International Mother Language Day-2022 at Arunachal
Date : 21st February, 2022 : Rajiv Gandhi University
Faculty of Languages, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh observed the International Mother Language Day-2022 with a three-day-long celebration which began on 21st February 2022. Prof. Kushwaha inaugurated the event and spoke on the significance of mother language and its role in shaping the mind of a child in the formative years.
Speaking on different aspects and importance of the day, Prof. Amitava Mitra, Pro-Vice Chancellor reiterated the need for celebrating Matri-Bhasha Diwas to promote awareness of multilingualism and cultural diversity.
Prof. Nigamananda Das of Nagaland University, as a guest speaker, discussed the efficacy of mother tongue from a socio-cultural point of view and highlighted the need to promote mother-tongue through textbook writing and teaching.
Prof. Chandan Kumar of Delhi University discussed extensively on the events which led to the declaration of mother language day and the preservation of diverse mother languages for sustaining the linguistic eclecticism of India.
Dr. Suresh Chandra Shukla, the distinguished writer, critic, editor and journalist from Oslo, Norway emphasized on the effective expansion of the scope of mother languages through multi-media. Dr. Bijay Raji, Registrar (i/c) highlighted the importance of the socio-cultural foundations of language vis-à-vis the heterogeneous linguistic cultures that exist in Arunachal Pradesh.
Various activities such as Storytelling, Folk Song Singing, Essay Competition and Lectures in Mother Tongue have been conducted during the three-day-long celebration. A large number of students participated in the aforesaid activities with enthusiasm and keen interest.
The celebration ended with a valedictory programme wherein Dr. Umashankar Pachauri, Chief Secretory Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal touched upon diverse areas concerning language and the importance of safeguarding mother languages.
Prof. Oken Lego, Dean Faculty of Languages, Prof. Bhagabat Nayak, Head, Department of English, Prof. Shyam Shankar Singh, Head, Department of Hindi and all the faculty members of both the departments steered the event to success.
Prof. B. Nayak
Head, Dept. of English
Rajiv Gandhi University
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This Post is webcasted on 25 February 2022
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