Development of Apiculture (bee-keeping) in Manipur
- Part 2 -
P Narendra *
Bee larvae - Rich man's food in Ukhrul :: Pix - TSE
Honey bee can carry enormous quantities of nectar to the hives where the bee keeper regularly removes honey-filled combs and replaces them by the empty ones, the colonies work incessantly and become tireless visitors and pollinators of plants.
It has been calculated that bees constitute eighty percent of all the visitors the flowers of cultivated plants, only twenty percent falling to others insects. It is known that the bees is like a living brush with the help of which flowers are naturally pollinated, cross pollinated plants yield more and bigger seeds and fruits than self— pollinated plants.
The Bee- colony reveals to man the real force of vital links unifying a biological species. Starting from the bee-colony, the human mind turns to new and unknown regions of living nature, to their unexplored and inexhaustible resources. A Complete control over the evolution of vegetable life on the earth is a thing of the future, but that future is not so hopelessly far away.
Time will provide scientific and technical means for the accomplishment of what seems today a fantastic task. Then, the four-winged pollinators of flowers-the living catalyzers in the process of plants evolution-will become instruments of natural-scientific transformation, by means of which the earth will once again be converted into a garden in bloom, but this time by man and not by insects.
I have written this article when I came back from Sikkim after workshop and Honey festival on Development of Apiculture in North East in the year 2007-08, organised and sponsored by National Bee-Board and Central Institute of Horticulture, National Horticulture Board. I have been deputed as a proprietor of Radha Apiary Bee-Keeping Institute by the Directorate of Horticulture. Govt. of Manipur.
In the inaugural session, the Commissioner, Horticulture, Government of India, highlighted the great potential for developing 3 million bee-colonies in North-East due to its moderate climate, good evergreen and deciduous forest land.
Further, emphasized the importance of centrally sponsored scheme "Technology Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture. The workshop was organised mainly to promote Bee-Keeping as a means for providing employment and extra income to the people of North East, encouraging honey bee activity as an organic input for higher fruit and vegetable yield by way of assured pollination.
With these objectives and deliberations of other delegates for the potential development of Bee-Keeping and when came to know the status of Nagaland Bee-Keeping inspired me much to focus the very great potentials of development Bee-Keeping in the state.
The Nagaland Bee-Keeping & Honey Mission (NBHM) was set launched in 2007-08 by the Government of Nagaland to implement programmes and policies for promotion and development of bee-keeping in the state by encouraging scientific bee-keeping practices and value additions by creating awareness and imparting Training for skill and knowledge. It coordinates with Bee-Keepers, government departments and agencies and all stake holders through a participatory approach in a mission mode.
The state of Nagaland has moderate climate, rich biodiversity, vast bee foraging areas from forest, orchards, plantation field crops and negligible use of pesticides in crops. It has, therefore, wide range of horticultural and wild vegetation with a potential for organic honey production and pollen for the world market.
The state has more than 2 million populations from 16 major Tribes each having their own distinctive dialect, custom and traditions. Main languages are Nagamese and local dialects and English is official. The literacy rate is 80.11 and 80% of the population live in village.
Agriculture is the main livelihood pattern and the allied activities are animal husbandry, handloom, handicrafts, blacksmithy, and other small scale cottage industries. At present Bee-Keeping project is the main source of Income from organic honey production. The tribal Nagas and bees have co-existed in perfect harmony since time immemorial. Their close link is synonymous to linking ecology with livelihoods.
The target for Bee-Keeping upto the year 2020 is to give Basic Training to 30,000 Bee-Keepers and number of Bee hives to be provided are 4,00,000 nos and numbers of Api Village/Village Bee-Keeping Centre to be formed are 1000 and target for Honey production is 5000 MT.
In the field of bee-keeping development, Manipur is far behind the neighbouring state Nagaland. In our state, multiplication of Apis Indica Cerana could be taken up as it is carried out in Nagaland, as Nagaland Bee Mission, with a small amount reflecting in the state's budget by the nodal Department of Horticulture collaborating with renown Bee-Keeping Training Institute and other experts of the State.
A Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture with Bee-keeping project have to be launched. The Mission will encourage honey bee activity as on organic input for higher fruit and vegetable yield by way of assured pollination and promote as a means for providing employment income to the unemployment families particularly to the poorest of the poor groups.
For introduction of Apis Mellifera (Western, European Bee) of the cold region could be launched at the cold area of Ukhrul above 6500 ft MSL at the range of Siroi to Jessami and Mao-range of Dzuko. Mellifera is not suitable to warm and hot area. Unconsciously and without clearly perceiving the importance of the bee. different peoples at different times and quite independently chose and utilised this insect.
There is curious fact about bees, which naturalists noted long age, whereas all plants and animals for any length of time domesticated and tamed by man have radically changed under his influence, bees seem to remain unchanged.
I hope my article will help increase the number of bee-lovers in this state and through their activity in gathering honey and other products contribute to raising yields of Horticulture/Agriculture fruits and seeds particularly to hill Districts of the state. Since time immemorial the hill people have co-existed in perfect harmony with bees. Their close link is synonymous to linking ecology will livelihoods.
Further, I wished to share my experience and observation of bee, and my views on the important role they play in the life of man and to demonstrate the tremendous benefits they bring. Bee-Keeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives.
A bee-keeper (or apiarist) keeps bees in order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produces (wax, pollen, royal jelly and bee-venom), to pollinate crops, or to produce quality Queens and nucleus bee-colonies for sale. A location where bees are kept is called apiary or 'bee-yard'.
The fascinating work of an apiary which gives tremendous pleasures, the consumption of honey, and proper use of bee-venom, royal jelly and pollen are very important links in a chain of factors for man's health and prolongation of his life.
These little creatures have a magnetic charm that grips everyone who comes to know them, so that they cannot fail to feel a strong 'friendship' for bees all their lives. This love of bees is often handed on to children and grand-children; there are quite a few bee-keeping families in which the profession has been inherited from fathers and grandfathers.
The wondrous work in bee-yard not only has a beneficial effect on the health of the bee-keeper, but keeps many of them to forget all about their troubles and ailments. For many people, especially those suffering from over excitation of the nervous system, the disabled, and old age pensioners, work in an apiary is often the best form of occupational therapy.
It is an old popular belief that green leaves and flowers make the air bracing and this has been scientifically demonstrated that wherever there are plant, volatile substances that destroy microbes are constantly discharged into the air are atmospheric vitamin.
The beekeepers working in an apiary during the best months of the year therefore breathes air that is not only fresh and pure but is also enriched with the fragrance of honey and atmospheric vitamin. Usually enjoy good health and long life through their habit of eating honey and their healthy work in the midst of nature.
* P Narendra wrote this article for The Sangai Express
This article was webcasted on May 19 , 2018.
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