Dailong Village Light of the hill districts of Manipur
Kh Hitler *
Shri P. N. Prasad, i/c Principal Chief Conservator of Forest cum Chief Wildlife Warden, Manipur asked the writer to collect some baseline data, the detailed conservation history and measures taken up by the Dailong village in protecting its Community Forest during July 2014. It seems that Sir Prasad had a very good impression of Forest Conservation measures taken up by the Dailong village through some other sources. He was also posted as DFO at Western Forest Division, Tamenglong long time back. I had also heard many good things about Dailong village from my friend Shri R.K. Birjit Singh, the State Coordinator of Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN) and an active wildlife activist. As I was preoccupied with some other duties, I could not visit the village for quite a long time, but I had made it with my colleague Md. Bani Amin RFO, Mr. James, and Mr. Achung on 5th November 2014.
The visiting team interacted with Mr. Akuna Panmei, Mr. Hukhamang Gonmei and Mr. P.R. Athana, Pastor at the premise of Dailong Baptist church. From the interaction and also from the visit with Mr. Akuna Panmei inside the preserved forest of Dailong; we had collected following information which was substantiated later with the input from R. K. Birjit Singh which include data of DEEPS, Dr Chambo Gonmei CMO, Tamenglong & Honorary Wildlife Warden, Tamenglong and also from the secondary data from different websites.
Dailong is located near Tamenglong HQ at a road distance of about 8 Km in the Tamei-Tamenglong Road. It is one of the oldest villages in Tamenglong and it was earlier known as Poudailong which means Stone village because of the presence of large stones in the Village. The people belong to Rongmei Tribe and followed Christianity. There are 234 families with a population of 1634 as per the 2011 population census. The male and female population is 819 and 815 respectively.
The present Chairman of the Dailong Village is Keijinbui Gonmei. The conservation of Forest in the village dates back to about sixty years according to Namthiudi Gonmei an elder of Dailong Village. His version of Forest Conservation in Dailong was quite different from the other villagers. The first motivating factor for conserving Forest in Dailong was for protecting (Leeren) Calamus spp which was the only durable binding material used in construction of houses and other buildings during the olden times as iron nails were not easily available.
At first only a small portion on the upper reach (Mathak Ching or Longh Ram) was protected for preserving Calamus spp. As jhuming causes lost of calamus spp by burning the forest area, the Village authority decided to prohibit its people to carry out jhuming in this area first. As time rolled further there were need for large trees for construction of houses, thus they protected larger area for preserving these trees in a larger Forest known as Dailong Rongku Forest. This Rongku Forest is now covered about twenty square kilometers.
According to the other version from the people I met viz Mr. Akuna Panmei, Mr. Hukhamang Gonmei and Mr. P.R. Athana, Pastor at the premise of Dailong Baptist church; Dailong village got its motivating force for conserving forest in their village because of scarcity of water during winter season. All kind of shifting cultivations had been stopped since last twenty-thirty years on the upper catchment of the village which was demarcated by the Tamei-Tamenglong road. The villagers were turned to Forest Conservationists because of the imminent scarcity of water in the village. Because of the forest cover, now the village got adequate water even during lean season. Thus more and more area was added over the year to Dailong Rongku Forest.
During early nineties more exactly on 02/01/1990, an NGO known as DEEPS- Dailong Ecology and Environment Presentation Society, Dailong came into existence. The NGO ratified the resolution of Dailong Village Authority taken on 10/02/1978 to stop jhum cultivation and deforestation in “Longh Ram”. Every villager whose age is above eighteen years is a member of DEEPS as per the RR of the Society. The Society was registered on 3rd November 1990 under Society Registration Act 1860. The society continued the pioneering works of the Dailong Village Authority which started some sixty years back.
The other theory of spearheading of Forest & Environment Conservation in Dailong Village is as follows. At the early stage they do not have much knowledge about ecosystem services, climate moderating quality and habitat of many rare fauna provided by the forest. Dailong village is blessed with many highly educated and eminent high ranking Government Officials. Thus the thinking and awareness level of the villagers were influenced by these educated leaders to conserve the Forest of the area for long term benefit and ecological balance. Some important personalities are Mr. L.P. Gonmei IAS (Retd) presently serving as Member, Manipur Public Service Commission, Imphal, Mr. R. H. Golmei IAS the present Deputy Commissioner, Tamenglong & Dr. Chambo Gonmei Chief Medical Officer, Tamenglong. These eminent personalities are also included as the advisors of DEEPS.
In my opinion all the theories leading to Community Forest Conservation in Dailong Village are justifiable and interrelated. DEEPS have now expanded the objective of conserving Dailong Longku Forest as follows.
(a) To strengthen Catchment capabilities of the spring and streams in the village.
(b) To preserve Bio-diversity of the Forest including endangered Wildlife and traditional medicinal plants.
(c) To control soil erosion in the village.
(d) To maintain ecological balance.
(e) To create recreational and eco-tourism facilities to the people of the District and other visiting tourists with the aesthetic value of the forest.
(f) To raise economically important timber specie where necessary without disturbing the existing forest.
(g) To tap any available benefit from the Forest in sustainable manners especially cane, broom, medicinal plants and other minor forest produce etc.
(h) To mitigate adverse impact of climate change.
Further DEEPS is now inviting concern line departments, intellectuals, conservationists, social workers and other to provide supports, suggestions and material/financial help to continue the conservation works in the right direction.
The village is also historically important for the Manipuri Literature as the legendary novelist and poet Dr Lamabam Kamal Singh had served in the village as a medical practitioner. There is one Dr Kamal memorial Children crèche Centre sponsored by the Manipur State Council for Child Welfare, Imphal. It shall be a befitting tribute to the legendary novelist and poet; Kabi Ratna Dr Lamabam Kamal Singh, if one memorial Fort or Museum in honor of him is constructed at this village. This will add up the cultural tourism potential to the nature and landscape tourism potential available at this village. Dr. Chambo had confided to the writer that he is cherishingly preserving the “Almirah” used by Dr. Kamal.
Dailong Ecology and Environment Presentation Society, Dailong was awarded the Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra award for 2001 for outstanding contribution in aforestation and wasteland development under Voluntary agencies category (without any financial support from outside agencies) which was awarded in 2004. Before the establishment of Dailong Ecology and Environment Presentation Society, Dailong the villagers were pioneer in the conservation of Forest in the Hill District. Because of the individual awareness and adherence to the common resolution of the village, DEEPS could harvest the recognition later on. Shifting cultivation is a common practice in the hill districts of Manipur and it is most productive in the dense and primary forest.
Over the year due to the population explosion demand for areas for shifting cultivation has been on the rise and shifting cycle has been greatly reduced. In spite of all such happening in the nearby village; Dailong could protect more and more area under forest cover and they never carried out shifting cultivation on the upper catchment side of the village land. The village authority controls the forest. Only in extreme necessity permit of felling trees for bonafide requirement is given. Any villagers who break the rules are penalized with monetary fine.
The village has also one Micro Hydel Project of (2 X 50 kW) constructed by MASTEC (Manipur association for Science and technology); but due to machinery defect it is not yet functional, but adequate source of water throughout the year is ensured because of the presence of the Forest Cover.
The village has developed a wood park known as “RANGAN” in local dialect. The park is becoming one of the attraction and a picnic spot. The trees species include Qurecus spp, Schima wallichii, Cedrela toona, Ficus species, Cedrela serrata, Uningthou etc. The villagers would like to provide potable water in the “RANGAN” so as to facilitate the visitors. But there is no control and prohibition of plastic materials inside the park. There is one water hole known as “Puduikhupang” just below the “RANGAN” which is associated to the history and culture of Rongmei Tribe and this also can be developed as tourist spot.
It is believed that the water has medicinal property and its taste is different every day. Shri Huri Golmei, DFO Tamenglong and the writer had the opportunity to interact with Mr. R.H. Golmei, Deputy Commissioner Tamenglong on 9th November 2014. He suggested that at least one rest house to be constructed in the upper reach of Dailong Forest under tourism Department or any other line department for developing the Forest and Scenic beauty of Dailong as tourist destination.
The Dailong Village can be developed as one of the Tourist Destination of Tamenglong and strengthen the villagers with more empowerment with training on hospitality, eco-tourism and grant for home stay etc by the line departments. Preserving natural Forest is more productive in term of maintaining ecological balance, water productivity, bio-diversity conservation, medicinal plants preservation than aforestation with Monoculture or mixed plants plantation. For conserving many natural Forest from jhum cultivation and deforestation, there is urgent need to encourage villages like Dailong with adequate incentive and support by introducing policies for protecting available natural Forest in many of the villages in Tamenglong District as the Reserve Forest area is very less in this District except for Laimaton Reserve Forest and Keiphundai Reserve Forest. It is hoped that Dailong shall continue its good works and shall be the leading light in Community Forest Conservation in the hill Districts of Manipur. (Concluded)
* Kh Hitler wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The article is intended solely for creation of awareness on Forest, Wildlife and Environment. Any comment /suggestion may please be sent to kharibam(at)kanglaonline(dot)com
This article was posted on February 01, 2015.
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