M.Sc and Ph.D fellowship provided at Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Innovation Cluster (BCKIC)
Last Date :: 13th January 2023
We are happy to inform you that the Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Innovation Cluster Foundation has joined hands with Bayer Company to provide fellowship for the weaker section of the society studying M.Sc and Ph.D. In this regard, i would like to take your help and support in reaching out the information to the people of the region who are in need of such opportunities.
Bayer CropScience Limited in association with the Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Innovation Cluster (BCKIC) Foundation and support from the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India is offering ‘BAYER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM - MEDHA’.
MEDHA provides financial assistance to students from economically weaker sections of society to continue higher studies (Master’s and Ph.D.) in the Life-sciences / Biotechnology / Pharma disciplines.
Who can Apply: Students enrolled in the first year of the Master's/Ph.D. program, and not receiving any other fellowship.
Fellowship Support: A monthly stipend of Rs. 20,000 for the Master's Program and Rs. 40,000 for the Ph.D. Program.
Duration of Fellowship: Two Years for Master's Program and Three Years for Ph.D. Program.
Application Timeline: Last date of Application: 13th January 2023
To know more and apply, visit: www.bckic.in/medha
* This information is sent by Dr. Rajiv Kangabam (Manager -BRTC KIIT-Technology Business Incubator ) who can be contacted at rajiv(AT)kiitincubator(DOT)in
This Post is webcasted on December 28 2022
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