Achievements of Manipur Forest Department during 2012-2013
- Part 4 -
A.K. Rana *
Bamboo Plantation at Khumji Tamenglong District
Bamboo, sometimes called 'poor man's timber' has now emerged as the timber of the future. Thanks to its low gestation period of 3-5 years, countries from South America to Asia have taken bamboo plantation with a new fillip.
In India, National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was created as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with 100% contribution from the Central Government. In the State of Manipur, the Scheme is being implemented through State Bamboo Steering Committee (SBSC) by seven (7) Forest Development Agencies (FDAs) and Bamboo Development Agency (BDA). FDAs are taking up the activities in Forest areas whereas BDA in non-forest areas of the State.
Principal Secretary (For.&Envt.)is the Chairman of State Bamboo Steering Committee (SBSC) and Principal Secretary/ Commissioner- Finance/ Science & Technology/ RD&PR/ Commerce & industries/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ MAHUD, Special Secretary (For.&Envt.), DDG(NBM), Govt, of India, CBTC Guwahati are the members. Chief Conservator of Forests/ State Mission Director (NBM) is the Member Secretary.
Farmer training at Chandel , Stalls displaying Bamboo products at Sangai Festival 2012
During the year 2012-13, 2000 ha of bamboo plantation was carried out in non-forest areas and a further 1838 ha of existing stock was improved. To give an impetus to awareness of bamboo, training was given to 500 farmers of the state.
b. Besides NBM, some of the other activities taken up by the department outside the plan schemes are RKVY, CAMPA etc.
This Central Sponsored Scheme was taken up to intensify forest management with respect to fire control, strengthening of infrastructures, Consolidation of Forest Boundary/survey & demarcation. IFMS is a central and state share scheme with 90% and 10% respectively. With a total outlay of 278.60 lakhs for the financial the year 2012-13, a total of 595 kms of fire line had been created and another existing 1 50 Kms maintained.
To keep a strict vigil against the occurrences of fire, watchers were engaged at all fire prone areas generating a total of 21300 mandays during the vulnerable period. Four Residential quarters for RFO/Range office, four Residential quarters for Dy. RFO/Beat office and seven barrack type quarters have been constructed during the year.
150 nos of Boundary pillars had been installed to identify and demarcate the various Reserve Forests. Construction of two check gates were also undertaken to facilitate checking of movement of forest produces during the plan period.
The scheme provides funding with the primary objective to ensure scientific management of forests as per the approved Working Plans. Manipur has all its 1 0 territorial Forest divisions covered by its respective Working Plans approved by the Ministry of Environment & Forests. With a total outlay of Rs. 3758 lakhs for the year 201 2-13, the grant is aimed basically for the scientific management of forests under approved working plans of the state with the primary focus to regenerate degraded forest areas with tree plantations.
Some of the salient features of the award are;
a) Artificial Regeneration(Final planting) over an area of 3830 ha under different working circles
b) Aided natural Regeneration(Final planting) over an area of 3205 ha under different working circles
c) Harvesting of 1 800 cum of timber as per approved Working Plans to meet the local demands.
d) Maintenance of Modern Forest Nurseries.
e) Agro-Forestry-Horti plantation over 564 ha under Jhum management Working Circle to help in control of Shifting cultivation.
f) Infrastructure development.
The National Mission for a Green India is one of the eight Missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change(NAPCC). It aims to address key concerns related to climate change in the forest sector, namely, adaptation, mitigation, vulnerability, and ecosystem services.
It also aims to take a broader landscape approach to address the drivers of forest degradation while supporting communities to meet their basic necessities of fodder, fuelwood and livelihood. To meet the above objectives a cell was constituted as per operational guidelines as below.
1. Additional PCCF/FDA - Head of the cell & Cons.
2. CCF/T & P -II - Nodal Officer
3. CF/Western circle - Member
4. DCF/Working Plan - Member
To achieve Bridge Plan proposals during the year, a sum of Rs. 40.50 lakhs was released for the following.
a. JFM outreach
b. Micro-planning
c. Nursery Development
d. Landscape survey
e. Entry point activities/Soil & Moisture Conservation
f. GIM cell
g. Workshop
Concluded ....
* A.K. Rana, IFS, wrote this article for 'Manipur Today' as part of souvenir published on Khongjhom Day 2013 by DIPR, Manipur
The writer is Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Manipur
This article was posted on June 16, 2013.
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