Developing a digital database on bio-resources of NE India through a network approach among NE States
- Part 1 -
Dr N Irabanta Singh *
It was a multi-institutional research project funded by DBT/GOI, New Delhi for a period Of 4 (Four) years. Center of Advance Study in life Science, Manipur University, Canchipur was the parent institute with Prof. N. Irabanta Singh as the coordinator of the Project. Whereas D.M College of Science, Imphal ; Guwahati University, Guwahati ; Nagaland University ,lumani , Mizoram University, Aizawl ; The Mountain Institute of India, Gangtok, Sikkim; North Eastern Institute of Science and Technology , Nirjuli District and Tripura University , Agartala were collaborating Institutes. Objective wise Achievement of The participating Institutes are given below.
I. Systematic field survey and collection of data on the bio-resource value of diverse organizing across different states of N.E. India
Manipur University Centre, Canchipur
(Parent Institute)
Plant bioresources
Published books on the medicinal plants of Manipur were collected, Ph.D. theses submitted to Manipur University in the field of ethnobiology and published papers were also consulted. The data were entered in the structured format.
Insect bioresources
Altogether 110 species were selected having edible medicinal and other users. These insects were collected from various published journals, reports, proceedings, books, etc. The collected data were entered into the database format along with their references.
About 50 photographs were collected from various sources viz., self photograph, books, Journals, internet, etc.
Collaborating Institute
D.M. College of Science Centre, Imphal
Plant bioresources
The secondary data from various published sources with special reference to Manipur were collected. The number of plant species entered into the database were 1216. The number of families to which the plant species belong to was 195 under 59 orders.
Animal bio-resources
A total of 16 insect species belonging to 5 orders and 9 families were entered from the available sources. The total number of insects species entered into the database was 16. The number of families to which the insect's species belong to 9 (nine) under 5 orders.
For collection of primary data, ethnobiological surveys were carried out at different places of Imphal East, Imphal West, Churachandpur districts of Manipur. Interviewed with different categories of people including local healers and elderly persons.
Gauhati University Centre, Guwahati
Plant bioresources
A total of 490 references of plants were scrutinized. Data on 412 plants from both primary and secondary sources were entered into the database format.
Insect bioresources
A total of 66 insects from secondary sources were entered into the database format.
Field works for recording primary data were undertaken in Sibsagar, Dhemaji, districts of Assam including East Garo hills and West Garo hills districts of Maghalaya. Field work record was generated from primary data on 85 (Assam 40 and Meghalaya 45) plants.
Nagaland University Centre, Lumami
Plant bioresources
A total of 100 plant specimens having ethnobotanical importance were incorporated to database format from the secondary sources.
A total of 150 plants used by the Nagas for various purposes were recorded. They were accommodated to 136 genus under 72 families. Out of 150 plants, medicinal value plants were 88 followed by 36 as vegetables, 22 as fruits and 14 as fuel and timbers.
Insect bioresources
A total of 41 insect species were collected from various field surveys which belongs to 36 genus under 24 families. Out of these, 11 insects species were used for medicinal purposes and 30 insect species were consumed for protein supplements.
Mizoram University Centre, , Aizawl
Plant bioresources
The plant resources were collected from the secondary data of published works.
The collection of primary data was grouped into (a) food, (b) medicinal, (c) fodder, (d) dye, (e) oil and (f) fuel.
Animal/Insect bioresources
The secondary data of animals/insects were collected from the published work.
The collection of primary data was grouped into (a) pest (b) food, and (c) medicinal. A total of 148 (65 + 31 + 52) live specimens were collected.
The Mountain Institute of India Centre, Gangtok Sikkim
Plant bioresources
The secondary data of 309 species of plants having medicinal (290), Food (12), art and culture (02), fiber (02), Spices (02) and beverage (01) were entered into the structured format.
For the primary field survey 143 species of plants having medicinal (119), food (20), wild edible fruits (03), beverage (01) were entered into the structured format.
Animal/Insect bioresources
The secondary data for food (27) and medicinal (04) were entered into the structured format.
The primary field surveys of animals used by the local people as food (13), fish (11) and insects as food (02) were documented and entered into the structured format.
North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology Centre, Itanagar A.P.
Plant bioresources
The secondary data about 802 species of plants under medicinal (591), food (181) and others (30) were entered into the structured format. The collected plants belong to 154 families with highest number of plants belongs to Lamicaeae family (148).
The secondary data of 128 species belong to Mammals, birds, fishes, insects, reptiles and amphibian with medicinal, food, magico – religious value, etc. were entered into the structured format. The collected animals belong to 34 families of insects, and 13 families of mammals.
The primary data of animals entered 18 families with highest in Libellulidae (16 spp) and 8 families for fishes).
The primary data revealed 58 families with highest number of species under Solanaceae.
Animal bioresources
The secondary data of 128 species belong to Mammals, birds, fishes, insects, reptiles and amphibian with medicinal, food, magico –religious value, etc. were entered into the structured format. The collected animals belong to 34 families of insects, and 13 families of mammals.
The primary data of animals entered 18 families with highest in Libellulidae (16 spp.) and 8 families for fishes.
Tripura University Centre, Agartala
Plant bioresources
The secondary data from published papers recorded 157 medicinal plants. These data were entered into the structured format. The Primary data collected from different ethnic people were recorded. The medicinal plants (58) and food (33) were found in the local markets.
Animal bioresources
From the secondary data no published data was available for edible insects.
From the field survey ,11 animal resources were found being used by the ethnic people as food. Some of these animals' resources were used for curing some chronic diseases.
(To be contd)
* Dr N Irabanta Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The reviewer is former professor (Higher Academic Grade) / Life Sciences, Manipur University and former Dean, School of life Sciences, Manipur University and can be contracted at irabanta(DOT)singh(AT)gmail(DOT)com
This article was webcasted on October 22, 2018.
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