Drug Awareness & HIV/AIDS Education
Drug Awareness & HIV/AIDS Problems in Manipur
Educating the Mass
Shobha Shukla- ' Any new HIV prevention method is not meant to sit on the shelf but to be used by the people .....'
K Basanta Kumar- ' theme for IDUD 2024 centres on choice and self-acceptance .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' HIV infections in the Latin American countries increased by 9% between 2010 & 2023 .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' The range of options to protect one from HIV is expanding.....'
Shobha Shukla- ' Women & girls are still disproportionately affected with HIV .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' The reality is a mix of YES and NO .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' When we put people first, then we cannot just address one or two issues they face, .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' GAP (Gujarat AIDS awareness and Prevention unit ) .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' The latest data from joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' Debt trap diplomacy has caused countries choke on debt .....'
Bobby Ramakant- ' In 2023, the region of Asia Pacific showed a 13% decline in new HIV infections .....'
Shobha Shukla- 'TAAL (Treatment, Adherence, Advocacy and Literacy) of India .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' Internal stigma (or self-stigma) is real, incisive, & invisible .....'
Bobby Ramakant- ' low- and middle-income countries like Nepal, Cambodia & Thailand in Asia .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' highest number of people who got newly infected with HIV in Asia & Pacific region in 2023 .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' WHO- people with advanced HIV disease are at a very high risk of opportunistic infections & deaths .....'
Bobby Ramakant- ' Asia Pacific region has 6.7 million people living with HIV .....'
Deirdre Ni Cheallaigh- ' It is important to address it effectively to enhance health & social programme outcomes .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' to stop the spread of several infections including HIV & TB .....'
Shobha Shukla-' Our health system seems to be following Gandhiji's Talisman upside down .....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant-' (25th International AIDS Conference, Germany) Affiliated Independent Event on 4th July 2024 .....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant-' 25th International AIDS Conference on AIDS 2024 .....'
Bijenti Irengbam-' Our happiness is dependent on how we approach life & the world around us .....'
Ashem Regina-' In case of Manipur drug abuse has been an issue since the late 80s .....'
Shobha Shukla-' injectable investigational drug Lenacapavir- an injectable form of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) .....'
Shobha Shukla-' 25th International AIDS Conference or AIDS 2024 .....'
-' It is generally regarded that the problem of drug abuse in Manipur dates back to the late 1970s .....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant -' Many of [TB & HIV] programmes are operating in isolation & conflict with each other .....'
Dr Satyavan Saurabh-' increase awareness among public, patients, & healthcare professionals .....'
M Asnikumar Singh-' Manipur's battle against this menace will get even harder .....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant-' Only one-fourth of all nations globally do HIV self-test routinely .....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby R-' 14th National Conference of AIDS Society of India in Delhi (17-19 March 2023) .....'
Dr. Virendra Kumar-' drug addiction is a chronic, relapsing health condition caused by a multitude of factors .....'
Bobby Ramakant-' Asia Pacific Youth Forum: Putting young key populations first to end AIDS by 2030 .....'
Bobby Ramakant-' Several networks of people living with HIV are pouring in support to ongoing indefinite sit-in.....'
Bobby Ramakant-' People's indefinite sit-in continues since a month.....'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby R-' Nalinikanta Raj Kumar, who has spearheaded Community Network for Empowerment (CoNE) .....'
Shobha Shukla-' Dr Rosie Raj Kumari, State Nodal Officer of the National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme, Manipur .....'
Shobha Shukla-' Dr Glory Alexander, founder of ASHA Foundation (Action, Service, & Hope for AIDS Foundation) in Bengaluru .....'
Bobby Ramakant-' interlinkages & key issues including sexual and reproductive health to climate change .....'
Bobby Ramakant-' at a session held at 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) .....'
Bobby Ramakant-' it is vital to ensure that these scientific breakthroughs reach the most-in-need people globally .....'
Shobha Shukla-' A new report, "In Danger", launched by UNAIDS for 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) .....'
Shobha Shukla-' but is surely much wider and deeper than the very essential HIV care services .....'
Shobha Shukla-' Father Teji Thomas is the Director of Snehagram in Karnataka, India .....'
Shobha Shukla-' interview with indigenous peoples leader Doris Peltier ...'
Shobha Shukla-' Citizen News Service spoke to some young people who were born with HIV ...'
Bobby Ramakant-' Indefinite sit-in began on 21st July 2022 outside the offices of India’s AIDS programme ...'
Thounaojam Bonbihari-' "Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises" is the theme for 2022 ...'
Shobha Shukla-' HIV treatment and care could continue during COVID-19 ...'
Luckyson Wairokpam-' mushrooming of mafia kind a illicit racket privatization de–addiction centre ...'
Yambem Laba-' founded & Realize Rehabilitation Centre in Manipur in 2019,f inding a solution to state's drug menace ...'
Shobha Shukla-' 13th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (13th ASICON) in Hyderabad ...'
Shobha Shukla-' 9th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022) ...'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant- 'How will we end hepatitis by 2030? ...'
Khuman Hanglem- 2 part series on Drug Menace in Manipur
Khuman Hanglem- 2 part series on Drug Menace in Manipur
Bobby Ramakant- ' at least 1.5 million new HIV infections occurring globally in 2020 ...'
Bobby Ramakant- ' World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) observed during 18-24 November 2021 ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' Even today 25% of people living with HIV are not on treatment and last year (2020) ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' scientific advances made in the new drug pipeline for HIV treatment ...'
Wada Na Todo Abhiyan- ' menace of drugs in Manipur requires the same high decibel role of the NCB ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' showcases prevention options that are already at our disposal or in various stages of development ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' 11th International IAS Conference on HIV Science (#IAS2021) held virtually from Berlin ...'
Dr Janet Konthoujam- ' makes them vulnerable to sexual violence, unplanned pregnancies & risk of STDs ...'
Maibam Jogesh- ' on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, June 26 2021 ...'
Dr Senjam Gojendra- ' According to National Family Health Survey 2019-20, Manipur ranks third in alcohol consumption ...'
Prof Dr K Shantibala - ' relationship between illicit drug trafficking & drug abuse/addiction ...'
Dr Nelson Loitongbam- ' Healthcare professionals & public should be vigilant & develop strategies ...'
Dr. Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei- ' youngsters (between age 13-17 yrs old) are associated with WY, SP ...'
Sanjoo Thangjam- ' people have many wrong ideas about the treatment of addiction ...'
Sanjoo Thangjam- ' it is responsibility of those working in field of addiction not to simply label person as an addict ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' We have the tools to bring down paediatric HIV transmission rates ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' With only 118 months left to keep the promise of ending AIDS ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' long-acting HIV prevention strategies... to people from diverse communities ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' Not only is community engagement important but also community-led monitoring ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' 2020 World AIDS Day theme of 'Global solidarity, resilient services' ...'
Sanjenbam Jugeshwor- ' present trend of drug menace seems to indicate war on drugs in Manipur is a lost battle ...'
Dr. Mona Nongmeikapam- ' The theme for the 2020 "Better Knowledge for Better Care" ...'
Gay Thongamba- ' some suggestions which may help the Private Rehabilitation Centre ...'
Gay Thongamba- ' emerging risks linked to COVID-19 pandemic for people who use drugs (PUD)...'
Bobby Ramakant- ' reviewing progress Asia Pacific countries have made towards 2020 goals ...'
Gay Thongamba- ' strict directives from the concern department will go a long way in maintaining a safe environment ...'
Dr Sona A Pungavkar- ' Medicinal Cannabis greatly diminishes the side effects of HAART therapy...'
Shobha Shukla- ' all-in-one ARV regimen : 4 ARV medicines (lopinavir, ritonavir, abacavir and lamivudine)...'
Shobha Shukla- ' 20th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa in Kigali, Rwanda ...'
Shobha Shukla- ' 12th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2019) in Chennai...'
Bobby Ramakant- '10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) in Mexico ...'
Bobby Ramakant- " at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019)....'
Drug Rehabilitation Centre’s Union Manipur_Private ' assessment conducted in July, 2019 ....'
Shobha Shukla- ' With countdown on towards TB and AIDS elimination targets for 2030 ....'
Dr. Khomdon Lisam- 2 part series on Manipur State Drug Policy
Shobha Shukla- ' And they both are HIV positive and live life positively ....'
Shobha Shukla- ' 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (#IAS2019) ..'
Dr. Khomdon Lisam- 2 part series on Manipur State Drug Policy
Bobby Ramakant- " in order to eliminate TB in people living with HIV....'
Ranjan K Baruah- ' 26 June is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ...'
Ranjan K Baruah- " World AIDS Day is celebrated around the world on December 1st ....'
Shobha Shukla- " 193 govts have committed to end AIDS by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs ....'
Oinam Nabakishore - " Easy availability of drug is also a main cause for drug abuse and addiction in Manipur....'
Shobha Shukla - " women at the HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P2018) held in Madrid, Spain....'
Shobha Shukla - " India is among 193 countries aiming to end AIDS by 2030 & achieve 90-90-90 targets by 2020....'
Shobha Shukla - " Interview with Mitchell Warren, Executive Director of AVAC at HIVR4P Conference ....'
Dr Ian Hodgson- " civil society space for HIV prevention is diminishing with the introduction of new laws ....'
Dr Ian Hodgson- " Nurses should not be afraid to raise their voices ....'
Shobha Shukla- " at 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) at Amsterdam ....'
Shobha Shukla- " 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) from 23-27th July 2018 at Amsterdam...'
Urmila Chanam- " December 1, 2017, World AIDS Day, theme this time was 'Right to Health'...'
Shobha Shukla- " Indian government promises to achieve global target of 90:90:90, for HIV/AIDS by 2020 ...'
Shobha Shukla- 2 part series with Dr KS Sachdeva - Deputy Director General at the national AIDS programme
Shobha Shukla- 2 part series with Dr KS Sachdeva - Deputy Director General at the national AIDS programme
Shobha Shukla- ' Self-sufficiency is possible to #endAIDS .....'
Shobha Shukla- ' only 14 lakh of estimated 21 lakhs PLHIV in India have been diagnosed..'
Dr Jekyll- ' the intense rush of dopamine that will leave you craving it every waking hour...'
Shobha Shukla- ' HIV-related point-of-care testing can potentially play a major role...'
Sanjoo Thangjam- '..effective drug control mechanism that can guarantee this illicit trade is kept to the minimum''
Shobha Shukla- ' UNAIDS is mobilizing govts/ partners to achieve new set of targets, referred as, '90-90-90 by 2020''
Shobha Shukla- '... but there are evidence-backed actions we can take today to end the epidemic .. '
Shobha Shukla- ' interview given by Nqobile Zungu, and her doctor Dr Samele Madela to CNS.. '
Shobha Shukla- ' that real empowerment is not about giving power, it is about taking power.. '
Shobha Shukla- ' not just to end TB and HIV but also to reduce mortality associated with NCDs.. '
Shobha Shukla- 'hope at XXII Intl AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) self-stigma gets it long overdue attention.. '
Bobby Ramakant- 'Are countries doing accurate size estimates for MSM and transgender populations?.. '
Shobha Shukla- ' AIDS 2016, XXI International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, from 18 to 22 July 2016.. '
Seram Neken- ' high time parents and elders took special care for their wards and siblings by listening.. '
Bobby Ramakant- ' In India, less than 30% of the pregnant HIV+ve women received PPTCT .. '
Samarjit Kambam- '...'admittance' is the most important initial step to the path of recovery... '
Sh Nilica Devi - '... women living with HIV infection can give birth to infants infected with HIV... '
Shobha Shukla - 'Evidence should inform policy ... '
Ranjan K Baruah - '2014 - A message of hope: Drug use disorders are preventable and treatable '
Dr Lisam Shanjukumar Singh - 2 parts series on HIV strains circulating among HIV infected individuals of Manipur
Dr Lisam Shanjukumar Singh - 2 parts series on HIV strains circulating among HIV infected individuals of Manipur
Czadanda Saint - 2 parts series on the children living with HIV/ AIDS
Czadanda Saint - 2 parts series on the children living with HIV/ AIDS
Leishangthem Punshiba- 'let us lead a "Free AIDS Society'', on this World AIDS Day, 1st December. '
Bobby Ramakant- ' Synergy between different streams of HIV prevention is crucial '
Khelsoril Wanbe - ' Thousands of young people have fallen prey to the jaws of drug addiction'
Bobby Ramakant - 'UNAIDS mobilizing govts / partners to achieve new set of targets, 90:90:90 by 2020... '
Bobby Ramakant - 'MSM and transgender people shared their experiences of external and internalized stigma... '
Shobha Shukla - 'India accounts for about 10% of the global burden of HIV-associated TB '
Shobha Shukla - 'HIV Programme is committed to increase its focus on viral hepatitis and HIV co-infection in 2014–2015'
Seram Neken - 'Eating bread pasted with cherry shoe polish has reportedly become latest intoxicant to few..'
Shobha Shukla / Bobby Ramakant - 'extended-safety study of rectal microbicide in Asia-Pacific region has begun in Chiang Mai'
Seram Neken - 'Manipur's unique response towards the epidemic.....'
Shobha Shukla- 'out of 2,100,000 people living with HIV in India, 200,000 were children below 15 years'
Manoj Pardesi- 'I just remembered his one sentence: 'You have AIDS.'
Swapna Majumdar- 'why was it that rate of HIV prevalence among women had not declined despite overall decline'
Bobby Ramakant- 'HBV like HIV presents an elevated risk of occupational exposure to healthcare workers.'
Shobha Shukla- 'No single stand-alone HIV intervention offers a magic bullet.'
Bobby Ramakant -'Do we need to look differently to take stock of India's HIV response over the years?'
Bobby Ramakant -' 6th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2013) at Mumbai...'
Romeo Gangmei -'People living with HIV in India have gained access to life and health insurance...'
Khamlianlal -'... five things we ought to know about HIV/AIDS in India ...'
Taothingmang Luwangcha -'proximity to notorious region- with purest heroin, haven for anyone seeking unlimited fun and pleasure..'
Swapna Majumdar -'11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (11th ICAAP)..'
Sumita Thapar -'Learnings from Project ORCHID's pioneering work on harm reduction in northeast India shows ..'
Bobby Ramakant -' UNITAID mission global launch of largest-ever roll-out of Gene Xpert MTB/RIF machines in Yangon'
Prof E. Bijoykumar reports on 2 day workshop on 'substance abuse among children' on 22 and 23 August 2013
Romeo Gangmei- 'means HIV has spread among general population and reaches even to the most remote areas of Manipur'
Sh Nilica Devi- 'Early diagnosis for HIV-infected newborns can increase the rates for survival by up to 75%'
Samarjit Kambam- 'face the reality that the law makers are the law breakers'
Seram Neken- 'Only a vigilant and strong police force will be able to control the rampant drug trafficking'
Mohammad Imtiyaj Khan- 'more than new law, 1st step is setting up of a tamper-proof mechanism to enhance accountability'
Samarjit Kambam- 'Self-styled use of drugs regardless of advice, prescription or consent of medical practitioner'
Maisnam Bomcha - 'People living as slaves to drugs/alcohol need to be told '
Professor (Dr) Prathap Tharyan - 'Freedom may end at midnight of March 31st 2013'
Ceety Khongsai- 'Materialism with all its vices has excruciatingly profaned the peaceful environment of Sadar Hills'
Puyam Nongdrei - 4 part series on the Drug problem in Manipur and Burma border areas
Puyam Nongdrei - 4 part series on the Drug problem in Manipur and Burma border areas
Puyam Nongdrei - 4 part series on the Drug problem in Manipur and Burma border areas
Seram Neken - 'there is no greater sin than involving in drug trafficking'
Gautam Sharma- 'the hangover-3 would be more extreme called E than usual; and E for 'Ecstacy' is knocking the door'
Puyam Nongdrei - 4 part series on the Drug problem in Manipur and Burma border areas
Bobby Ramakant -'HIV rates among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender community are alarming'
Dr Shoma A Chatterji -'They can lead a protected and normal conjugal life, but should not have any children'
Hijam Joychandra -'Let us pledge to tackle the drug trafficking issues collectively and shackle those involved'
Citizen News Service(CNS) reports on the IHC meeting on 18th December 2012 in Paris
Shobha Shukla- 'we are losing the battle against TB which was discovered in 1882..'
Seram Neken- 'It is time to dwell on quality programmes of prevention and intervention'
Jogesh Maibam - 'in Manipur, the commitments that we are going to take or have taken are hard to materialize'
Common myths about HIV/AIDS
Leishangthem Punshiba- 'stop various social stigma in schools, colleges, society etc. to the HIV infected brothers and sisters'
Bobby Ramakant - 'Collaborative TB HIV services can provide a lifeline to patients!'
Bobby Ramakant - 'In 2013, fight against AIDS in countries and contexts has to regain its urgency to end AIDS'
Rajesh Khongbantabam - 'Exploring the life of drug use from a users perspective'
Shobha Shukla - 'one of the HIV/AIDS prevention methods can be the answer to the problem by themselves'
Bobby Ramakant - '40 studies among heterosexual men, show 60% reduced risk of HIV compared to uncircumcised men'
Shobha Shukla - 'the first vaccine is not expected before 2022'
Shobha Shukla - 'world will observe Global Female Condom Day on Wednesday, 12th September 2012'
A report on AIDS Vaccine 2012
Ishdeep Kohli - 'The delegates of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) vote for female condoms'
Iboyaima - 'MACS is now functioning, more or less, like a Government Department due to inability of its officers'
Shobha Shukla - 'According to latest data, 1 in every 4 deaths among HIV + people occur due to preventable and curable TB'
Shobha Shukla - 'A Global Scientific Strategy Towards an HIV Cure, developed by a group of 34 leading HIV scientists'
Arambam Kapil - 'why Awang BOC holds a significant position ... notorious for only two things: heroin and prostitutes'
Somya Arora - 'risk of HIV infection during unprotected anal sex is 10-20 times greater than unprotected vaginal sex'
Dr. H Diamond Sharma - 'In Manipur, HIV was detected for the first time and officially declared in February 1990'
Bobby Ramakant - 'studies show circumcised men have about a 60% reduced risk of HIV compared to uncircumcised men'
Ngangom Tejkumar -'NDPS Act 1985 has been enforced in Manipur to curb and punish the wrong doers'
Seram Neken -'drug abuse menace almost succeeded in its attempted destruction of young mindset of Manipuris'
Rosul Sagolsem on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed on June 26 2012
Prof W Nabakumar- ' Under what social conditions do they emerge as products of the society?'
Asha Sougaijam & Dr. B. Gururaja provide some useful info on HIV/AIDS
Shobha Shukla- "Lost in Transition: Transgender People, Rights and HIV Vulnerability in the Asia-Pacific Region"
Rosul Sagolsem - 'Stop believing that 'if only he decides, he can always give up drugs''
Maisnam Bomcha - 'Addicts are in no way, lesser people; they are just unfortunate and cornered by circumstances'
Bobby Ramakant - 'Milly Katana at the International Microbicides Conference (M2012) in Sydney'
Seram Neken - 'Let us activate the state government first in order to solve the mis-governance in MACS'
Shobha Shukla - 'legal and social environments that support or hinder programmes'
Shobha Shukla - 'strategies for overcoming legal barriers to HIV prevention and treatment efforts'
Tarun Nongthombam - 'Manipuri society miserably failed its youth during those difficult days'
Manipur Network of Positive People (MNP+) writes on World AIDS Day 2011
Ningthoujam Roshan (Project Manager, SASO-ORCHID, Manipur) writes on World AIDS Day 2011
CRY- Child Rights and You - 'Children living with HIV/ AIDS are most affected by conflict in Manipur'
Thingnam Anjulika Samom - 'Unless the issues of gender equity and violence against women are not addressed'
Seram Neken- 'People with HIV & AIDS and the Legislators have responded with great vigour'
Shobha Shukla describes Two films, "Diamonds" and "In Women's Hands" in the lead up to World AIDS Day
Dr K Priyokumar Singh lays down some facts and figure on AIDS case at JN Hospital, Manipur
Dr K Priyokumar Singh lays down some facts and figure on AIDS case at JN Hospital, Manipur
Bobby Ramakant (CNS) reports from AIDS Vaccine 2011 conference in Bangkok, Thailand
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Shobha Shukla reports from 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP) in Busan
Seram Neken -'Preventive messages for HIV and AIDS control programme have failed to reach the targeted population'
RK Jeermison on the slack dispensing of drugs by pharmacies and other covertly operating agents
Dr. R.B. Thohe Pou - "Nagaland for Christ should not be changed into 'Nagaland for Sex-workers'"
Seram Neken - "beginner abusers of Manipur are switching on to cheap and easily available substances"
Dr. R.B. Thohe Pou on Sex workers in Mokokchung (Nagaland) and the dangerous mix on HIV and AIDS
Surjakanta Ngangom on Children Affected by HIV and AIDS—Health and Happiness for All
Seram Neken - 'People have apparently ignored the potential disaster to be brought about by the unchecked AIDS menace'
Surjakanta Ngangom on World AIDS Orphan Day which falls on seventh May every year.
Sapam Nandiker tells his tale of drug addiction and being an HIV positive.
Sapam Nandiker tells his tale of drug addiction and being an HIV positive.
Seram Neken - we have neither heard nor seen any effective HIV prevention messages in the mass media
Bobby Ramakant - Criminalizing policies forces people to share syringes, inject in dangerous places
"I am POSITIVE that I can stop all discrimination of children affected by AIDS"
Bobby Ramakant - Thailand's AIDS Vaccine study results were promising but there is a very long way to go
An address from "Joint Secretary, IMA, Manipur State Branch" on this day for June 26 2010.
Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol (CADA) reports on this day for June 26 2010.
Bobby Ramakant reports on this danger from M2010 (International Microbicides Conference)
Bobby Ramakant on this posibility on 'HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (18 May)'
Dr Diamond describes Dextropropoxyphen - A component of Spasmo-proxyvon (SP)
Deben Sharma on the state of AIDS in Manipur and wonders "are we missing the target?"
Deke Tourangbam gives a primer on AIDS. drug and Manipur
Bobby Ramakant interviews Dr Badri N Saxena, President of MSI.
K Sarojkumar Sharma says journalists face hard time to discharge their duties
Bobby Ramakant writes on eve of Intl Day against Drug 2009
Dr Jayenta Kumar details on Drug De-addiction Centres in Manipur
Dr W Gulapi Singh discusses Drug Awareness in a pragmatic way
Nameirakpam Samungou discusses MSM and HIV/AIDS in Manipur
Separate messages from Nao-morok & Abo Mangang
Naorem Jiten on the dangerous gap between HIV and Gender
Javed Iqbal on NACO in-effectiveness in fighting AIDS in India.
S. Neken Singh on its relevance in Manipur
CARE Foundation on Drug Substitution Therapy Programme (DSTP)
Sarlima Laishram presents stark statistics of AIDS in Manipur
Ishwar Haobam on the need to address HIV+ children.
Dr. Khomdon Singh Lisam says time for action is today
Dr. Khomdon Singh Lisam on need for political leadership to combat AIDS
Hanjabam Shukhdeba requests for providing IDU count in Manipur
Dr. Khomdon Singh Lisam proposes new laws in combating AIDS.
Dr. Khomdon Singh Lisam proposes new laws in combating AIDS.
Dr. Khomdon Singh Lisam proposes new laws in combating AIDS.
Phutoli S. Chingmark on children living HIV/AIDS.
N Samungou feels Sex Education is the Need of the Hour.
Prithiviraj N's discourses to drug users of Manipur.
Yumnam Siva discusses Hepatitis B.
Dr. Hanjabam Barun discusses safe sex among teenagers.
Thingnam Anjulika Samom takes a look without biases or judgement
Elam Saratchandra Singh dwells on counselling and Testing of HIV
Elam Saratchandra Singh dwells on counselling and Testing of HIV
Elam Saratchandra Singh dwells on counselling and Testing of HIV
S. Joy on NGOs and their success stories.
W Zingkhai says A positive mental attitude & living is necessary.
Nameirakpam Samungou on trinity of Sports, corruption & HIV
Elam Saratchandra Singh on the global AIDS epidemic.
Dr ASK Felix on the need for Health Analysis.
Haobam Nanao describes the perils of female Drug users.
Dr ASK Felix on the role of churches
Dr ASK Felix on the role of churches
Bosen Ch on the role of Positive Brothers
S Neken Singh on the victims of HIV/AIDS epidemic
ICMDA HIV Initiative awards to Dr Biangtung Langkham
Alberto Mangsatabam on the menace that is AIDS
Sanjoo Thangjam provides some answers.
S Neken Singh cries "Save Kamjong from AIDS"
Sanjoo Thangjam on several aspects of Drug/Alcohol Addiction
Alberto Mangsatabam on the AIDS menace in Manipur
Comments by Khundrakpam Muhen on HIV/AIDS
Sanjoo Thangjam on the misconceptions of Drug Abusers.
RK Sarat Singh discuss relation between MSM and HIV.
Dr. Nelson Loitongbam wonders....
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