Importance of backyard poultry farming in NE India
Johnson Th & Athokpam Panjenba *
Cock as witnessed at Maokot, Indo-Burma Border (Ukhrul District) in January 2011
India's modern commercial poultry production is barely 50 years old, although backyard poultry farming dates back to prehistoric period. Backyard poultry production is an old practices in rural India.
Mostly in North East region, backyard farming is usually practised which usually comprises of rearing indigenous birds with low production performances. Usually the potentiality of indigenous bird in terms of egg production is only 70-80 per year and meat production is very less.
At present more than half the total population in the region depends on agriculture. The geographical features of the region which is of mainly low hills surrounding the valleys makes it appropriate for its system of rearing birds. With the growing population the need for the supplements other than agricultural products also arises.
At present total contributions of North East poultry population of each states (19th Livestock Census, 2012; Govt of India) are
Arunachal Pradesh (528654),
Assam (15321082),
Manipur (643685),
Meghalaya (1869705),
Mizoram (400616),
Nagaland (670143),
Sikkim (206811) and
Tripura (1346407) .
Backyard poultry is advantageous as it provide supplementary income in shortest possible time with little minimum capital investment, simple in operation and ensure availability of eggs and meat even in remote areas. It is a type of organic farming with no harmful residue in eggs and meat. It is eco-friendly approach.
Further, these are very active in pest control, provide manures, provide manure and required for special festivals and traditional ceremonies. As local birds are used mostly ,they got better adaptability and protect themselves from predators and diseases.
Here are four promising characters or feature why we want to encourage poultry farming-
1. Better adaptability to backyard system,
2) Better survivability,
3) Low input cost,
4) Low capital investment.
Backyard poultry system is a common practices all over the country, so government of India funded bodies like ICAR, CARI, State agricultural universities, veterinary colleges, etc. have developed new improved varieties of chicken suitable for backyard system with more productivity in both eggs and meat quality.
Giriraja, Banaraja, Grampriya, etc are some of the new breeds developed by the bodies mention above. These new breeds are now popular among small scale poultry farmers of the Northeast region.
Even new type of poultry like turkey and guinea fowl have started to reared in the region due to its rich gamy taste which are generally prefer by the people of North Eastern India.
So, the farmers of this part of India should be encourage to rear birds alongside their usual agricultural crops to increase their income.
Moreover, with this practice the egg and meat production of the region can be increased so the import of eggs and meat from other states can be reduced and increased in the economy of the region.
* Johnson Th & Athokpam Panjenba wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writers are 3rd yr students of BVSc & AH at College of Vety Sciences & AH Aizawl, Mizoram
This article was posted on November 28, 2016.
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