Green Masjids campaign
M R Sheikh *
The Masjid at Babupura, Imphal in October 2012 :: Pix - Bunti Phurailatpam
Islams' position on global warming – and indeed environmentalism – is very simple and clear.
Allah made man His Khalifa on earth and granted him the autonomy to utilize the resources of the earth. The Quran states that 'Allah is the one who made for you everything on earth' [2:29].
So we are allowed to use this earth's resources to our benefit. What we cannot do is to abuse it. Islam's teachings on being Allah's Khalifas stipulates that we respect the resources we have, ensure that they are sustainable and not depleted for our future generations. We are allowed to consume animals, but we must make sure that all parts of the animal are put to use and waste is at a minimum.
In Islam man is given the role of trusteeship over the earth, which is a huge responsibility. In the past, man had to be careful how he treated his local environment since excessive grazing or agriculture could bring ruin to his livelihood. His knowledge was also limited but in the event of a disaster either through ignorance or abuse at least he could resort to moving elsewhere and start again. Now we should have no excuse for ignorance and we should have learnt from our past to avoid misuse. But what is worrying is that the impacts of our behavior are not just local anymore, they are global. If we fail to act in a responsible manner then we cannot simply relocate because there will be nowhere to go. It is therefore vital that as producers, manufacturers and consumers, we ensure that we give due consideration to the impact of our actions. Such a responsibility is not just that of the east or the west but a responsibility for all of us.
The Holy Quran warns mankind in Chapter 7, verse 32 "O children of Adam! … Eat and drink but exceed not the bounds; surely He does not love those who exceed the bounds"
The overall message of Islam is that it promotes harmony by advising moderation. It accepts that we need to use resources for our progress but this should be done wisely and in a sustainable manner, so that a satisfactory medium is found. The Holy Quran relates in Chapter 25, verse 68 "those who, when they spend are neither extravagant nor niggardly but moderate between the two".
So as individuals we should act on the Quranic injunction that promotes balance and avoids excess and Nations need to be more willing to share knowledge for the sake of the planet rather than for profit and take collective action in line with their collective responsibility. By doing so we will be able to win the pleasure of God and honour our trusteeship of the earth for the present and future generations. It is with this concept the Islamic Research & Dawah Centre Babupara, Imphal is launching a yearlong GREEN MASJIDS CAMPAIGN with an objective to go green all Masjids and Madarsah's in Manipur on the line led by Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Like elsewhere, the World Environment Day was observed in Manipur on June 5, 2013 on the theme - Think. Eat. Save.
Islamic Research & Da'wah Centre (IRDC), based at Babupara, Imphal, also observed the day by launching Green Masjid Campaign in the Muslim inhabited areas of Manipur in association with the Directorate of Environment, Government of Manipur.
The campaign was formally launched by planting tree saplings at M.M. Masjid at Sangaiyumpham, in Thoubal District. The function was attended by the Director of IRDC Mufti Salatur Rahman, Associate Professor of D.M. College of Science Dr. Raheijuddin Sheikh (Shamu), Pradhan of Sangaiyumpham Part-I Mrs. Alipjaan Begum, Gram Panchayat Member Md. Ramijuddin, Imams of Masjids Moulana Nursafi and Moulana Ibocha Khan, Social Worker Md Azad Khan, other local elders, students and members of IRDC.
Convener of the campaign Dr. Md. Raheijuddin Sheikh (Shamu) stated the purpose of organizing the campaign in his speech. He said, "The Green Masjid Campaign aims to mobilize
Muslims to plant trees around the masjids to improve the natural surroundings. To achieve the aim we are going to take the help of the Imams of masjids. The Imams are requested to give environmental awareness to the Muslims in their mohallah from an Islamic perspective.
The Campaign for Go Green Our Earth shall not be complete without the participation of the Muslim Religious Leaders specially the Imams of the Masjids".
"It is going to be a year-long campaign. If necessary we shall continue further. Saplings of trees will be distributed to the Muslim localities to plant in the surroundings of the masjids. The Imams of the masjids will have to lead the localities in planting and looking after the trees. We will be assessing the growth of the trees after five year. The masjid which has the best growth of the trees will be given cash reward of Rs. 50, 000," he added.
Sheikh also highlighted the importance of planting trees based on modern science. He said, "Modern science has shown that trees are key components to global ecosystem. Trees act as natural filters of our air. Through the process of photosynthesis trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is a key greenhouse gas and principle contributor to global warming, from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their trunk, branches, leaves, roots, soil and foliage, while releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. Trees improve biodiversity and provide habitat for wildlife, check soil erosion, help in conversing water and controlling temperature, besides the ascetic benefits. It is because of all these benefits that trees have always been a key symbol of the environmental movement."
He thanked Director of Environment Department Dr. M. Homeshore Singh for sponsoring the tree saplings and extending support to the campaign.
He also thanked Mr Th Bhogen Singh of the Department for his support.
Addressing the gathering, Mufti Salatur said, "Allah has created everything, including the plants and animals, with specific purposes. Thus it is our duty to look after and protect all these creations. Prophet Muhammad had also stressed the importance of conserving the nature.
He had said that whoever plant trees Allah will give him reward to the extent of their fruit.
A popular Hadith says if you have a sapling, if you have the time, be certain to plant it, even if Doomsday starts to break forth. He also said that those who reclaim and cultivate dry and barren land will be rewarded by Allah. It is said that Prophet Muhammad organized planting of trees and of date groves. We have to follow the traditions of the Prophet."
Mufti Salatur urged the Imams of the masjids to make the Muslims in the mohalla aware about the importance of conserving the environment citing example from the traditions of the Prophet.
"The young children should also be given proper knowledge about the various issues relating to our environment. They should be encouraged to develop the habit of planting trees and nurturing them," he added.
"We should start by planting trees in the surroundings of the masjids. Everybody who comes to masjid for prayers should look after the plants by giving water and other needs. This way we can conserve our environment," Mufti Salatur further said.
The campaign will cover all Masjids in Manipur including those in Jiribam Subdivision of the Imphal East District and Moreh in Chandel District.
* M R Sheikh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was posted on June 22, 2013.
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