Finding alternative energy for a better environment
- Part 2 -
N Munal Meitei *
The wind-solar power panel being set and the official team from MANIREDA and others at Lamdan village :: Pix - TSE
Biogas digestion
Biogas digestion deals with harnessing the methane gas that is released when waste breaks down. A large quantity of methane gas can be retrieved from the huge garbage or sewages that the developed world is producing today. Biogas digesters are used to process methane gas by having bacteria break down biomass in an anaerobic environment.
The methane gas that is collected and refined can be used as an Alternative energy source for various products such as cooking gas etc.
Biological Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen gas is a completely clean burning fuel; its only by-product is water. It also contains relatively high amount of energy compared with other fuels due to its chemical structure.
2H2O+ High Energy ? O2+ 2H2
This process is known as biological hydrogen production which requires a high- energy input. But with solar energy input, hydrogen can be produced by splitting water after using biological vector.
These biological vectors may include bacteria or more commonly algae. It requires the use of single celled organisms to create hydrogen gas through fermentation.
Without the presence of oxygen, also known as an anaerobic environment, regular cellular respiration cannot take place and a process known as fermentation takes over. A major by-product of this process is hydrogen gas. Since the fermentation process is an evolutionary back up, turned on during stress, the cells would die after a few days.
In 2000, a two-stage process was developed to take the cells in and out of anaerobic conditions and therefore keep them alive. If we could implement this on a large scale, then we could take sunlight, nutrients and water to produce hydrogen gas to meet the future energy.
Floating wind farms
Floating wind farms are similar to a regular wind farm, but the difference is that they float in the mid ocean. Offshore wind farms can be placed in water up to 40 m deep, whereas floating wind turbines can float in water up to 700 m deep. The advantage of having a floating wind farm is to be able to harness the winds from the open ocean. Without any obstructions such as hills, trees and buildings, winds from the open ocean can reach up to speeds twice as fast as coastal areas. For Manipur, the hill tops which are occupying more than 70% of geographical area could act as a similar Floating wind farm.
Other Biofuels
Several groups in various sectors are conducting research on various Biofuels such as Jatropha curcas, as a viable source of feedstock oil.
Much of this research focuses on improving the overall per acre oil yield through advancements in genetics, soil science, and horticultural practices. Successful exploration of these disciplines is projected to increase Jatropha farm production yields by 200-300% in the next ten years.
Dr APJ Kalam, the former President of India also initiated to enhance the Jatropha curcas plantation in the country. In future planning, we should add biofuel plantation in the State to conserve Environment and for future fuel demand.
It is true that the Planet will be populated with around 9 billion by 2025 and it will not be possible to give the required energy with present stock of fossil fuels and with the remaining natural resources.
Experts suggest that the fossil fuel stock of the planet will be exhausted after about fifty years from now. Finding with Alternative Energy will not only supplement us for the deficit energy but the Earth will be saved from GHG and Global warming.
I would like to say that at the present context, Nuclear energy is highly essential for Human development. Sometimes in a comprehensive meaning, "alternative energy" excludes nuclear energy e.g. as defined in the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act of 2002. But currently, nuclear energy shares about 13.5% of world's energy with 430 Reactors in 31 countries.
Given the trauma, the Japanese people have suffered since the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011, it is understandable that major questions are asked of domestic politicians. But we must never forget that Fukushima has killed no one.
Scientists also agree there will never be an observable cancer increase in the Japanese population attributable to Fukushima. But in response to the nuclear shutdown, oil and gas imports to Japan have doubled, and carbon dioxide emissions have soared by more than 60m tones last year. Any environmentalist who celebrates this outcome is not worthy of the name. Therefore alternative energy is the only means to keep the human civilization intact. If we are not finding the best alternative energy solution in the near future, then our age old civilization may have to move on a reverse direction.
* N Munal Meitei wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was posted on May 08, 2013
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