Implications of climate change to Shirui Lily and the response of Churches
- Part 2 -
Rev Somi Kasomwoshi *
Shirui Lily or Siroi lily , the State Flower of Manipur blooming in May 2014 at Siroi hill ranges in Ukhrul district :: Pix - Deepak Oinam
Somi Kasomwoshi pointed out that land is sacred for Indigenous Tangkhul. Land is older than human. Forests carried the memories of forefathers. They used land and forest with the permission of God. They paid great respect to living beings and non-living beings. They had filial relationship of intimacy with buffalo, bear, cat and nature. They regarded land as mother, forest and animals as brothers and sisters. So, there was no disconnectedness between human and nature (3).
Tangkhul Christian Community is responsible for current flower disaster. As Lynn White, an American historian pointed out in 1967 to Christian responsible for the ecological crisis, Tangkhul Christians are responsible for lily and forest disaster for the followings.
Lack of theological imagination to understand the eco-justice ministries as part of redemptive act of God initiated in and through Christ who died for groaning creation.
This lack of theological vision led Tangkhul Christians to have dominion and subjugation over creation. (To be contd)
Heaven bound understanding of salvation inspires superstitious Tangkhul Christians to neglect the connectedness of human and nature. And they are eventually engaged a dualism of human and nature, that leads to disconnectedness and subjugation.
Tangkhuls have forgotten the owning responsibility to conserve mother Shirui Kashong and sister Lily. Tangkhuls have forgotten the lifeline of sacred mountain given freely to a separate people for building up a priestly community. This is the holy mountain of God for saving life of Tangkhuls. Tangkhuls receive scarcity of rain as the wages of sin of irresponsibility from years of neglect. God has given Tangkhuls a glorious responsibility to take care of it. And Tangkhuls are accountable and answerable to the aspiration and dream of God. If they care not, who will take care of it? If they manage not, who will manage it? Will Kuki/Meetei/Mayang care for it?
Neither Govt. of Manipur nor National workers nor Churches nor local community are not prepared to shoulder the calling of God for alternative re- imagination and rethinking of salvation informed to us to save Shirui Kashong and its resources in a good time, lest we all perish due to lack of oxygen, water. The instance of deforestation and extinction of lily species of Shirui Kashong is an issue of life and death.
Let us check and monitor the uprooting, plucking and burning of Shirui mt. and plant sapling to save beautiful, and the holy mountain. Tangkhuls must work out their own salvation of ecological truth with fear before God. Dr.George Zachariah states in "Bible and the ecological crisis," p.21, "Salvation is an ecological truth, a celebration of God's reign where the values of neighborly concern, love and kinship are extolled.."(4). This is Biblical vision of cosmic. Bible believers ought to realize the ecological truth in protecting and saving nature.
Responsible Tangkhul Christians must repent their utter greed of exploitation over lily and its mother forest. Exploitation over good sister lily and forest is a heinous crime and is a real sin against the will of God. But if we delay to say "sorry" and "repent" in a good time from an utter greed of dominion over nature, someday future generations may not forgive our unethical care of sin.
Responsible Tangkhul Churches ought to pray God for Shirui Kashong Green. And they ought to commit unto Him the groaning and wearing away Kashong to recreate a New Shirui Kashong and a new Lily. The Renewal of Kashong comes in response of Church submission to the mighty hand of God who keeps on making new heaven and new earth (Rev.21.1). The limited knowledge and strength of human cannot resist against the power of air, against the unseen power of darkness. And the limited power of human cannot create a new forest, a new lily. But with submission to God's reign, Churches ought to pray for a new Kashong and a new Lily. Remember God still seeks to rescue lily through Church service.
R.L.Sarkar suggests, "Church members in responsible position must work for change, by improving communication in the press, by broadcasting, by teaching in schools, by working in government posts, and by influencing policy decisions in commercial companies"(5).
It is a time to reaffirm that responsible Tangkhul Christians are caretakers, stewards, priests, co creators and friends of lily. They are commanded to keep the Kashong fertile and productive. They are responsible to God Himself. They are ultimate responsible, answerable and accountable for their decisions, actions of taking care to the Lord God of hosts. They are entrusted with God's mysteries to take care of it. Faith Community needs to be self reflex on inseparable link between human and nature and embrace to World Council of Churches' words of enhancing life, "we are, but one species."
Immediate de installation of Sawmill from cutting ancient trees in the name of development and for the sake of exports at the foothill of Kashong and imposition of Meiyan (customary laws of burning of fire) towards a wild life sanctuary.
Develop Eco Tourism Spot in a manner in which it benefits the local community directly, and conserve the virgin Kashong forest from being destroyed and make sure for carbon link forest. This eco-tourism spot may help to eradicate poverty, make end unemployment, create new skills, enhance the status of woman, Preserve cultural heritage and encourage crafts.
K.C.Abraham states 3 models of Church life for conservation of nature. They are: i. Ascetic, monastic model: Greed organized as manipulative structure, selfish capitalism, market-led economy is the root cause of ecological crisis. To suppress greed, the Church is to adopt a simple life style in order to live together with nature harmoniously. This model asserts that "the earth is Lord's," (Ps.24.1) and nature is not to be used to satisfy human need.
ii. Sacramental model of Church life:
"Life and all its relationships are brought to the worshipful presence of God and they are constantly renewed….The Lord's super cup is offered, blessed and shared," says K.C.Abraham. The body broken is taken for sharing. Scientists say, "The volume of each atom is the volume of each universe." All this show that God's people are together with all creation praise God. All are God's gifts, therefore they are to be shared.
iii.Liberative solidarity model: The Church is in solidarity with the whole creation. "The work of the Spirit extends to the total renewal of creation" from its bondage to decay into the glories freedom of the children of God (Rom 8.19-23). The Church is in the search for liberation of all aspects of life, histories, cultures, including demonic powers (6).
"God of all heavens and earth,
Grant us a sense of being joined to one another,
A sense of being joined to you and in you to your nature
And to your people everywhere. In Jesus name we pray" Amen – Anonymous believer's prayer.
* Rev Somi Kasomwoshi wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Pastor, Ukhrul Town Baptist Church
This article was posted on June 29, 2014.
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