Achievements of Manipur Forest Department during 2012-2013
- Part 2 -
A.K. Rana *
Wildlife Photo Competition, Awareness Lecture, Quiz competition, Essay competition
6. Wildlife Wing: To increase mass awareness among people towards protection and conservation of rare and endangered fauna and flora of the State, 57th State level Wildlife Week was organized during the first week of October 2012 which included display of signage/hoardings for awareness, Wildlife Photo Competition, Awareness Lecture, Quiz competition, Essay competition, Drawing and painting competition for students, radio talk, panel discussion in DDK, distribution of pamphlets, booklets etc.
Wildlife Week celebration 2012 was kicked off at the Forests Head Quarters, Sanjenthong, on 29th September 2012 Imphal with a wildlife photo competition cum exhibition in which more than 100 wildlife photos were exhibited. Photo competition was in two categories- Mammals and Birds. Dr. Anilkumar, IFS, Chief Wildlife Warden, Manipur inaugurated the function and senior
Release of wetland birds census report (Loktak & associate lake) By shri I. Hemochandra Singhm Hon’ble Minister, PHED with Shri AK. Rana, PCCF and Dr. Anil Kumar, Addl. PCCF as a part of inauguration of Wildlife week-2012 celebration.
officers and staffs of the Department, wildlife activists, students, general public, representatives of media etc. were present. Five photographers in each category-Mammal and Birds- were declared as the best wildlife photographers by the juries.
7. Wildlife trade control: The entire stretch of International border with Myanmar and Moreh being the hub of smuggling activities in the region and the Chinese belief in traditional medicine, the trade in illegal animal parts and its derivatives has risen significantly.
A significant case during the year is the seizure of 1 9.70 kgs of Pangolin scales by Central Forest Division. The Pangolin scales have been disposed off by burning after disposal of the case by the concerned CJM.
Illegal trade in Tokay Gecko: This is a recent phenomenon and was first detected officially in Thoubal Division on 26.7.1 2. Seizure of 30 tokay Geckos on 10.10.12 at Waikhong is a landmark in controlling the activities. The culprits were fined Rs. 20,000/- by the court.
Further, there were many seizures of Tokay Geckos by the Assam Rifles, Police Personnel, State Narcotic cell, and the staffs of the Forest and Wildlife wing. The animals were released to its natural habitat after disposal by the concerned CJMs.
The Chief Wildlife Warden in the meanwhile has proposed to the Ministry of Environment and Forests for inclusion of the small lizard, Tokay Gecko to be included in the schedule of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 for legal protection of the species.
Illegal trade in Tokay Gecko
To be continued....
* A.K. Rana, IFS, wrote this article for 'Manipur Today' as part of souvenir published on Khongjhom Day 2013 by DIPR, Manipur
The writer is Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Manipur
This article was posted on June 02, 2013.
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