Combating climate change - An integrated action plan
N Shyamsundar Singh *
Once again, 5th of June has come with a new message to commemorate "World Environment Day" and also to remind us all of the fast deteriorating condition of the environment. Perhaps,
it has seen several odds more in the environment over the one year since it came last. This year's theme is "Air Pollution".
A scientist having adequate knowledge of chemistry, physics and other subjects relevant to the global issue, may like to draw awareness of people from all walks of life and provide them a list of
initiatives to be taken without any delay by presenting a well perceived paper on it. The simple reason why we pass the responsibility on someone else is that Environmental Science
is a multidisciplinary course of study.
An Environmentalist shall essentially have at least working knowledge, if not the expert knowledge of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Engineering etc. Even the Social Sciences shall
throw more light and help someone gain the knowledge of Environmental Sciences.
Because, we all know - "Poverty is the worst Pollutant". Therefore, in this commemorative paper, we make a deliberate attempt to compile a few points on Climate Change that causes Global Warming or Unhealthy
Environment which in turn poses very serious threat to all living beings on earth to-day.
Environment, the Natural Gift Pack containing land, air, water etc. provides the living beings on earth all basic needs for survival. No life can exist without a healthy environment.
The ecology shows the details of intrinsic and intricate relationships of living things to one another and to the environment as well.
Unfortunately, man-made pollution that has been encroaching for several decades in different forms and magnitudes, has largely affected the ecosystem resulting in unprecedented ecological imbalance across
the globe.
On the other hand, we have been noticing for quite a long time, phenomenal changes in the Global Climatic condition. These include changes in Arctic temperatures and ice, widespread changes in the precipitation, sea level rise, ocean salinity, wind patterns and aspects of extreme weather variations like droughts, cloud bursts, heat waves and high intensity tropical cyclones etc.
The whole gamut of these unusual situations has sounded the alarm that the global temperature is increasing at a faster rate than normal. Precisely, Earth, our only home is warming.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humankind has been burning huge quantities of hydrocarbons (coal, oil and natural gas) for the purpose of obtaining motive power, transport, electricity generation etc.
All the processes release carbon dioxide in large quantity into the Atmosphere of the Earth. At the same time, large scale land use changes like deforestation in the name of urbanization, industrialization,
farming, livelihood and other sectoral expansions, also contributed carbon dioxide substantially.
Unfortunately, the huge accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases (GHGs) in the Earth's Atmosphere which is at the highest level in 6,50,000 years, has been found to be the basic cause of Global
Warming. The detailed analysis of the available scientific data has shown that 2oc+ rise cannot be prevented in another 10 (ten) years i.e., 2030.
The projected increase may touch well above 3° C mark in 2050 and it shall be a catastrophe. Understandably, even to face a 2oc rise, numerous adaptation and mitigation strategies are definitely required.
Meanwhile, a global study has also warned that the Climate Change will affect India's North East the most in the world in coming decades. The magnitude of severity of the impacts emerging out of the global warming may however differ from state to state depending upon the geographical realities, mainstay of the general public and level of overall economic development etc. of the state.
Manipur can never be an exception. In this small hilly state, the environment has already deteriorated to a great extent. Large scale deforestation has caused havoc to the ecosystem.
Non functional drainage system and unchecked flow of pollutants including untreated sewage, industrial effluent, pesticides, domestic garbage and plastic item etc have also caused all forms of harm and damage to the bio-resources everywhere.
Many lakes and water bodies have disappeared and water courses have been closed leaving almost all the urban and rural areas under flood like situation during rainy season. Innumerable squatters and encroachers are also instrumental in the menacing and undeterred act. Loktak Lake is perhaps the next target.
In short, man has let the environment down here also. At this critical juncture, the "Climate Change" is also approaching fast to rub salt into the wound. Rather, the present situation of the state shall accelerate the warming and enhance vulnerability.
The threat may turn into deathtrap for all living beings in another thirty years down the line unless we start combating it now through strategic, practical and value added participative management interventions. It is not only the policy makers, planners, scientific community and corporate sector, but also the general public who should immediately respond to the global call and national emergency.
It concerns the future of our planet, our children and our very existence. Therefore, the need of the hour is to chalk-out jointly a pragmatic Integrated Action Plan for all vulnerable sector
taking into considerations the intra sectoral aspects as well as the inter sectoral issues that are interdependent and interdisciplinary and translate it into reality on the ground with proper
monitoring & evaluation before the disaster engulfs our small habitat.
It is our pleasure to inform one and all that the Institution of Engineers (India), Manipur State Centre is organizing a Two Day Seminar on the Theme "Combating Climate Change - An Integrated Action Plan" sometime in August 2019 under the aegis of IEI HQs Kolkata.
Many a number of eminent Scientists, Academician and Engineers who have done extensive studies in their areas of interest of different sectors have appreciated the proposal and also generously expressed desire to present in the seminar highly valued papers that would show the way forward for the state in that critical situation.
Therefore, it is our firm belief that this will be quite a meaningful event and productive too.
* N Shyamsundar Singh wrote this article for The Sangai Express
The writer is Chairman, IEI, Manipur State Centre, Imphal
This article was posted on June 16, 2019 .
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