not to pay tax" to the government must go. Everyone must pay tax rich or poor, hill or valley, tribal/non-tribal as it will bring sense of belonging. It will be a big step towards equal citizenship and rights with high moral authority. Even the most powerful or a rich person alone can not construct roads or provides electricity and other common/public utilities.
There is need for scientific knowledge, understanding of the experience of developed country or region and the rational of modern administration and political economy. The self-generated and ego satisfying knowledge and personal fulfillment alone do not bring peace and progress as the past experience and present situation in Manipur have shown. Without modern administration, basic amenities and modern attitudes Manipur will remain as it is today.
The past and present attitude of waiting for disaster/tragedy first, then realization of the loss and mistake and then only take steps to reduce the tragedy must end. Disaster can not be prevented but can be reduced/ managed. Awareness and desire for pro-active strategies will automatically bring preventive measures for any disaster natural or man made. Government, civil societies and individual must work together to reduce or manage disaster because of its unpredictability and catastrophic nature.
* Dr. N. Somorendro Singh contributes regularly to This article was originally published in The Sangai Express on August 18/19/20 The writer can be contacted at somons(at)yahoo(dot)com
This article was webcasted on September 06, 2010.
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